Volume XV - Technical Bulletins SPECIAL RUNDOWNS

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Volume XV - Technical Bulletins SPECIAL RUNDOWNS

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Technical Bulletins
Dianetics and Scientology

L. Ron Hubbard


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I will not always be here on guard.
The stars twinkle in the Milky Way
And the wind sighs for songs
Across the empty fields of a planet
A Galaxy away.

You won’t always be here.
But before you go,
Whisper this to your sons
And their sons —
“The work was free.
Keep it so.”


L. Ron Hubbard
Founder of Dianetics and Scientology


Editors Note 1
The “L” Rundowns 2
Purpose Of The L Rundowns 3
Setup 3
Method 6 3
References To L Rundowns 4
L Rundown Chronological 4
The Fabulous L10 7
Prerequisites 7
Assessment Method 7
L10 EP 7
History Of L10 7
Psychosis, More About 8
L Rundowns - Handling Of Evil Intentions 9
Running Intentions 12
L 10 13
Class X Checksheet 14
L 10 Checklist Of Rundown Steps 25
L 10 Full Program 26
L 10 Program Assessment Theory 33
Program Assessment Chart 34
Program Assessment Handling Sheet 35
Considerations Rundown 44
“No Overts” Cases 45
The Character Of Man 47
The Overt-Motivator Sequence 47
The Confessional Procedure 49
L10 Repowered O/W Commands 49
Justification 51
Lessening The Size Of An Overt 52
LTA (Low Tone Arm) Omissions Assessment 53
LTA (Low Tone Arm) Nouns Assessment 55
Extracted Items Handling 56
Purpose S&Ds 57
Motivator Assessment 59
Overt Assessment 62
Others To Others Assessment 65
Self To Self Assessment 68
Multiple Flow Evil Purpose Rundown 71
First Dynamic Nouns 72
Second Dynamic Overts Assessment 73
Second Dynamic Motivator Assessment 74
Sex As A Solution 75
Second Dynamic Nouns 76
Greatest Overt L&N 77
Third Dynamic Overts Assessment 78
Third Dynamic Motivator Assessment 80
Third Dynamic Others To Others Assessment 82
Third Dynamic Self To Self Assessment 83
Enemy Rundown 83
Third Dynamic Nouns 83
Fourth Dynamic Overts Assessment 85
Fourth Dynamic Nouns 86
Mest/Life Assessment 87
Connections Assessment 88
Basic Dynamic Rundown 89
Lie Rundown 90
Seventh Dynamic Assessment 91
Seventh Dynamic Nouns 92
Eighth Dynamic Assessment 93
Eighth Dynamic Nouns 94
Result Assessment 95
Repair Assessment 98
L 11 100
Introduction 101
L 11 Theory 102
L 11 Program 103
High And Low TA Breakthrough 104
Hi-Lo TA Assessment Rules 108
Low TA Assessing 109
37R Procedure Summary 110
Justification 115
C/S Instruction For Justification Step 116
L 11 Expanded 118
L 12 119
Extroversion Rundown Program 120
Repair Assessment For Date/Locates 122
L 12 Identities Assessment 123
Beams Theory 131
Beam Rundown 132
L 12 Repair Assessment 134

The New Vitality Rundown 135
Theory Of The Rundown 136
Two-Way Communication Techniques 136
Two Way Comming Traits 137
Other Two Way Comms 137
End Phenomena 137
Notes On Programming 138
The Bright Think R/D 139
Revivification 140
NED For OTs Series 21 - Revivication 141
The Bright Think Rundown 143
Super Power 152
Introduction To Super Power 153
The Condition Below Confusion 154
8th Dynamic Processes 155
Ethics Repair List 158
The Eighth Dynamic Viewpoint 163
The Actual Super Power Process 164
OT Objectives 165


The materials presented in the volume relate to case actions which are primarily delivered by the Flag Land Base of the Church of Scientology. Security within this organisation is very high and until now very little of the original bulletins has been liberated from this organisation.

The contents of this volume represent the best possible reconstruction of materials relating to many of the case actions perfomed by the above organization. They have been sourced from the memories of people who were trained and operated there and where any original relevant materials exist outside the Church, these are also included.

Until such time as the original bulletins become available, these materials must be accepted and used ‘as-is’. No warranty is given or implied by the provision of this volume. Users accept that they apply these materials as presented at their own risk.

If the original bulletins should become available at a future date then a revision of this volume will be issued which incorporates those bulletins.

The Editor



The L’s were developed as a result of research into the levels above OT VIII. The success of the L’s is startling. These rundowns can handle things that are handled nowhere else. The breakthrough which exists here technically is so strong that it actually cuts through the normal protective mechanisms of the mind. It came actually from the OT Grades. It answers the question - Why does an OT restrain himself and cease to behave as an OT?

Each rundown is designed to terminatedly handle a specific area of a person’s case. The L’s are not grades in themselves but incredible boosters. The basic tech comes from research into increasing OT powers. They’re a special class of rundown; they increase a person’s power and effectiveness. Part of the discovery was that this tech could be used lower down on the Bridge to get people up it faster - very much faster. The L’s address the basics of a thetan’s case directly. They undercut the reactive mind and handle those factors which suppress the capacity to actually Do, Be and Have. They remove those things that can make a person less himself and far less powerful and causative as a thetan. These rundowns are designed to find and erase the basic counter intentions along one’s dynamics. They stabilize a case.

The L’s require an expert to run them. The auditor’s TRs have to be perfect and there is no room for flubs. So don’t audit these rundowns on a pc or preOT until your auditing is flawless.


The Ls are intended to handle out-valence and evil purpose cases. We are handling main areas of resistiveness that are stopping the person from expanding. On L10 we handle the main valences that make him restrain his havingness. On L11 we handle evil purposes that keep him from acting. On L12 we stabilize his certainty of being himself. The 3 Ls roughly divide into Have (L10), Do (L11), and Be (L12).

Our main targets are valences and Evil Purposes. We will gradually make the person realize that they are not him and thereby free him from them. The Ls are tailored to the individual. Every pc might not need all the steps, some pcs need extra steps. Particularly L10 doesn’t have a fixed program, but contains a number of different possible ways of getting items.


In all the “L” Rundowns (L10, L11, and L12) the pc or preOT is fully set up first with a C/S 53 and GF40 expanded if needed.


The L type of assessment is Method 6.

Method 6 is addressed directly to the thetan, not to the bank. The auditor looks directly at the pc and says the question or item. That bypasses bank protective mechanisms.

A question is asked as a question, going up in the end as in regular assessment TRs. However, on most of the L Rundowns we are assessing in a declarative manner. Declarative is when one goes down in pitch rather than up at the end. Going through a list of possible valences we would declare each one directly to the pc with full intention. We are not asking, we are looking for a reaction on that item.

Earlier M6 was done in an accusative manner. That was later revised to be a declarative manner.


ACCELERATION PROCESS, this was an experimental rundown run in 1970-1971. It consisted of running down prior ARC breaks preceding engrams; it was superseded by L-10 and Expanded Dianetics. Mentioned in HCOB 21 Dec 69, Solo Auditing and R6EW. (LRH Def. Notes)

CLASS X, an advanced Scn course available only on Flag. It teaches L-10 OT, an upper level rundown whose basic tech comes from research into increasing OT powers. (CG&AC 75)

CLASS XI, an advanced Scn Course, available to Sea Org auditors only and is taught on Flag. It teaches L-11, the New Life Rundown and L-llX, the New Life Expansion Rundown. (CG&AC 75)

CLASS XII, an advanced Scn course available to Sea Org auditors only and is taught on Flag. It teaches L-12, the Flag OT executive Rundown. (CG&AC 75)

L-10, there are now three L-10s: L-10S for “short,” L-10M for “medium,” for those not yet OT, and L-10-OT for those on OT grades III or above. (LRH OODs Command Item, 17 May 71)

L-10M, the Flag OT Executive Rundown, delivers OT capability to executives being trained on Flag. The technical name of it is “L-10M.” (HCOB 8 Jun 71 II) [Now called L-12 per CG&AC 75.]

L-10-OT, an upper level rundown whose basic tech comes from research into increasing OT powers. (CG&AC 75)

L-12, the Flag OT Executive Rundown. (CG&AC 75) See also L-10M .


HCOB 27 Sept 1966 The Anti Social Personality

Psychosis Research Cases October 1971 to March 1972 (source of L 10)

HCOB 28 Nov 1970 Psychosis

HCOB 28 Dec 1970 L10 Result Assessment

HCOB 18 Jan 1971 L10 1 Motivator List

HCOB 19 Jan 1971 L10 2 Overt List

HCOB 20 Jan 1971 L10 Others To Others

HCOB 22 Jan 1971 The Fabulous L-10

HCOB 1 Feb 1971 L10 2D 1 and 2

HCOB 7 Feb 1971 L10 G Group Approach L10

HCOB 8 Feb 1971 L10 PA (Program Assessment) Handling Sheet

HCOB 25 Mar 1971 How to Extract Items for O/Ws from L10 W/S

HCOB 25 Mar 1971 L10 Prerequisites

HCOB 25 Mar 1971 Re: Auditing Requisite of Auditors Auditing L10
HCOB 27 Mar 1971 Considerations Rundown

HCOB 10 May 1971 F/N Style

HCOB 11 May 1971R Evil Lives

HCOB 11 May 1971 L10 Slows

HCOB 3 June 1971 C/S Series 37R High and Low TA Breakthrough

Tape Recording 7 June 1971 Briefing to Class 10’s AND C/S’s

Tape Recording 12 June 1971 Welcome to the Flag Intern Course

HCOB 15 June 1971 C/S Series 37R Addition Hi-Lo TA Assessment Rules

HCOB 16 June 1971 R C/S Series 37R Addition 2R Low TA Assessing

HCOB 17 June 1971 The L9S Rundown

HCOB 17 June 1971 See HCOB 9 May 1977 Psychosis, More about

HCOB 22 June 1971 End Phenomena of L10S

HCOB 25 June 1971 Major L10 Errors

HCOB 25 June 1971 L10 General Notes

HCOB 26 June 1971 C/S Series 37R Addition 3

HCOB 26 June 1971R Full Lie Rundown

HCOB 26 June 1971 The Connections List

HCOB 27 June 1971 MEST RD Lists

HCOB 27 June 1971 L10 RA (Results Assessment) Handling Sheet

HCOB 27 June 1971R L10 Checklist

HCOB 3 July 1971 Auditing by List (mentions Method 6)

HCOB 17 July 1971 C/S Series 51 Out Of Valence

HCOB 19 July 1971 C/S Series 52 Internes

HCOB 2 Aug 1971 The State of Clear and OT

HCOB 13 Aug 1971 L10 Training Prerequisites

HCOB 14 Sept 1971 Two Way Comm C/Ses for L10

HCOB 14 Sept 1971 L10 Program Assessment

HCOB 15 Sept 1971 Evil Purpose Multiple C/S

HCOB 15 Sept 1971 Greatest O/M (Overt/Motivator) RD C/S

HCOB 15 Sept 1971 Special C/S for L10 RA (Results Assessment) 33

HCOB 15 Sept 1971 Enemy R/D Multiple C/S

HCOB 17 Sept 1971 L10 Repowered O/W Commands

HCOB 17 Sept 1971 Data for Class X

HCOB 18 Sept 1971 Evil Purpose General

HCOB 18 Sept 1971 L10 Style Assessment

HCOPL 23 Oct 1971 Class X Checksheet

HCOB 23 Oct 1971 L10 Drills

HCOB 30 Nov 1971 L10 LTA (Low Tone Arm) Omission List

XDN Tape 1 - 30 March 1972 Expanded Dianetics

HCOB 31 March 1972 Expanded Dianetics Series 1 (first issue)

1 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Case B program started

2 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Case D program started

HCOB 2 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Series 3 L3 EXD Exp Dianetics Repair List

HCOB 3 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Series 2 Clearing Lists and R3R

XDN Tape 2 - 7 April 1972 Expanded Dianetics and Word Clearing

XDN Tape 3 - 7 April 1972 Auditor Administration

XDN Tape 4 - 7 April 1972 Illness Breakthrough

10 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Case C program started

14 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Case A program started

HCOB 15 April 1972 Expanded Dianetics Series 1R (reissued)

HCOB 20 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Series 4 Suppressed PCs and PTS Tech

HCOB 24 April 1972 Exp Dianetics Series 5 PTS Interviews

HCOPL 3 May 1972 Ethics and Executives (Exec. Series 12)

HCOB 10 May 1972 Robotism

HCOB 14 Feb 1975 L10 Prerequisites

HCOB 10 Aug 1976 R/Ses, What They Mean

HCOB 9 May 1977 Psychosis, More about (Excerpted from HCOB 17 June 1971)

HCOB 15 Nov 1978 Dating and Locating


L10 Rundown consists of a series of 23 different actions which address the reasons one withholds oneself or restrains oneself from action; fully handling these factors can increase a person’s reach and power and free the individual into a whole new realm of ability and activity.

L10 is designed to handle the things a thetan uses to restrain himself. The person regains his ability and power to do those things he intends to do and as a result he feels more at cause than ever before. L10 is an action that really releases a person’s power on the third and fourth dynamic. It takes off the stops that hold a person back on these dynamics.

L10 will boost the individual’s confront and responsibility level and consequently raise his doingness level. The alternative name for L10 is The Cause Rundown


L10 is not restricted to only those who have completed OT III.

The only prerequisites to L10 are a complete Expanded Grades and NED Drug R/D. It may not be done in the Non-interference Zone between Grade VI R6EW and OTIII. It may be done after Grade Va, after OT III or after any individual OT level above OT III.


All assessing is done Method 6, the L10 method of assessing a list. You look at the pc or preOT and give him directly every item or question on the list. (Tape recording 7106C12)

L10 EP

Freedom from self-restraint. A person’s reach (havingness) is increased.


In 1970 LRH tested an experimental process called “Acceleration” which consisted of running down prior ARC breaks preceding engrams.

During the period of late 1970 to early 1971, a pilot project called the “PTS Project” was undertaken under the direct supervision of LRH.

The result was a set of case actions which, if done standardly, could result in the release of a thetans’ full potential. These actions were later known as the “L Rundowns”.

For further study of the research line, one should consult the Psychosis Research Cases which were done in late 1970 to early 1971. These case histories should be read and understood as they provide the basis of L10.


The L 10 method of assessing a prepared assessment is called Method 6. You look at the pc and ask him directly every question on the assessment. The reference to this is tape recording 7106C12 of 6 June 1971.

Read the line of the assessment while looking at the pc or read it to yourself and then say it while looking at the pc. The read will occur as an instant read as with Method 3 or 5 or more likely as the pc begins to respond to the assessment line or question. If a read or blow down occurs at either of these points, take up the line or question. If no read or blown down occurs, go to the next line or question.

The R-factor to the pc is: When I say the item (or assessment line) to you please respond with what ever comes to mind first.

Method 6 is NOT barking or shouting the item or line of an assessment at the pc. One says the item or line of an assessment to the pc in a normal inquisitive tone of voice.


All aberration is to a greater or lesser degree nonsurvival.

To be rid of major aberrations is to have a new life.

To understand this one must understand the most severe aberration which is psychosis.

The actual basis of all psychosis is motive. It is NOT competence or incompetence.

Below all psychotic conduct lies an evil purpose.

Because psychiatry and psychology did not have this single technical fact they defined psychosis as “incompetence,” had the wrong target and so could not and never did understand psychosis and were thereby led into atrocities such as shocks and brain surgery. A true psychotic can be brilliant or stupid, competent or incompetent. It is his general motive or purpose that determines whether or not he is insane or sane. Famous psychotics like Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible, Stalin and Hitler were all quite brilliant yet wound up destroying everything in sight including their own people. They had a destructive basic purpose. Every psychotic has one. It is usually covert, hidden, but in full play against his unsuspecting friends.

The sole difference in motive is whether it is destructive or constructive.

Everyone has a basic purpose. The psychotic has a destructive one.

The test of a personality then, is whether the result of a person’s activity is destructive or constructive.

Man is basically good. When he finds he is being too destructive he recognizes he is bad for others and seeks to leave. He will also try to become less powerful, ill or to kill himself.

The progress of psychosis then begins with a belief something is evil. This is followed with an effort to stop it. This stop becomes general. A basic purpose is then formed which contains an evil intent.

The being then goes on from disaster to disaster, seeking overtly or covertly to destroy everything around him.

At a guess about 15% to 25% of living human beings are psychotic and bring covert disaster to those around them and themselves.

The evil purpose is expressed by committing harmful acts and withholding them.

Ordinary overt/withhold processes, as in Grade II Expanded, can handle this condition providing the person can be audited and providing the evil purpose is also brought to view.
About 1/3rd of the psychotics handled in this way recover their sanity fully and lead constructive decent lives. Two-thirds are either so far gone or irresponsible hard to audit that they improve but are of little use.

Those already subjected to the brutalities of psychiatric “treatment” or psycho-logical “counseling” are the most difficult.

Those who have been on drugs, particularly LSD 25 as developed by psychiatry “so their nurses would be able to experience what being insane feels like” around 1950, are very difficult cases.


According to theory, an R/S signifies overts and an underlying evil purpose.

The evil purpose precedes the overts and thus in order to fully blow the charge on the overts it is necessary to locate the evil purpose and get the charge off it. Sometimes it is necessary to get off the later overts and withholds in order to unburden the underlying purpose enough so that it can be found.

An evil purpose may simply pop into view or the pc will spot what it is when asked for it or it can be listed for. Finding an evil purpose is quite easy if there is one available to be found. (Some auditors or pcs may have had difficulty in the past in trying to find evil purposes. This is mentioned because a common reason for such difficulty was trying to find evil purposes when none existed.)

Often it is only necessary to find what the evil purpose is in order to discharge it. Sometimes the evil purpose needs to be date/located. A relatively unknown datum is that an evil purpose is preceded by out ruds, usually heavy ARC breaks. If an evil purpose doesn’t blow on date/locate, flying the prior out ruds, will blow it.

In earlier rundowns the subject of R/Ses and evil purposes became overly complicated and confused due to out tech and misapplication of tech. There are several reasons for this which should be covered here. To start with, many persons were accused of being evil or of having evil or hidden motives. Next, heavy emphasis on sec checking and on incorrect “justice” actions often resulted in persons being falsely accused of having “R/Sed” or of “having evil purposes.” The practice of culling pc folders for statements that had previously R/Sed and then trying to “turn the R/S back on” or using these statements to list from to find an evil purpose very often led to pcs trying to find a non-existent evil purpose or being convinced that they must have an evil purpose. (Using culled statements from a pc folder has the liability that the statement and subject are probably no longer charged. Yet much sec checking and expanded dianetics was based on using such statements.)

The charge in such instances was on the buttons of invalidation, evaluation, accusation and wrong indications. Yet the BPC on those buttons was subject to another misinterpretation - it made it appear that because there was BPC, there must be overts or evil intentions. Pcs and auditors could easily assume that because it was so hard to find these evil intentions, they must be very hard to find and very hidden. But an evil purpose, like any other item in the bank, if it exists and is available to be run can be easily found and run!

Some BTs and clusters have an evil purpose which needs to be confronted and discharged before it can respond to the valence technique. Sometimes the BT blows on recognizing its evil purpose. If not, one then does the valence technique as usual.


This method is not recommended. It is mentioned here so that you know of it. It consists of culling “R/S statements” from the pc’s folders, then using these statements to try to “turn the R/S back on,” find the BT/cluster that it read on and then find that BT/cluster’s evil purpose.

There are several liabilities to this. The original “R/S” notation may be false because the auditor didn’t know what an R/S looked like or had a faulty meter, faulty leads or the pc was wearing rings. The “R/S statement” may no longer be charged because whatever charge there was (and any BT/cluster) blew during the session in which the statement was made or in a subsequent session. (Much experience with the attempted use of “culled R/S statements” and “culled evil purposes” in sec checking and expanded dianetics has shown that such statements usually are not charged and at best result in protest or boredom on the pc’s part.) Another point is that due to the high degree of suggestibility of BTs and clusters, the suggestion that these statements are charged and are connected to evil purposes can cause BTs/clusters to mock up wrong items. Finally, the method of culling these past statements and attempting to use them was not done during the original research of this level, nor were the research preOT’s past folders consulted (nor were those folders available). So it “culling folders” is a purely theoretical, untested method. It had very poor results later when used on other preOTs.

Others may argue that not having all the pc’s past folders and not culling them and using those statements is “not standard” and that “R/Ses could be missed.” When using culled statements and past folders is what is actually non-standard!


1. A) 2WC for areas of the preOT’s life that he or she has difficulty with or that the preOT would like to be able to handle better or that the preOT feels hostile or antagonistic towards. Note charged areas.

B) “On______________(the reading area/subject) is there a BT or cluster with a (an):___________”

a) withhold?
b) overt?
c) missed withhold?
d) service facsimile?
e) harmful intention?
f) failed evil purpose?
g) evil purpose?
h) undisclosed impulse?
i) missed evil intention?
j) succumb postulate?
k) something missed?

Indicate the item if a purpose.

2. Start by doing an assessment of subjects belonging to the various dynamics. The auditor should add any specific subjects relating to the preOT. The following assessment is given as an example:

Preface with: Difficulty with_______ and assess method 5.

person’s name
an identity
living things
physical universe
the environment
the church
spiritual phenomena
spiritual power

B) Handle as given in B) above.

3. If an R/S turns on during an OT III or above session, one would normally simply continue the action one was doing. If the BT/cluster doesn’t respond to the valence technique, ask if it has an evil purpose. You might have to pull overts or withholds until it can spot the evil purpose. If the evil purpose doesn’t readily come off, have the preOT ask the BT/cluster “What evil purpose have you had?” (L & N). Then either the BT or cluster will blow or you return to valence technique.

4. You can date/locate clusters, checking for an earlier mutual incident and date/locating that and so on down to basic. Then handle any remaining BTs with the valence technique. A malevolent BT/cluster will usually need it’s evil purpose found before date/locating can be done.

In handling these subjects and areas above remember that man is basically good and that will help to avoid errors of the past!


For Preclears, intentions are run R3R. Check interest first to make sure it hasn’t already blown because it was an LFBD F/N item from listing. If OK to run, clear and check for a read:

“Is there an incident containing the intention to___________?”

If it reads ask:

“Locate an incident containing the intention to___________?”

Now run 2-9, A-D of R3R to determine which flow the PC has found. If you have to go earlier, which you almost always will, state the flow in the “earlier” command:

“Is there an earlier incident where you took the intention to ___________?”

This is if the Preclear had landed himself in Flow 1 on the first command. If the Preclear has landed in a Flow 2, 3 or 0, give the earlier command for that flow. Run this to Basic, VGI’s, Cog, F/N and Postulate. Now check Flow 2 for a read and run it if it reads. Follow up with Flow 3 and 0.

F1 Locate an incident where you took the intention to___________.

EF1 Is there an earlier incident when you took the intention to___________?

F2 Locate an incident when you caused another to take the intention of___________.

EF2 Is there an earlier incident when you caused another to take the intention of __________?

F3 Locate an incident when another caused another or others to take the intention of___________.

EF3 Is there an earlier incident when another caused another or others to take the intention of ___________?

F0 Locate an incident that caused you to have the intention of ___________ toward yourself.

EF0 Is there an earlier incident that caused you to have the intention of ___________ toward yourself?


F0 Locate an incident where you caused yourself to have the intention of ___________ towards yourself.

EF0 Is there an earlier incident when you caused yourself to have the intention of ___________ towards yourself?

All these Flows are checked for reads and if reading are run R3R to F/N, VGI’s, Cognition, Postulate and Erasure. This should handle the intention. If not, do an L4 on the original intention list and then an L3 on the R3R.

L 10

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Flag Only
Class X Only

Only a full Class X
may type or run off
L-10 lists or materials




NAME:____________________________DATE STARTED: ___________________

ORG: _____________________________DATE COMPLETED:_________________

This course may be taught only in an official Org which is qualified and specifically authorized to teach it.

Pre-requisite is successful completion and Internship of all levels up to and including Class IX.

Full completion of this checksheet including the auditing requirements entitles the student to the award of Class X Certificate.

Note: Students must be twinned in pairs. They remain twins for course study, Method 2 Word Clearing and for co-audit of the L-10 processes to L10 completion.

The skills of a Class X Auditor lie in flubbless TRs, Two Way Comm, Metering, Comm Cycle, understanding and application of the Overt Motivator Sequence, and perfect assessments. Therefore this checksheet specifically covers these aspects before the student begin the L-10 section itself. Other actions required in setting up a pc for L-10 are fully covered in previous levels and are not part of this course.

This checksheet must be done in sequence, star-rated once through except Sections 7 & 8 (the actual L-10 materials) which are zero rated once through both sections and then word cleared Method 2 then star-rated.



1. HCOPL 15 June 1970 Keeping Scientology Working _________

2. HCOPL 16 Apr 1965 The Hidden Data Line _________

3. HCOPL 19 Apr 1965 Ethics Training & Processing Regulations _________

4. HCOPL 27 May 1965 Processing _________

5. HCOPL 22 Nov 1967 Out Tech _________

6. HCOPL 23 July 1969 Auditor Assignment Policies _________
7. HCOPL 4 Feb 1970 PC Application for Major Actions _________

8. HCOB 4 Feb 1970 PC Application for Major Actions _________

9. HCOB 28 Apr 1971 Okays to Audit in HGCs _________

10. HCOPL 31 May 1968 Auditors _________

11. HCOPL 14 Oct 1968 The Auditors Code _________

12. HCOPL 2 Nov 1968 Additions to Auditors Code _________


1. HCOPL 1 July 1965 Ethics Chits _________

2. HCOPL 5 Apr 1965 The Basis of Insanity _________

3. HCOPL 7 Aug 1965 Suppressive Person, Main Characteristics _________

4. HCOB 28 Jan 1966 S&D Data, How a Suppressive Becomes
One _________

5. HCOPL 1 Oct 1967 Uses of Orgs _________

6. HCOPL 27 Oct 1964 Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and
Potential Trouble Sources _________

7. HCOPL 26 Oct 1970 Institutional and Shock Cases
Posting of Bonds _________

8. HCOPL 16 May 1970 Institutional and Shock Cases
Petitions from _________

9. HCOPL 14 Dec 1970 Institutional and Shock Cases
Petitions from Legal _________

10. HCOPL 12 July 1971 Parent or Guardian Assent Forms _________


1. HCOB 23 May 1971 The Magic of the Comm Cycle _________

2. HCOB 23 May 1971 The Two Parts of Auditing _________

3. HCOB 23 May 1971 The Three Important Communication Lines _________

4. Demonstrate in Clay (a) Itsa _________

(b) The Itsa Maker Line _________

5. HCOB 23 May 1971 Comm Cycles Within the Auditing Cycle _________

6. HCOB 14 Aug 1963 Lecture Graphs _________

7. HCOB 5 Nov 1965 Lecture Graphs _________

8. HCOB 23 May 1971 The Communication Cycle in Auditing _________
9. Demonstrate in Clay (a) Communication _________

(b) The Auditing Comm Cycle _________

10. HCOB 23 May 1971 Auditor Failure to Understand _________

11. Demonstrate in Clay (a) The Mechanisms of Invalidation _________

(b) The Mechanics of Evaluation _________

12. HCOB 23 May 1971 Premature Acknowledgements _________

13. HCOB 5 Feb 1966 Letting the PC Itsa _________

14. Demonstrate in Clay (a) What happens if the auditor lets
the pc talk on and on _________

(b) Premature Acknowledgement and
what causes it _________

15. HCOB 23 May 1971 Comm Cycle Additives _________

16. HCOB 23 May 1971 Recognition of Rightness of the Being _________

17. HCOB 8 Mar 1962 The Bad Auditor _________

18. HCOB 12 Feb 1966 The Dangerous Auditor _________

19. HCOB 4 Aug 1963 E-Meter Errors: Comm Cycle Error _________

20. HCOB 1 Oct 1963 How to Get Tone Arm Action _________

21. HCOB 8 Oct 1963 How to Get TA, Analysing Auditing _________

22. HCOB 25 Nov 1963 Dirty Needle _________

23. HCOB 3 Aug 1965 Auditing Goofs, Blowdown Interruption _________

24. Demonstrate in Clay (a) What makes the TA move _________

(b) What causes a dirty needle _________

25. HCOB 25 June 1970 Fishing a Realization _________

26. HCOB 10 July 1970 2-Way Comm - A Class III Action _________

27. HCOB 3 July 1970 C/Sing 2 Way Comm _________

28. HCOB 6 Nov 1964 Styles of Auditing _________

29. HCOB 30 Apr 1969 Auditor Trust _________


1. 27 July 1954 Two Way Comm and the PTP _________

2. 6 Oct 1954 Two Way Comm _________

3. 22 Oct 1954 Two Way Comm _________

4. 1 Nov 1954 Two Way Comm _________
5. 29 Nov 1954 Two Way Comm _________

6. 14 Aug 1963 Auditing Tips _________

7. 15 Aug 1963 The Tone Arm _________

8. 20 Aug 1963 The Itsa Line _________

9. 21 Aug 1963 The Itsa Line _________

10. 16 Oct 1963 The Itsa Maker Line _________

11. Demonstrate in Clay (a) The Mechanics of Two Way Comm _________

(b) Over restimulation _________

(c) Under restimulation _________


1. HCOB 17 Apr 1961 Training Drills Modernized _________

2. HCOB 16 June 1971 Rapid Tr - 2 _________

3. HCOB 7 May 1968 Upper Indoc TRs _________

4. HCOB 16 Nov 1965 Commands for Upper Indoc TRs _________

5. HCOB 12 Jan 1959 Tone of Voice - Acknowledgement _________

6. HCOB 26 Apr 1971 TRs and Cognitions _________

7. HCOB 20 Feb 1970 Floating Needles and End Phenomena _________


TR - 0 _________ TR - 4 _________

TR - 1 _________ TR - 6 _________

TR - 2 _________ TR - 7 _________

TR - 2 RAPID _________ TR - 8 _________

TR - 3 _________ TR - 9 _________


1. HCOB 1 Nov 1968 Overt - Motivator Definitions _________

2. Demonstrate in Clay (a) An Overt _________

(b) A Motivator _________

3. HCOB 18 Dec 1957 Psychosis, Neurosis, and Psychiatrists _________

4. HCOB 17 May 1958 Beingness Again _________

5. HCOB 17 Dec 1958 Basic Postulate of Overt Motivator
Sequence _________

6. HCOB 7 May 1959 New Process theory _________

7. HCOB 23 Dec 1959 Responsibility _________

8. HCOB 21 Jan 1960 Justification _________

9. Demonstrate in Clay (a) Withhold _________

(b) The Overt Motivator Sequence _________

(c) The Mechanics of Justification _________

10. HCOB 4 Feb 1960 Theory of Responsibility Processing _________

11. HCOB 4 Feb 1960 Overt Manifestations on a Low Toned
Case _________

12. HCOB 18 Feb 1960 How to Run O/W and Responsibility _________

13. Demonstrate in Clay (a) Responsibility _________

(b) Why a thetan restrains himself _________

(c) How O/W works _________

14. HCOB 25 Feb 1960 Scientology Can Have a Group Win _________

15. HCOB 9 June 1960 The Basic Assumptions _________

16. Demonstrate in Clay (a) The mechanics of Out - of - Valence _________

17. HCOB 13 Aug 1962 Rockslams and Dirty Needles _________

18. HCOB 7 Dec 1964 PTPs, Overts and ARC Breaks _________

19. HCOB 4 Apr 1965 ARC Breaks and Missed Withholds _________

20. HCOB 29 Sept 1965 The Continuous Overt Act _________

21. HCOB 30 June 1967 Evidences of an Aberrated Area _________

22. HCOB 6 June 1969 Prediction and Consequences _________

23. HCOB 31 Dec 1959 Blow offs _________

24. HCOB 31 Jan 1970 Withhold, Other Peoples _________


1. 6001C01 SMC - 1 Opening Lecture _________

2. 6001C01 SMC - 2 Responsibility _________

3. 6001C01 SMC - 3 Overts and Withholds _________

4. 6001C02 SMC - 4 A 3rd Dynamic in Scientology _________

5. 6001C02 SMC - 5 Marriage _________

6. 6001C02 SMC - 6 Group Processing _________

7. 6001C03 SMC - 7 Zones of Control, Rsponsibility _________

8. 6001C03 SMC - 8 Create and Confront _________

9. 6001C03 SMC - 9 Your Case _________

10. 6102C09 Illness, Insanity and Axiom 2 _________

11. 6102C10 Procedure, Duplication and What People
Do _________

12. 6102C16 Machinery and Games Thetans Play _________

13. Write and essay on relationship of O/W sequence to Insanity,
Valences and Cause Level _________


1. HCOB 26 Oct 1970 Obnosis and the Tone Scale _________

2. HCOB 19 June 1970 C/S Series No. 8
Chart of Human Evaluation _________

3. Chart Chart of Human Evaluation _________

4. HCOB 18 Sept 1971 Scales _________

5. HCOB 25 Sept 1971 Tone Scale in Full _________

6. HCOB 29 July 1964 Good Indicators at Lower Levels _________

7. HCOB 26 Apr 1969 Bad Indicators _________

8. HCOB 28 Feb 1959 Analysis of Cases _________

9. Demonstrate in Clay How auditing affects Tone Level _________

10. Drill: Walk around the Org. Observe and talk briefly to 10 people individually. Spot their tone levels and note down their manerisms and characteristics by which you ascertained their levels.


1. E - Meter Essentials Section F, The Needle _________

2. HCOB 14 Jan 1963 Rings Causing Rock Slams _________

3. HCOB 21 Jan 1964 Breath and Body Action _________

4. HCOB 5 Oct 1968 ARC Break Needle _________

5. HCOB 7 Oct 1968 ARC Break Needle _________

6. HCOB 28 Feb 1971 Meter Reading Items _________

7. HCOB 14 Mar 1971 F/N Everything _________
8. HCOB 23 May 1971 Metering _________

9. HCOB 24 Oct 1971 False TA _________

10. HCOB 10 Dec 1965 E-Meter Coaching _________

11. HCOB 16 June 1971 Advanced E-Meter Drills _________

E-METER DRILLS (per Book of E Meter Drills)

EM Drill 11 ________ EM Drill 12 _________

EM Drill 13 ________ EM Drill 14 _________

EM Drill 15 ________ EM Drill 16 _________

EM Drill 17 ________ EM Drill 18 _________

EM Drill 19 ________ EM Drill 20 _________

EM Drill 21 ________ EM Drill 23 _________

EM Drill 24 ________ EM Drill 27 _________

Advanced E Meter Drill No. 2 (Per HCOB 16 June 1971) _________


1. HCOB 22 Jan 1971 The Fabulous L-10 _________

2. HCOB 25 Mar 1971 Re: Auditing Requisite of Auditors
Auditing L10 _________

3. HCOB 13 Aug 1971 L10 Training Prerequisites _________

4. HCOB 19 July 1971 C/S Series 52 Internes _________

5. HCOB 25 Mar 1971 L10 Prerequisites.
Setting Up a Pc for L10s _________

6. HCOB 27 Sept 1966 The Anti Social Personality _________

7. HCOB 28 Nov 1970 Psychosis _________

8. HCOB 17 Sept 1971 Data for Class X _________

9. HCOB 17 July 1971 C/S Series 51 Out Of Valence _________

10. Demonstrate in Clay (a) Psychosis _________

(b) The Anti Social Personality _________

(c) How an SP Becomes One _________

11. HCOB 10 May 1971 F/N Style _________

12. Demonstrate in Clay (a) What Stops an F/N _________

(b) What Happens if Each Item is Not
Taken to F/N in L10 _________

13. HCOB 18 Sept 1971 L10 Style Assessment _________

14. Demonstrate in Clay (a) L10 Style assessment _________

15. HCOB 11 May 1971 L10 Slows _________

16. Demonstrate in Clay (a) The effect of L10 on an improperly
set up case _________

(b) The effect of slow TR-2 in L10 _________

(c) The mechanics of a lie _________

(d) The effect of auditing over an evil life _________

17. HCOB 25 June 1971 Major L10 Errors _________

18. HCOB 25 June 1971 L10 General Notes _________

19. HCOB 25 Mar 1971 How to Extract Items for O/Ws
from L10 W/S _________

20. HCOB 17 Sept 1971 L10 Repowered O/W Commands _________

21. HCOB 11 May 1971R Evil Lives _________

22. HCOB 22 Sept 1966 Clear and OT _________

23. HCOB 2 Aug 1971 The State of Clear and OT _________

24. HCOB 22 June 1971 End Phenomena of L10s _________

25. WORD CLEARING Word Clear Method 2 on all HCOBs
in this Section _________

26. Demonstrate in Clay (a) What is acheived by L10 _________

NOTE: The student should have completed his own L10 as a case before proceeding with section eight.


( The materials of this section constitute the “L10 Pack” one of which is issued for each Pc.)

1. HCOB 27 June 1971R L10 Checklist _________

2. Important Note _________

3. Instruction Sheet _________

4. Applicant for L10 Form _________

5. Auditor C/S Attest Form _________

6. HCOB 27 Mar 1971 Considerations Rundown _________

7. HCOB 14 Sept 1971 Two Way Comm C/Ses for L10 _________
8. HCOB 26 June 1971R Full Lie Rundown _________

9. HCOB 14 Sept 1971 L10 Program Assessment _________

10. HCOB 8 Feb 1971 L10 PA Handling Sheet _________

11. HCOB 18 Jan 1971 L10 1 Motivator List _________

12. HCOB 19 Jan 1971 L10 2 Overt List _________

13. HCOB 18 Sept 1971 E/Purpose General _________

14. HCOB 20 Jan 1971 L10 Others To Others _________

15. HCOB 30 Nov 1971 L10 LTA Omission List _________

16. HCOB 15 Sept 1971 E/Purpose Multiple C/S _________

17. HCOB 15 Sept 1971 Greatest O/M RD C/S _________

18. HCOB 15 Sept 1971 Enemy R/D Multiple C/S _________

19. HCOB 1 Feb 1971 L10 2D 1 and 2 _________

20. HCOB 7 Feb 1971 L10 G Group Approach L10 _________

21. HCOB 27 June 1971 MEST RD Lists _________

22. HCOB 27 June 1971 MEST RD Lists _________

23. HCOB 28 Dec 1970 L10 Result Assessment _________

24. HCOB 27 June 1971 L10 RA Handling Sheet _________

25. HCOB 15 Sept 1971 Special C/S for L10 RA 33 _________

26. HCOB 26 June 1971 The Connections List _________

27. Final Instructions _________

28. Word Clear Method 2 on the materials of this section _________

DRILLS: (Per HCOB 23 Oct 1971 L10 Drills)

1. TR X-1 (a) 2W/C ____ 2. TR X-2 (a) L10 Style Assessment ____

(b) ____ (b) ____

3. TR X-3 (a) 6W O/W ____ 4. TR X-4 (a) Consideration R/D ____

(b) ____ (b) ____

5. TR X-5 (a) Lie R/D ____ 6. TR X-6 (a) L10 PA ____

(b) ____ (b) ____

7. TR X-7 (a) L10 Lists ____ 8. TR X-8 (a) L10 LTA ____

(b) ____ (b) ____

9. TR X-9 (a) L10 2D 2 ____ 10. TR X-10 (a) E/Purp ____
(b) ____ (b) ____

11. TR X-11 (a) E/Purp Mul ____ 12. TR X-12 (a) Enemy R/D ____

(b) ____ (b) ____

13. TR X-13 (a) Great O/M ____ 14. TR X-14 (a) Life R/D ____

(b) ____ (b) ____

15. TR X-15 (a) MEST R/D ____ 16. TR X-16 (a) Connections R/D ____

(b) ____ (b) ____

17. TR X-17 (a) E/Purp Mul ____

(b) L10 RA ____


A thorough knowledge of all the materials of this course is essential to the C/Sing of L10. In addition, the following are relevant.

1. HCOB 23 Aug 1971 Auditors Rights _________

2. HCOB 16 June 1970 What the C/S is Doing _________

3. HCOB 19 June 1970 Chart of Human Evaluation _________

4. HCOB 3 July 1970 C/Sing 2W/C _________

5. HCOB 21 Aug 1970 Session Grading _________

6. HCOB 26 Aug 1970 Session Grading _________

7. HCOB 8 Oct 1970 Persistent F/N _________

8. HCOB 28 Nov 1970 Psychosis _________

9. HCOB 28 Feb 1971 Metering Reading Items _________

10. HCOB 6 Mar 1971 Long C/Ses _________

11. HCOB 31 Mar 1971 Programming & Misprogramming _________

12. HCOB 26 May 1971 Mixing Major Actions _________

13. HCOB 21 Oct 1971 Intensive Programs _________

14. HCOB 9 June 1971 Complete Cycles _________

15. HCOB 19 June 1971 C/S Rules _________

16. HCOB 19 June 1971 Declares _________

17. HCOB 20 June 1971 The Supreme Test of a C/S _________

18. HCOB 17 July 1971 Out of Valence _________

19. HCOB 29 Mar 1970 Auditing and Ethics _________
I attest that I have completed the above checksheet and that I understand and can apply the materials:



Student has passed L10 written exam 100%

(Student Examiner)


LRH: ojr; rs
Copyright © 1971
By L. Ron Hubbard


0. Clear auditor. _____
00. C/S 53. _____
000. R-factor on procedure. _____
01. Program Assessment. _____
02. Considerations Rundown. _____
03. Consideration General. _____
04. “No Overts” Case Handling. _____
05. The Character of Man. _____
06. Lessening the Size of an Overt. _____
07. LTA Omissions Assessment. _____
07a. LTA Omissions Nouns. _____
08. Extracted Items Handling. _____
09. Purpose S&D. _____
10. Motivator Assessment. _____
11. Overt Assessment. _____
12. Flow 3 Assessment. _____
13. Flow 0 Assessment. _____
14. Multiple Evil Purpose Rundown. _____
15. First Dynamic Nouns. _____
16. Second Dynamic Assessment 2D-1. _____
17. Second Dynamic Assessment 2D-2. _____
18. Sex as a Solution. _____
19. Second Dynamic Nouns. _____
20. Greatest Overt. _____
21. Third Dynamic Assessment 3D-1. _____
22. Third Dynamic Assessment 3D-2. _____
23. Third Dynamic Assessment 3D-3. _____
24. Third Dynamic Assessment 3D-0. _____
25. Enemy Rundown. _____
26. Third Dynamic Nouns. _____
27. Four Dynamic Assessment. _____
28. Fourth Dynamic Nouns. _____
29. MEST/Life Assessment. _____
30. Connections Assessment. _____
31. Basic Dynamic Rundown. _____
32. Lie Rundown. _____
33. Seventh Dynamic Assessment. _____
34. Seventh Dynamic Nouns. _____
35. Eighth Dyanamic Assessment. _____
36. Eight Dynamic Nouns. _____
37. Result Assessment. _____



Clear the auditor: “Look at me; who am I?” - repetitively to EP.

STEP 00. C/S 53

R-factor: “We need to make sure you’re all set up for this, so we’ll assess a C/S 53 and take it to EP.”

Assess C/S 53 and handle.

If a C/S 53 is not done, at least, be sure that the preclear’s or preOT’s ruds are in before beginning Step 01.


R-factor on the procedure: I am going to ask you each question. You may respond to the question and talk as long as you wish. The question is only taken up further if it reads and you are interested in the subject.

Ask the 1st question on the Program Assessment (Method 6, looking at the pc) with good impingement. Allow the pc to itsa while watching for reads on the meter.

If there is a read or reads while the pc talks about the first statement (enforcing communication on you), do the quad 2 w/c questions from the Program Assessment Handling Sheet.

If this is a hot area and you are doing the rundown on a PreOT or pc who can handle L&N, clear and list the L&N question (W/W would enforce communication on another?). List to one item and if it is a terminal, do the following procedure:

1. What does a_________do?
2. What does a_________withhold?

This unburdens the item so that now the intention can be listed.

L&N: What would be the basic intention of a________?

If the intention is good:

2WC: What progress have you made on the intention_______?

If the intention is evil or destructive:

For Pcs:

Run the intention R3R Quad per the Expanded Dianetics instructions for running intentions.

For PreOTs:

Check for ownership: Yours, a BTs, A Clusters, anothers?

Yours: Quad Recalls or D/L

If the intention turns out to be also a righteous computation (ser fac item), one could first run:

1. What does_______get a person into?
2. What does_______get a person out of?
3. How does_______help a person to win?
4. How does_______make others lose?
5. How does_______help a person to be powerful?
6. How does_______make others weak?
7. What is right about_______?
8. How could you use_________to make others wrong?

(If it turns out to be just a righteous comp and not an ev purp, one could just do the RC process.)

BT: Run the BTs intention chain to EP to a blow. If no blow, then Inc II/Inc I or NOTs handling to a blow if needed.

Cluster: Assess the Type of Incident Assessment to get the incident that formed the intention, date it, locate and run it if necessary earlier similar to a blow. If no blow, then stardard OT III or NOTs cluster handling to a blow.

If another’s: Locate who it is and handle as a BT above.

Now ask the next question on the Program Assessment and repeat the above procedure.


Ask pc: “What considerations have you had concerning ____ ?” 2 WC to F/N.
If no F/N: “Is there an earlier time when you had considerations about_____?”

Take up each question of the Considerations Assessment and handle as above.


Ask pc: “Are there any other considerations that you have had and were unable to express?” “Any other considerations that you haven’t mentioned?”

Clean up any out ruds as they show up.

Ref: HCO Bulletin of 22 OCTOBER 1970 Issue II “NO OVERTS” CASES

Occasionally you run into a case that “has never committed any overts.” Such a person might, for example, never seem to have anything on F2. The proper way to do a Return (Progress) on this is GRADIENT SCALES, discussion of what a harmful act would be, who could be harmed. You’ll find a kooky fixed idea like “thetans cannot be hurt” or “overts are their own fault,” etc.

Thoroughly clear the word “harm.”

2 w/c “How do you feel about the subject of harm?” to F/N (E/S if needed) and “What would harm somebody?” or “What would be a harmful act?”

Also 2 w/c “Who could be harmed?” If any out ruds show up, handle to F/N. The above 2 w/c questions can act as L&N questions. So handle by getting the item or correct with an Short L4.

Thoroughly clear the word “character.”

2 w/c “Tell me about the character of Man” (to F/N)


Thoroughly clear the word “overt.”

Have pc read “Justifications” bulletin and then 2wc “Tell me about lessening the size of an overt.”


Thoroughly clear the word “consequences.”

Ask each question on the list and when the pc has answered it ask: “What were the consequences of that?”



If a person or thing keeps coming up as an item on the above assessments, do Quad Ruds and Overts on that person or thing. Then run “Can’t Have/Enforced Have” (4 Flows) on it. Also the following 6 way O/W can be used:

1. Recall something_______has done to you?
2. Recall something you have done to_______?
3. Recall something_______has done to another or others?
4. Recall something another or others have done to_______?
5. Recall something_______has done to himself/herself?
6. Recall something you have done to yourself because of_______?

This step is repeated at the end of any step whenever you have accumulated more than 6 terminals on the L10 Extracted Items List.



Ask each question on the Motivator Assessment M6 (if reading take it E/S to F/N).

Repeat Step 08 above.


Ask each question on the Overt Assessment M6 and if reading follow with: “Did you intend that?” or “Was it intentional/done intentionally?”

Get off justifications with the question “How did you justify it?”

Repeat Step 08 above.

Ask each question M6 on the 10-3 List (Flow 3)

Repeat Step 08 above.


Ask each question M6 on the 10-0 List (Flow 0) M6 and when appropriate ask: “Did you intend that?” or “Was it intentional/done intentionally?”

Get off justifications with the question “How did you justify it?”

Repeat Step 08 above.


L&N Flow 1: “What evil purpose has another had toward you?”

L & N Flow 2: “What evil purpose have you had towards others?”

L & N Flow 3: “What evil purpose have others had towards others?”

L & N Flow 0: “What evil purpose have you had towards yourself?”

Handle the evil purpose as in Step 01 above.



Ask each question M6 on List 2 D-1 and when the pc has answered add: “Who would make you feel guilty for that?”

Repeat Step 08 above.


Ask each question M6 on List 2 D-2.

Repeat Step 08 above.


L&N Who/what would regard sex as a solution?

List to one item and if it is a terminal, do the following procedure:

1. What does a_________do?
2. What does a_________withhold?

This unburdens the item so that now the intention can be listed.

L&N: What would be the basic intention of a________?

If intention is good:
2WC: What progress have you made on the intention_______?

If the intention is evil or destructive:

For Pcs:

Run the intention R3R Quad per the Expanded Dianetics instructions for running intentions.

For PreOTs:

Check for ownership: Yours, a BTs, A Clusters, anothers?

Yours: Quad Recalls or D/L

If the intention turns out to be also a righteous computation (ser fac item), one could first run:

1. What does_______get a person into?
2. What does_______get a person out of?
3. How does_______help a person to win?
4. How does_______make others lose?
5. How does_______help a person to be powerful?
6. How does_______make others weak?
7. What is right about_______?
8. How could you use_________to make others wrong?
(If it turns out to be just a righteous comp and not an ev purp, one could just do the RC process.)

BT: Run the BTs intention chain to EP to a blow. If no blow, then Inc II/Inc I or NOTs handling to a blow if needed.

Cluster: Assess the Type of Incident Assessment to get the incident that formed the intention, date it, locate and run it if necessary earlier similar to a blow. If no blow, then stardard OT III or NOTs cluster handling to a blow.

If another’s: Locate who it is and handle as a BT above.



L&N Flow 1: “What is the greatest overt committed against you on the Whole Track?”

L&N Flow 2: “What is the greatest overt you committed against another on the Whole Track?”

L&N Flow 3: “What is the greatest overt another has committed against another or others on the Whole Track?”

L&N Flow 0: “What is the greatest overt you committed against yourself on the Whole Track?”


Repeat Step 08 above.


Repeat Step 08 above.


Repeat Step 08 above.


Repeat Step 08 above.


L&N Flow 1: “Who/What has regarded you as an enemy?”

L&N Flow 2: “Who/What have you regarded as an enemy?”

L&N Flow 3: “Who/What have others regarded as an enemy?”

L&N Flow 0: “Who/What would be an enemy to himself/herself?”

Do the 6 way O/W process from Step 01 above on any item found.



Repeat Step 08 above.


Repeat Step 08 above.


1) Assess MEST/Life Assessment

2) On each reading Item run O/W:

a) What have you done to____?
b) What have you withheld from____?


Ask each question on the Connections Assessment and handle.


L&N for each dynamic:

Who or what (W/W) represents the (Dynamic)?


W/W would represent the (Dynamic)?

For example:

W/W represents the first dynamic? LF

Item: an engineer LFBD F/N

L&N: What would be the basic intention/purpose of a (an)_______?

Handle this intention/purpose per the directions in Step 01.

Repeat for all the other dynamics.


1) L&N “What was the greatest lie you told on the Whole Track?”
2) D/L to blow
3) 2 w/c the lie found quad flow to EP.


Repeat Step 08 above.


Repeat Step 08 above.


Repeat Step 08 above.


Repeat Step 08 above.


Ask each question on the results assessment and handle.


Reference: The Psychosis Research Cases

Program Assessment: This is an assessment which seeks out the enforcements, restraints and suppressions of overts and purposes.

The W/H type flows plotted out are:

Enforced Comm 4 ways
Enforced W/H 4 ways
Inadvertent W/H 4 ways
W/Hs 4 ways

Thus there would be several purpose flows done very roughly off the cuff:

Enforced W/H of purpose 4 ways
Enforcing purpose as an overt 4 ways
Unwanted purpose 4 ways
Unwanted (must do) purpose 4 ways
Withheld secret (evil) purpose

Many years ago an enforcing cause in some psychos detected by LRH.

The Enforced Comm makes a withhold on the receiving end and is the EXACT point where withholds match up with ARC Brks (Enforced Comm is an ARC break).

The possibility is that some of these psychosis cases trigger off on another flow than withholds. Possibly they invert and begin to enforce withholds on others. Then when we list or do assessment lists we are listing one step too high, i.e., withhold when it’s a dramatized withhold being enforced.

Anyway this is a theory where we don’t achieve total result from assessment lists. Maybe this gives us a new set of assessments. We could have one for groups. Maybe one for enforced W/Hs. (See sample chart on next page.)




Enforcing comm on you Enforced confession from you

Enforcing secrecy on you Enforced silence on you

Making others listen Making others withhold

Promising not to tell Keeping secrets

Telling lies Withholding vital information



Doing things you didn’t want to Abandoned purpose

Forced to give up Obstructed

Destroying purposes Suppressing the purposes of others

Prevented from complying Punished for following orders

Becoming someone else Failed evil purpose


1. Enforcing communication on you?


F1. Has anyone ever enforced communication on you?
F2. Have you ever enforced communication on another or others?
F3. Has someone ever enforced communication on another or others?
F0. Have you ever caused yourself to have an enforced communication?

L&N: W/W would enforce communication on another?


Here is an example for first L&N question:

“W/W would enforce communication on another?”

1. What does a_________do?
2. What does a__________withhold?

This unburdens the item so that now the intention can be listed.

What would be the basic intention of a________?

If intention is good:

2WC: What progress have you made on the intention_________?

If the intention is evil or destructive:

For Pcs:

Run the intention R3RA Quad per the XDN instructions for running intentions.

For PreOTs:

Check for ownership: Yours, a BTs, A Clusters, anothers?

Yours: Quad Recalls or D/L

If the intention turns out to be also a righteous computation (ser fac
item), one could first run:

1. What does_______get a person into?
2. What does_______get a person out of?
3. How does_______help a person to win?
4. How does_______make others lose?
5. How does_______help a person to be powerful?
6. How does_______make others weak?
7. What is right about_______?
8. How could you use_________to make others wrong?

(If it turns out to be just a righteous computation and not an ev purp, one could just do the RC process.)

BT: Run the BTs intention chain to EP to a blow. If no blow, then Inc
II/Inc I or NOTs handling to a blow if needed.

Cluster: Assess the Type of Incident assessment to get the incident that
formed the intention, date it, locate and run it if necessary earlier
similar to a blow. If no blow, then standard OT III or NOTs cluster
handling to a blow.

If another’s: Locate who it is and handle as a BT above.

2. Forcing you to accept an idea?


F1. Has anyone ever forced you to accept an idea?
F2. Have you ever forced another or others to accept an idea?
F3. Have others ever enforced another or others to accept an idea?
F0. Have you ever forced yourself to accept an idea?

L&N: W/W would force another to accept an idea?

3. Enforcing a confession from you?


F1. Has anyone ever enforced a confession form you?
F2. Have you ever enforced a confession from another or others?
F3. Have others ever enforced a confession from another or others?
F0. Have you ever forced yourself to confess something?

L&N: W/W would enforce a confession from another?

4. Enforcing secrecy on you?


F1. Has anyone ever enforced secrecy on you?
F2. Have you ever enforced secrecy on another or others?
F3. Have others ever enforced secrecy on another or others?
F0. Have you ever enforced secrecy on yourself?

L&N: W/W would enforce secrecy on another?

5. Enforcing silence on you?


F1. Has anyone ever enforced silence on you?
F2. Have you ever enforced silence on another or others?
F3. Have others ever enforced silence on another or others?
F0. Have you ever enforced silence on yourself?

L&N: W/W would enforce silence on another?

6. Being told you have to keep quiet?


F1. Has anyone ever told you to keep quiet?
F2. Have you ever told anyone to keep quiet?
F3. Has another told another or others to keep quiet?
F0. Have you ever to decided to keep quiet?

L&N: W/W would tell another to keep quiet?

7. Making others listen?


F1. Has anyone ever made you listen?
F2. Have you ever made another listen?
F3. Has another made another or others listen?
F0. Have you ever made yourself to listen?

L&N: W/W would make another listen?

8. Making others withhold?


F1. Has another ever made you withhold?
F2. Have you ever made another withhold?
F3. Has another made another or others withhold?
F0. Have you ever forced yourself to withhold?

L&N: W/W would make others withhold?

9. Others forcing their viewpoint on you?


F1. Has another forced his or her viewpoint on you?
F2. Have you forced your viewpoint on another?
F3. Has another forced his or her viewpoint on another?
F0. Have you forced a viewpoint on yourself?

L&N: W/W would force a viewpoint on another?

10. Promising not to tell?


F1. Has anyone ever made you promise not to tell?
F2. Have you ever made another or others promise not to tell?
F3. Have others ever made another or others promise not to tell?
F0. Have you ever made yourself promise not to tell?

L&N: W/W would make another promise not to tell?

11. Keeping secrets?


F1. Have you ever kept a secret?
F2. Have you ever made another keep a secret?
F3. Do you suspect that another has made another or others keep a secret?
F0. Have you ever decided to keep something secret?

L&N: W/W would have to keep a secret?

12. Telling lies?


F1. Has anyone ever told you a lie?
F2. Have you ever told another or others a lie?
F3. Have others ever told another or others a lie?
F0. Have you ever told a lie to yourself?

L&N: W/W would tell a lie?

13. Others won’t listen?


F1. Has another refused to listen to you?
F2. Have you refused to listen to another?
F3. Has another refused to listen to another or others?
F0. Have you refused to listen to yourself?

L&N: W/W would refuse to listen?

14. Your communication was cut?


F1. Has your communication been cut?
F2. Have cut another’s communication?
F3. Has another cut another’s or other’s communication?
F0. Have you allowed your own communication to be cut?

L&N: W/W would cut someone’s communication?

15. Withholding vital information?


F1. Have you withheld vital information from another or others?
F2. Has another withheld vital information from you?
F3. Has another withheld vital information from another or others?
F0. Have you withheld vital information from yourself?

L&N: W/W would withhold vital information?

16. Having to do things you didn’t want to do?


F1. Has anyone caused you to do something that you didn’t want to do?
F2. Have you caused another or others to do something that they
didn’t want to do?
F3. Have others caused another or others to do something they
didn’t want to do?
F0. Have you caused yourself to do something you didn’t want to do?

L&N: W/W would make another do something they didn’t want to do?

17. Forced to abandon a purpose?


F1. Has anyone forced you to abandon a purpose?
F2. Have you forced another or others to abandon a purpose?
F3. Have others forced another or others to abandon a purpose?
F0. Have you forced yourself to abandon a purpose?

L&N: W/W would make another abandon a purpose?
18. Failing to carry out a destructive impulse?


F1. Have failed to carry out a destructive impulse?
F2. Has another failed to carry out a destructive impulse?
F3. Have others failed to carry out a destructive impulse?
F0. Have you failed to carry out a destructive impulse against yourself?
L&N: W/W would fail to carry out a destructive impulse?

19. Being forced to give up?


F1. Has anyone forced you to give up?
F2. Have you forced another or others to give up?
F3. Have others forced another or others to give up?
F0. Have you forced yourself to give up?

L&N: W/W would force another to give up?

20. Being stopped or obstructed?


F1. Has anyone caused you to be stopped or obstructed?
F2. Have you another or others to be stopped or obstructed?
F3. Have others caused another or others to be stopped or obstructed?
F0. Have you stopped or obstructed yourself?

L&N: W/W would stop or obstruct another?

21. Destroying purposes?


F1. Has anyone destroyed your purposes?
F2. Have you destroyed anothers or others purposes?
F3. Have others destroyed anothers or others purposes?
F0. Have you destroyed your own purposes?

L&N: W/W would destroy another’s purposes?

22. Suppressing purposes of others?


F1. Has anyone suppressed your purposes?
F2. Have you suppressed anothers or others purposes?
F3. Have others suppressed anothers or others purposes?
F0. Have you suppressed your own purposes?

L&N: W/W would suppress another’s purposes?

23. Prevented from complying?


F1. Has anyone prevented you from complying?
F2. Have you prevented another or others from complying?
F3. Have others prevented another or others from complying?
F0. Have you prevented yourself from complying?
L&N: W/W would prevent another from complying?

24. Withholding destructive ideas?


F1. Have you withheld destructive ideas?
F2. Has another withheld destructive ideas?
F3. Have others withheld destructive ideas?
F0. Have you caused yourself to withhold destructive?

L&N: W/W would have to withhold destructive ideas?

25. Withholding destructive acts?


F1. Have you withheld destructive acts?
F2. Has another withheld destructive acts?
F3. Have others withheld destructive acts?
F0. Have you withheld destructive acts from yourself?

L&N: W/W would have to withhold destructive acts?

26. Being punished for following orders?


F1. Has anyone punished you for following orders?
F2. Have you punished another or others for following orders?
F3. Have others punished another or others for following orders?
F0. Have you punished yourself for following orders?

L&N: W/W would punish another for following orders?

27. Resisting doing something?


F1. Have you resist doing something?
F2. Has another resisted doing something?
F3. Have others resist doing something?
F0. Have you resist doing something to yourself?

L&N: W/W would resist doing something?

28. Pretending to be someone else?


F1. Have pretended to be someone else?
F2. Has another pretended to be someone else?
F3. Have others pretended to be someone else?
F0. Have you caused yourself to pretend to be someone else?

L&N: W/W would pretend to be someone else?

29. Accepting unwanted things?


F1. Has anyone caused you to accept unwanted things?
F2. Have you caused another or others to accept unwanted things?
F3. Have others caused another or others to accept unwanted things?
F0. Have you caused yourself to accept unwanted things?

L&N: W/W would make another accept unwanted things?
L&N: W/W would accept unwanted things?

30. Being punished for disagreeing with someone?


F1. Have been punished for disagreeing with someone?
F2. Have you punished another for disagreeing with you?
F3. Has another punished another or others for disagreeing with someone?
F0. Have you punished yourself for disagreeing with someone?

L&N: W/W would punish another for disagreeing?

31. Agreeing with someone verbally but disagreeing mentally?


F1. Have you agreed with someone verbally but disagreed mentally?
F2. Do you think another has agreed with you verbally but disagreed mentally?
F3. Has another agree with another verbally but disagreed mentally?
F0. Have you agreed with yourself verbally but disagreed mentally?

L&N: W/W would agreed with someone verbally but disagree mentally?

32. Being falsely accused?


F1. Has anyone falsely accused you?
F2. Have you falsely accused another or others?
F3. Have others falsely accused another or others?
F0. Have you falsely accused yourself?

L&N: W/W would falsely accuse another?

33. Seeking revenge?


F1. Has anyone sought revenge on you?
F2. Have you sought revenge on another or others?
F3. Have others sought revenge on another or others?
F0. Have you sought revenge on yourself?

L&N: W/W would seek revenge?

34. Being forced into something?


F1. Have you been forced into something?
F2. Have you ever forced another into something?
F3. Has another forced another or others into something?
F0. Have you ever forced yourself into something?

L&N: W/W would forced another into something?
35. Being made to move away from a place you wanted to stay in?


F1. Have you ever been made to move away from a place you wanted to stay in?
F2. Have you ever made another move away from a place he or she wanted to stay in?
F3. Has another made another or others move away from a place another or others wanted to stay in?
F0. Have you ever made yourself move away from a place you wanted to stay in?

L&N: W/W would make another move away from a place he or she wanted to
to stay in?

36. Someone’s idea about you incorrect?

F1. Has someone’s idea about you been incorrect?
F2. Has your idea about someone ever been incorrect?
F3. Has another idea about another or others ever been incorrect?
F0. Has your idea about yourself ever been incorrect?

L&N: W/W would have incorrect ideas about others?

37. Overts on others?


F1. Has another committed overts against you?
F2. Have you committed overts?
F3. Has another committed overts against another or others?
F0. Have you committed overts against yourself?

L&N: W/W would commit overts on others?

38. Withholds from others?


F1. Do you have withholds from others?
F2. Do you thinks others might have withholds from you?
F3. Do others have withholds from others?
F0. Are you withholding something from yourself?

L&N: W/W would have withholds from others?

39. Something unbelievable?


F1. Have you seen or heard something unbelievable?
F2. Have you told another something that was unbelievable?
F3. Has another told another or others something unbelievable?
F0. Have you made something unbelievable?

L&N: W/W would tell others something that was unbelievable?

40. Wanting to get even?


F1. Are you wanting to get even with someone?
F2. Is another wanting to get even with you?
F3. Is another wanting to get even with another or others?
F0. Have you caused yourself to want to get even?

L&N: W/W would want to get even?

41. Being forced to tell the truth?


F1. Have you ever been forced to tell the truth?
F2. Have you ever forced another to tell the truth?
F3. Has another forced another or others to tell the truth?
F0. Have you forced yourself to tell the truth?

L&N: W/W would force someone to tell the truth?

42. Suppressing purposes?


F1. Have your purposes been suppressed?
F2. Have you suppressed the purposes of another or others?
F3. Have others suppressed the purposes of another or others?
F0. Have you caused your own purposes to be suppressed?

L&N: W/W would suppress another’s purposes?

43. Destroying purposes?


F1. Have your purposes been destroyed?
F2. Have you destroyed the purposes of another or others?
F3. Have others destroyed the purposes of another or others?
F0. Have you caused your own purposes to be destroyed?

L&N: W/W would destroy another’s purposes?

Using the first 43 statements as an example of how to quad the 2WC and the L&N question, one can construct the rest from these examples.


Ask: “What considerations have you had about _____?” “Is there an earlier time that you’ve had considerations about_____?” for each item. Only reading items are taken earlier.

Yourself _____ Your name _____
Your body _____ Your life _____
Your possessions _____ Your spouse _____
Your children _____ Your family _____
Women _____ Men _____
Groups _____ Friends _____
Allies _____ Opponents _____
People _____ Mankind _____
Matter _____ Energy _____
Space _____ Time _____
Locations _____ Forms _____
Objects _____ Places _____
Barriers _____ Freedom _____
Ridges _____ Machinery _____
The environment _____ This planet _____
The physical universe _____ Flows _____
Outflow _____ Inflow _____
Mest _____ Enmest _____
Theta _____ Entheta _____
Thought _____ Understanding _____
Knowingness _____ Ideals _____
Principles _____ Morals _____
Ethics _____ Aesthetics _____
Life _____ Thetans _____
Operating thetans _____ Bodies _____
Minds _____ The analytical mind _____
The reactive mind _____ Banks _____
Release _____ Erasure _____
Clears _____ Pre-OTs _____
Auditors _____ Auditing _____
Rudiments _____ ARC breaks _____
Problems _____ Missed withholds _____
Overts _____ Motivators _____
Dianetics _____ Scientology _____
Gains _____ Floating needles _____
Key-ins _____ Key-outs _____
Facsimiles _____ Mock-ups _____
Rollercoaster _____ PTS _____
Somatics _____ Psychosomatic _____
Engrams _____ Valences _____
Identities _____ Pain _____
Sensations _____ Perceptions _____
Games _____ Postulates _____
Goals _____ Beingness _____
Viewpoints _____ Creativity _____
Creation _____ God _____
Infinity _____


Ask: “Are there any other considerations you’ve had that you haven’t mentioned?”

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

HCO Bulletin of 22 OCTOBER 1970
Issue II
Class II


Occasionally you run into a case that “has never committed any overts.” Such a person might, for example, never seem to have anything on F2.

The proper way to do a Return (Progress) on this is GRADIENT SCALES, discussion of what a harmful act would be, who could be harmed.

An HC Out-point session should be done first if it’s really bad.

You’ll find a kooky fixed idea like “thetans cannot be hurt” or “overts are their own fault,” etc.

Versions, very light of A-R-C-U, notably agreements crack this sort of thing.

Ron, in mid-1970, developed some additional processes to handle the type of case that “has never done anything bad.”

Some appropriate C/Ses are listed here for use on this type of case.

For someone achieving minimal results, or with a generally fat Review folder:

1. Fly all Ruds.

2. List to a BD F/N item - “What shouldn’t be known?”

For someone responding to routine overt pulling (due to, say, natter or no gain) with “no overts,” “no withholds,” “I wouldn’t expect anything to happen from it...,” etc.:

1. Assess GF 40. Include O/R.

2. Two-way comm the points that read (except Ruds that read as out).

Try to phrase the Two-way comm to get his attitude towards the subject that reads rather than do the Class VIII remedy.

Don’t use “you,” use “anyone,” “others,” “another” as he hasn’t great reality on himself and it would sound accusative.

Followed later by:

1. Discuss why overts are necessary.

A pc with RSes doesn’t really run right. His F/Ns collapse at Exams. This pc can be listed on “What would be an overt?” to BD F/N item. Then next session, the item found can be run Quad Recall and Quad R3R.

This last list question can miss a withhold, so check for such if there are unexpected BIs at Exam after the listing session (as well as for wrong items).

For someone with fixated attention on an individual (e.g. tends to natter about that person for session after session):
1. Fly a Rud if no F/N.

2. List by L&N - Who or what in your past does________remind you of?

3. What did you do to (item found)?
What did you withhold from (item found)?

Also there is:

1. Fly a Rud if no F/N.

2. List “Give me an example of an overt” to BD F/N item.

Followed by:

1. Fly a Rud if no F/N.

2. Run (on item found on “Give me an example of an overt”):

Quad Recalls
Quad R3R

Another C/S is:

1. Fly a Rud if no F/N.

2. Assess Help, Failed Help, Refused Help, Prevented Help.

3. On result: Quad Recalls, Quad R3R.

Extracted from LRH C/Sed Folders
by D/CS-4

Copyright © 1970
By L. Ron Hubbard


Man is basically good. This is obvious. For when he begins to do evil he seeks to destroy his memory in order to change and seeks to destroy his body. He seeks to check his evil impulses by inhibiting his own skill and strength.

He can act in a very evil fashion but his basic nature then makes it mandatory that he lessens himself in many ways.

The towering “strength” of a madman is a rarity and is compensated by efforts at self-destruction.

Man’s mortality, his “one life” fixation, all stem from his efforts to check himself, obliterate his memory in a fruitless effort to change his conduct and his self-destructive habits and impulses and losses of skills and abilities.

As this rationale proves out completely in processing and fits all cases observed, we have for the first time proof of his actual nature.

As only around 20% are insane, and as those who previously worked in the mental field were themselves mainly insane, Man as a whole has been assigned an evil repute. Govemments, where such personalities exist, listen to the opinion of the insane and apply the characteristic of 20% to the entire hundred percent.

This gives an 80% wrong diagnosis. Which is why mental science itself was destructive when used by states.


The evil purpose or the destructive intention is the fuel which powers the Overt-Motivator Sequence. A person will dramatize his evil purposes by committing overts.

Behind the evil purpose is a severe ARC Break where the person could not fight back physically. He could only fight back by forming an evil purpose and has been attacking and fighting back with the evil purpose ever since.

The ARC Break is the why behind the evil purpose. Find the ARC Break and the evil purpose as-ises and is no longer dramatized with overts against imagined enemies.


An overt is an act or deed that you have done to another that is not all right by some standard of conduct. It could be wrong because it breaks some moral code that you have consciously or unconsciously agreed to. It could also just be something that harms another or others in some way. It is a misdeed or wrong-doing often done to solve a problem. An overt can also be something that you have failed to do when you should have.

Sometimes an overt is kept secret or withheld because it is dangerous to one’s survival to reveal it. This is almost always the case when the overt is a violation of some moral code that one has agreed to, knowingly or unknowingly. A withhold always comes after an overt. First the overt is done and then it is withheld to protect one’s survival.

A motivator is the reverse of the above. It is an overt that another or others have done to you. It is called a motivator because it motivates further overts in the other direction toward another or others. For example, a man breaks up with his girlfriend and she is heartbroken; he has committed an overt and will feel some regret at having done this. Now he will consciously or unconsciously, usually unconsciously, pull in a motivator by seeking out a woman who will break his heart. This happens because his slight or great regret will cause him to reactively seek out the reverse flow of an overt toward himself. He will surely find a woman to do him in emotionally. Even across a crowded room, he will sense her presence and seek her out; she is the perfect woman to break his heart. Now that he has received the motivator, he will seek out a partner who is open to receiving overts from him. This sequence can continue over and over and that is why it is called the overt-motivator sequence. A sequence is a following of one thing after another; it is a related or continuous series.

The overt-motivator sequence is based on flows. The overt is a flow toward another or others and the motivator is a flow from another or others towards oneself.

There are two reasons why a person cannot just commit overts freely and not receive motivators in return:

1. After an overt is committed, there is always, to some degree a feeling of regret or guilt. This is because we, as beings, are basically good. This regret or guilt causes a pull-back, restraining or withholding flow to some degree. This is what creates the motivator flow in the other direction toward oneself.

2. There is a natural balance-seeking mechanism in life. Life seeks a balance. In the case of flows, this means that what flows in one direction must eventually, sooner or later, flow in the opposite direction. Flows must eventually balance. This is a simple law of nature which also applies to human interactions. What flows out must flow in.

These are the basic reasons that perpetuate the overt-motivator sequence. It is just natural law.

There is one problem in this attempt to achieve a balance of flows. The motivator flow never really results in a balance because now the receiver of the motivator feels wronged or hurt and feels justified in committing yet another overt against another or others, not necessarily against the same person or persons. Having done so, now he will pull in another motivator that leads to another overt, on and on with no end. This is the mechanism that causes so much suffering in our human existence.

Can anything be done about this seemingly unending cycle of suffering, of hurting and being hurt? There is a simple answer and it is nothing new. The technique which gives relief from the overt-motivator sequence has been used for hundreds and possibly thousands of years in the history of humankind. The answer lies in the simple act of confession, a confession to another person of the overts that one has done. This is then followed by a proclamation of forgiveness. The act of confession and forgiveness is like pouring water on the raging fire of the overt-motivator sequence. It is the process that finally allows the person to cease pulling in motivators.

The confession of one’s misdeeds, secret destructive acts, overts and withholds, must be done in a safe space to a person who poses no threat to the person doing the confessing. There must be no threat of exposure, blame or punishment in any way. The act of confessing is done in total secrecy. There is never any demand that the person tell any of his or her confession outside of the confessional. Also the confession of misdeeds must received by a person who is non-judgmental and is bound by a code of ethics to never reveal to anyone what has been said in a confessional. Such a person is the Auditor who is bound by the Auditor Code. The pertinent parts of the code are:

1) I promise to not evaluate for the Preclear in session or tell him/her what he/she should think about his/her case.

2) I promise to not invalidate the Preclear’s case or gains in or out of session.

14) I promise to grant beingness to the Preclear.

22) I promise never to use the secrets of a Preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain.


The confessional procedure is a simple one. The auditor uses a list of a hundred or so questions which ask for specific overts such as: Have you ever done anything that others consider to be immoral? The question is asked and it must read on the E-Meter. All the details are gotten on each reading question. Some of the details might include:

1. What was actually done?

2. When was it done?

3. Where was it done?

4. Who else was involved?

5. Who should have known about this?

6. Who nearly found out?

7. Is that all?

8. Is there more?

The following question is very often the one which frees the person from the overt. That question is: How have you justified it? In other words: Why was it ok in your mind to do what you did? The question is repeated over and over until all justifications are released. At this point the overt is released and the needle on the E-Meter floats. The overt and its damaging effects on the person are gone forever.

If the overt does not clear at this point, one must ask for an earlier similar. For example: On question #1 “Have you neglected your own survival?” the earlier similar command would be, “Is there an earlier similar time you neglected your own survival?”


The L10 repowered 6 way command for O/W is:

1. Recall something_______has done to you?
2. Recall something you have done to_______?
3. Recall something_______has done to another or others?
4. Recall something another or others have done to_______?
5. Recall something_______has done to himself/herself?
6. Recall something you have done to yourself because of_______?

This is the lowest gradient of O/W command for two reasons:

1. It directs the Pc to recall.

2. It uses only the in-ARC form of O/W which is “done” and not the out of ARC form which is “withhold.”

The process is run as a bracket, i.e., 123456, 123456, etc. This is easier than running each command to EP with preclears who easily run out of answer on a single repetitive command before the EP is reached.

All in all the above command is the easiest O/W command for the L10 type of case to run.

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Fran Hldrs
HCO Secs
Assn Secs
HCO and HASI Staffs

When a person has committed an overt act and then withholds it, he or she usually employs the social mechanism of justification.

We have all heard people attempt to justify their actions and all of us have known instinctively that justification was tantamount to a confession of guilt. But not until now have we understood the exact mechanism behind justification.

Short of Scientology Auditing there was no means by which a person could relieve himself of consciousness of having done an overt act except to try to lessen the overt.

Some churches used a mechanism of confession. This was a limited effort to relieve a person of the pressure of his overt acts. Later the mechanism of confession was employed as a kind of blackmail by which increased contribution could be obtained from the person confessing. Factually this is a limited mechanism to such an extent that it can be extremely dangerous. Religious confession does not carry with it any real stress of responsibility for the individual but on the contrary seeks to lay responsibility at the door of the Divinity—a sort of blasphemy in itself. I have no axe to grind here with religion. Religion as religion is fairly natural. But psychotherapy must be in itself a completed fact or, as we all know, it can become a dangerous fact. That’s why we flatten engrams and processes. Confession to be non-dangerous and effective must be accompanied by a full acceptance of responsibility. All overt acts are the product of irresponsibility on one or more of the dynamics.

Withholds are a sort of overt act in themselves but have a different source. Oddly enough we have just proven conclusively that man is basically good—a fact which flies in the teeth of old religious beliefs that man is basically evil. Man is good to such an extent that when he realizes he is being very dangerous and in error he seeks to minimize his power and if that doesn’t work and he still finds himself committing overt acts he then seeks to dispose of himself either by leaving or by getting caught and executed. Without this computation Police would be powerless to detect crime—the criminal always assists himself to be caught. Why Police punish the caught criminal is the mystery. The caught criminal wants to be rendered less harmful to the society and wants rehabilitation. Well, if this is true then why does he not unburden himself? The fact is this: unburdening is considered by him to be an overt act. People withhold overt acts because they conceive that telling them would be another overt act. It is as though Thetans are trying to absorb and hold out of sight all the evil of the world. This is wrong-headed, by withholding overt acts these are kept afloat in the universe and are themselves as withholds entirely the cause of continued evil. Man is basically good but he could not attain expression of this until now. Nobody but the individual could die for his own sins—to arrange things otherwise was to keep man in chains.

In view of these mechanisms, when the burden became too great man was driven to another mechanism—the effort to lessen the size and pressure of the overt. He or she could only do this by attempting to reduce the size and repute of the terminal. Hence, not-isness. Hence when a man or a woman has done an overt act there usually follows an effort to reduce the goodness or importance of the target of the overt. Hence the husband who betrays his wife must then state that the wife was no good in some way. Thus the wife who betrayed her husband had to reduce the husband to reduce the overt. This works on all dynamics. In this light most criticism is justification of having done an overt.

This does not say that all things are right and that no criticism anywhere is ever merited. Man is not happy. He is faced with total destruction unless we toughen up our postulates. And the overt act mechanism is simply a sordid game condition man has slipped into without knowing where he was going. So there are rightnesses and wrongnesses in conduct and society and life at large, but random, carping 1.1 criticism when not borne out in fact is only an effort to reduce the size of the target of the overt so that one can live (he hopes) with the overt. Of course to criticise unjustly and lower repute is itself an overt act and so this mechanism is not in fact workable.

Here we have the source of the dwindling spiral. One commits overt acts unwittingly. He seeks to justify them by finding fault or displacing blame. This leads him into further overts against the same terminals which leads to a degradation of himself and sometimes those terminals.

Scientologists have been completely right in objecting to the idea of punishment. Punishment is just another worsening of the overt sequence and degrades the punisher. But people who are guilty of overts demand punishment. They use it to help restrain themselves from (they hope) further violation of the dynamics. It is the victim who demands punishment and it is a wrong-headed society that awards it. People get right down and beg to be executed. And when you don’t oblige, the woman scorned is sweet-tempered by comparison. I ought to know—I have more people try to elect me an executioner than you would care to imagine. And many a preclear who sits down in your pc chair for a session is there just to be executed and when you insist on making such a pc better, why you’ve had it, for they start on this desire for execution as a new overt chain and seek to justify it by telling people you’re a bad auditor.

When you hear scathing and brutal criticism of someone which sounds just a bit strained, know that you have your eye on overts against that criticised person and next chance you get pull the overts and remove just that much evil from the world.

And remember, by and by, that if you make your pc write these overts and withholds down and sign them and send them off to me he’ll be less reluctant to hold on to the shreds of them—it makes for a further blow of overts and less blow of pc. And always run responsibility on a pc when he unloads a lot of overts or just one.

We have our hands here on the mechanism that makes this a crazy universe so let’s go for broke on it and play it all the way out.


LRH :js.rd
Copyright © 1960
by L. Ron Hubbard


Thoroughly clear the word “overt.”

Ask the preclear to read the bulletin “Justifications” and then

2wc “Tell me about lessening the size of an overt.”


Assess Method 6.

After each answer ask the question: “What were the consequences of that?”

01. Have you ever felt helpless?
02. Have you ever felt there was nothing you could do about something?
03. Have things seemed too overwhelming to handle?
04. Has it seemed that there was so much that needed to be done that there was no point in doing anything?
05. Do you procrastinate?
06. Have you ever had to stand by and watch another suffer?
07. Do you know anybody who was weak and helpless?
08. Do you know anybody who was at total effect?
09. Have you ever felt that you were a failure?
10. Has your life ever seemed hopeless?
11. Have you ever contemplated suicide?
12. Have you ever felt that death or suicide was the only solution?
13. Have you ever felt that you just didn’t know what was the right thing to do?
14. Do you wish things were different?
15. Are you afraid to make any changes?
16. Have you ever worried about others making changes?
17. Have you ever felt there was just no way to turn?
18. Have you ever felt totally exhausted?
19. Do things seem tiring? Have they ever?
20. Have you ever yearned for the past?
21. Have you ever felt homesick?
22. Are there some things that you have regretted?
23. Is there anything that others do that you wouldn’t dream of doing?
24. Tell me some bad things that you haven’t done.
25. Was there a time when restraining yourself from action was correct?
26. Do others cause needless upset and suffering?
27. Have you ever felt that there was so much suffering and misery in the world that you shouldn’t contribute more to it?
28. Have you had to watch another committing averts?
29. Have you cautioned others?
30. Have you ever put off doing something that you felt you really shouldn’t have put off?
31. Is there anything that bothers you so much that you feel you should be doing something about it?
32. Are there things that you worry about?
33. Do you ever think that it is better to suffer?
34. Has it ever been to your advantage to have waited rather than act immediately?
35. Has anyone overwhelmed you?
36. Do you know of anybody who has overwhelmed somebody else?
37. Do you feel that you may have overwhelmed somebody else?
38. Do you ever feel that you are waiting to have something happen?
39. Do you ever feel that time is passing you by?
40. Do you feel too old to do what you want to do?
41. Did you ever feel too young to do what you wanted to do?
42. Is there something that happened after which you felt you could never be the same again?
43. Tell me some things that you protest about.
44. Is there something that makes you feel sad?
45. Is there any type of situation that makes you feel nervous or apprehensive?
46. Do you ever feel fearful about things?
47. Does the thought of something terrify you?
48. Are there some things that you used to feel strongly about but now no longer care about?
49. Do you feel that somebody uses you?
50. Have you ever felt exploited?
51. Has anyone taken unfair advantage over you?
52. Is there someone you know whose averts are outrageously bad?
53. Are you hoping that somebody’s averts will catch up with him or her?
54. Do you know of anybody that you think deserves to get their own back?
55. Have you had to do something covertly?
56. Do you prefer to operate behind the scenes rather than overtly?
57. Are you wanted anywhere?
58. Do you ever feel that somebody is after you?
59. Have any of these questions reminded you of something that you have done?
60. Have any of these questions reminded you of something that you have withheld?
61. Have you ever told part of a withhold but not the rest?
62. Have you ever thought of one overt or withhold and then told the auditor something else?
63. Have you ever felt that it wasn’t safe to tell something in a session?
64. Is there something that is too embarrassing to talk about?
65. Is there anything that you feel would be too humiliating to discuss?
66. Is there anything that would make you feel less if you told it?
67. Are there any averts that you are proud of?
68. Is there something that you would like to tell me about?
69. Tell me your ideas about your case and difficulties.
70. Tell me your ideas about rightnesses about yourself and your plus points.


1. The list of words below is called Method 6 to the pc or preOT; on each the pc gives back an automatic response or comment.

2. Get considerations about each reading item that reads either instantly when you say the word or when the pc responds or comments. Look for service facs computations and evil purposes, ways he is resisting the item. If the pc or preOT gives an evil purpose or service fac computation, handle it per the instructions given in step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


If, for example, the auditor says PUNISH and the pc responses with: “It would be necessary on a naughty child,” one could put together an L&N question incorporating the assessment word and the response.

“Who or What would find it necessary to punish a naughty child?”

“A Brave Dog”

The terminal is then handled per L-type handling as in Step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


Degrade Punish Obliterate Avenge Flagellate
Spy Peep Demoralize Embalm Electrocute
Abominate Secrete Despoil Revolt Bully
Manipulate Leach Mutilate Excoriate Con
Prey Debunk Kill Torture Pillage
Annihilate Subvert Seduce Exhaust Restrain
Immobilize Entrap Enthrall Extinguish Ensnare
Trick Envelop Benumb Tantalize Enslave
Assassinate Nullify Explode Injure Infect
Feast Program Tyrannize Hoard Terrorize
Castrate Pander Drain Secrete Interrogate
Dissect Defoliate Molest Pervert Cannibalize
Deflower Decimate Hypnotize Dessert Attack
Sting Warp Horrify Obliterate Dismember
Cheat Conquer Devastate Implode Mutilate
Undermine Hassle Torment Disgust Offend
Vivisect Vanquish Prostitute Defame Fornicate
Slander Deviate Profane Imprison Charm
Renege Starve Sack Impoverish Blind
Deface Depose Expel Desecrate Exploit
Ravage Tear Impale Distort Retard
Restrain Abuse Belittle Lie Hunt
Invade Sacrifice Sodomize Scavenge Execute
Begrime Plagiarize Wallow Immolate Indulge
Engorge Expunge Confuse Savor Gloat
Arrogate Remove Distrust Sympathize Indoctrinate
Randomize Overwhelm Supplant Negate Grasp
Pillory Habituate Loaf Inflame Cripple
Gobble Vilify Brutalize Propagandize Incinerate
Provoke Vandalize Suborn Deceive Destabilize
Conceal Pollute Sacrifice Bugger


If a person or thing keeps coming up as an item on the above assessments, do Quad Ruds and Overts on that person or thing. Then run “Can’t Have/Enforced Have” (4 Flows) on it. Also the following 6 way O/W can be used:

1. Recall something_______has done to you?
2. Recall something you have done to_______?
3. Recall something_______has done to another or others?
4. Recall something another or others have done to_______?
5. Recall something_______has done to himself/herself?
6. Recall something you have done to yourself because of_______?

This step is repeated at the end of any step whenever you have accumulated more than 6 terminals on the L10 Extracted Items List.


Clear the following two questions to see which one reads the best:

1. What are you trying to do?

2. What have you tried to do?

List and null to an LFBD F/N item with the one that reads best.

When you have the item for “What are you trying to do” or “What have you tried to do,” you fit it into the S & D Questions below. Test these questions for largest read and then list for an LFBD F/N item. While clearing these questions, if you get a good, clear, distinct read, go ahead and List and Null from that question even if you haven’t finished clearing all the questions.

W/W has made you fail at_______?

W/W has attempted to stop you from_______?

W/W has unmocked your purpose to_______?

W/W has tried to unmock your purpose to_______?

W/W has suppressed your purpose to_______?

W/W has prevented your_______?

W/W would oppose_______?

W/W has opposed_______?

CAUTION: The question must make sense and be answerable. Don’t change the wording of the item. Change the question into a sensible one.


1. What are you trying to do? SF

2. What have you tried to do? LF

On listing you find as the purpose:

Ride horses LFBD F/N

Now you find that the question “W/W has made you fail at riding horses?” reads best. List and null this question to an LFBD F/N item. You now have the person who has suppressed the Preclear’s purpose to ride horses.

If the Preclear gives an evil or destructive purpose, don’t list it in the W/W question. For example, if the Preclear give you the purpose item “killing horses,” you will not get a Suppressive Person from listing “W/W has made you fail at killing horses?” You will most likely get a Social Personality. The best handling is to run the destructive purpose R3R Quad to erasure.


The whole attempt of this S & D is to find the person or thing that has blunted the purpose of the Pc.

The Purpose S & D is from earlier research and is very magical on Artists. It has the liability of having to be done sensibly, being a sort of goals assessment plus an S & D. Sometimes the goals assessment (“What are you trying to do”) is magical enough to produce a floating needle. If so, don’t ever go past it to the second question that finds who or what has suppressed the Preclear in his pursue of the goal.

All these S & Ds do not set aside the standard S & D Types W, S and U. “Type U” is the basic S & D. They are for use mainly when the Pc has had a long repair history or a bad Ethics history, or is insane or suppressive. But using them does not evaluate the Pc as down tone. They give rather magical effects on anyone.


01. Do things look hopeless?
02. Is life grim?
03. Are people mean to each other?
04. Has the future ever looked black?
05. Has anyone betrayed you?
06. Do you feel you deserved what happened to you?
07. Do you know anyone who is really nasty?
08. Have your feelings been hurt?
09. Has life been unfair?
10. Do you feel that you have had bad luck?
11. Have you been treated unkindly?
12. Do you have any enemies?
13. Is there someone who doesn’t like you?
14. Have you been treated badly?
15. Has anyone talked about you behind your back?
16. Has anyone ever lied to you?
17. Has anyone ever lied about you?
18. Has anyone ever played a dirty trick on you?
19. Do you feel trapped?
20. Tell me some things that are unfair.
21. Do you feel that someone has taken advantage of you?
22. Has anyone profited as a result of your labors?
23. Have you had to work against obstacles?
24. Are there any stops in your life?
25. Are there any barriers to your goals?
26. Has anyone thwarted you?
27. Are there some things that you have had to give up?
28. Have you ever had to go without things that you wanted?
29. Has anyone done something really rotten to you?
30. Have you been misled?
31. Has anyone led you astray?
32. Has anyone persuaded you to do bad things?
33. Have you been robbed?
34. Has anyone borrowed money from you and not paid it back?
35. Has anyone misused your possessions?
36. Have you ever felt that you have been used by others?
37. Do you feel that you have been exploited?
38. Do you feel that you have been taken for granted?
39. Is there anyone who didn’t acknowledge you?
40. Have you ever felt that somebody didn’t recognize you for what you were?
41. Has anyone made less of you?
42. Is there somebody who made you wrong?
43. Is there somebody who wouldn’t let you have anything?
44. Did anyone run a can’t have on you?
45. Were you prevented from doing certain things until you grew up?
46. Have you been told that you weren’t old enough to do something?
47. Has anyone implied or said that you were too old?
48. Has anyone excluded you?
49. Have you been kicked out?
50. Did anyone beat you physically?
51. Has anyone hit you or pushed you around?
52. Has anyone been impolite to you?
53. Have you been called names?
54. Have you been forced to do something that you didn’t want to do?
55. Have you been made to sign a contract or agreement that you didn’t want to?
56. Have you been forced to sign anything against your will?
57. Do you feel that you have been forced to agree to anything?
58. Is there somebody who dominated you?
59. Is there somebody who is trying to get even with you?
60. Do you suspect that somebody wants to get rid of you?
61. Do you know of anybody that hates you?
62. Has anyone usurped your authority?
63. Is there somebody who has undermined you?
64. Is there somebody who wants to destroy you?
65. Has somebody tried to destroy you?
66. Has somebody tried to control you through your emotions?
67. Has somebody tried to control your mind?
68. Has anyone tried to possess you?
69. Have you ever been captured?
70. Have you ever been imprisoned?
71. Have you ever been convicted?
72. Have you ever been sent to jail?
73. Have you been mistreated?
74. Has anyone coerced you into doing bad things?
75. Has anyone ever hypnotized you?
76. Have you been implanted with bad purposes?
77. Has anyone drugged you?
78. Is there anything that happened after which you were never the same again?
79. Have you ever been wounded?
80. Have you been scarred for life?
81. Has anyone ever tried to destroy your memory?
82. Did anyone insist that there were certain things that you must forget?
83. Did anyone ever force you to keep your mouth shut?
84. Have you been threatened with consequences if you talked?
85. Have you been punished for revealing a secret?
86. Have you ever told somebody something in confidence and then been betrayed?
87. Has life ever seemed unreal?
88. Has anything that happened to you seemed unbelievable?
89. Is there anything that happened to you that is too incredible for anyone to believe?
90. Have you been outraged?
91. Were you ever driven to desperation?
92. Were you ever driven to suicide?
93. Have you ever experienced things being so bad that you just wanted to forget?
94. Have you ever experienced anything so bad that you knew you couldn’t live through it?
95. Have things ever seemed so bad that you just wanted oblivion?
96. Have you ever wished that you didn’t exist?
97. Have you ever tried to take your own life?
98. Have you ever wished that you could go unconscious?
99. Have things gotten so tough that you decided to quit?
100. Have you ever given up?
101. Have things gotten so bad that you felt completely stopped?
102. Have you ever felt that somebody had you thwarted?
103. Have you ever felt dirty?
104. Did anyone or anything make you feel slimy or unclean?
105. Did anyone ruin you for life?
106. Did anyone or anything ruin you forever?
107. Did anyone ever do anything to you that was so bad that you felt you would never recover from it?
108. Were your hopes and aspirations shattered?
109. Is there somebody who dampened your enthusiasm?
110. Do you know somebody who keeps picking on little faults?
111. Have you been criticized?
112. Have you been attacked?
113. Have you ever been accused of things you haven’t done?
114. Were you falsely found guilty?
115. Have your intentions been misinterpreted?
116. Has anyone given you false reasons for things?
117. Do you know someone who made it hard for you to talk?
118. Is there something that you don’t want to ever have happen to you again?
119. Has anyone sucked you into their viewpoint?
120. Is there somebody that you felt dirty after associating with?
121. Has anyone convinced you that you were wrong?
122. Is there somebody that you had to resist going into agreement with?
123. Is there anybody who seemed to have a strange power over you?
124. Did somebody scream and yell at you?
125. Were you punished?
126. Have you been hunted?
127. Are you wanted anywhere?
128. Has anyone made life miserable for you?
129. Has anyone cast a spell over you?
130. Have you ever been tortured?
131. Did anyone cause you stress?
132. Did somebody nag you a lot?
133. Have you ever been shocked?
134. Have you been startled so severely that you wondered what was happening?
135. Do you feel that you have been abused?
136. Has anyone scorned you?
137. Has anyone taken unfair advantage over you?
138. Do things seem hopeless?
139. Have you ever been harmed?
140. Do you like flowers?
141. Is there anything that you feel uncomfortable about?
142. How do you feel you have been treated?


After each appropriate answer ask the question: “Did you intend that?” or “Was it intentional?”

01. Is there anything that you feel guilty about?
02. Have you done anything wrong?
03. Have you ever harmed anybody?
04. Have you taken an unfair advantage over somebody?
05. Have you ever convinced anyone that something they wanted to do was impossible?
06. Have you made anyone feel hopeless?
07. Have you ever betrayed anyone’s trust in you?
08. Is there something you’ve done that you are restraining yourself from ever doing again?
09. Have you ever shocked or startled somebody?
10. Have you ever nagged anybody?
11. Did anyone deserve what you did to them?
12. Have you done something to somebody that they didn’t deserve?
13. Have you worried somebody?
14. Have you upset somebody?
15. Is there somebody that you feel you didn’t do enough to?
16. Is there anyone that you’ve tried to get revenge on?
17. Have you ever tortured anybody?
18. Have you ever really wanted to do anybody in?
19. Have you ever hunted anybody?
20. Have you ever murdered anyone? or tried to?
21. Have you made somebody’s life miserable?
22. Have you punished somebody?
23. Have you ever screamed or yelled at somebody?
24. Have you hit somebody?
25. Have you tried to control somebody?
26. How have you tried to stop another?
27. Is there any overt that you feel you should have committed?
28. Do you feel you have been too lenient?
29. Have you enforced your opinion on somebody?
30. Have you convinced somebody that he or she was wrong? How?
31. Have you made anyone feel that he or she was no good?
32. Have you been mean to others?
33. Have you done anything that was cruel?
34. Have you had to be hard on somebody for their own good?
35. Is there somebody that you tried to dominate? How?
36. Is there something that you have had to restrain yourself from doing?
37. Have you prevented another from talking?
38. Have you cut somebody’s comm?
39. Have you lied to somebody?
40. Have you attacked somebody?
41. Do you feel you have been unjust?
42. Is there any time when you thought that you had been too weak?
43. Have you ever accused somebody of something they didn’t do?
44. Have you ever pronounced somebody guilty?
45. Is there somebody you have criticized to others?
46. Have you talked about somebody behind their back?
47. Have you invalidated somebody?
48. Is there somebody you have wanted to destroy?
49. Have you tried to destroy somebody?
50. Is there somebody you would like to teach a lesson to?
51. Is there somebody you would like to harm?
52. Is there somebody who deserves to suffer a little?
53. Do you know anyone that you consider yourself too good for?
54. Is there something you could do that would really show them?
55. Have you ever had to point out somebody’ faults?
56. Have you ever beaten somebody up?
57. Do you think that you might have killed somebody?
58. Have you ever shattered somebody’s hopes and aspirations?
59. Have you ever blunted somebody’s goal?
60. Is there any overt that you have committed that you feel you will never be able to make up for?
61. Have you ever stopped another? or tried to?
62. Have you betrayed anybody?
63. Have you ever been too mean to anybody?
64. Have you hurt somebody that you loved?
65. Have you rejected anybody that you loved?
66. Have you failed to thank or acknowledge somebody who helped you?
67. Have you ever made somebody give up?
68. Have you ever destroyed another’s hopes?
69. Have you ever made another go unconscious?
70. Have you ever drugged anybody?
71. Have you ever hypnotized somebody?
72. Have you ever implanted another?
73. Is there somebody that you led astray?
74. Have you ever rendered another unconscious and then told them to do bad things?
75. Have you ever tried to control another’s mind?
76. Have you ever tried to destroy another’s mind?
77. Have you ever tried to totally wipe out another being?
78. Have you ever been negligent of somebody you were looking after?
79. Have you wounded anybody?
80. Have you ever mistreated anybody?
81. Have you ever destroyed another’s possessions?
82. Have you ever tried to wipe out another’s memory?
83. Have you ever punished somebody for telling something?
84. Have you ever forced another to keep a secret?
85. Have you ever passed on something that somebody told you confidentially?
86. Have you ever forced another to keep their mouth shut?
87. Have you ever prevented another from revealing something?
88. Have you ever coerced another into doing bad things?
89. Have you ever put somebody to sleep and then done bad things to them?
90. Have you ever jailed somebody?
91. Have you ever trapped another?
92. Have you ever scarred another’s body?
93. Have you ever dismembered somebody?
94. Have you ever disfigured somebody?
95. Have you ever tried to possess or control another?
96. Have you ever undermined another’s position?
97. Have you ever undermined another’s authority?
98. Have you ever destroyed another’s morals?
99. Have you ever destroyed another’s mind?
100. Have you ever destroyed another’s memory?
101. Have you ever run a can’t have on somebody?
102. Have you ever forced another into a contract or agreement?
103. Is there somebody that you really hate?
104. Is there somebody that you used to hate?
105. Have you ever tried to get rid of somebody?
106. Have you ever been rude or discourteous?
107. Have you ever dominated somebody else?
108. Is there somebody you think would be better off dead?
109. Is there somebody you should have gotten rid of?
110. Do you know of anybody who got too powerful?
111. Is there somebody whose opinions you sought to invalidate?
112. Have you ever forced somebody to do something against their will?
113. Have you ever ridiculed another?
114. Have you ever held another up to contempt?
115. Have you ever made someone feel unwanted?
116. Is there some temptation you haven’t been able to resist?
117. Is there a time when you were too good?
118. Is there somebody whom you neglected?
119. Is there somebody who deserved everything they got?
120. Is there somebody who deserved more than you did to them?
121. Is there somebody whom you prevented from doing things that they wanted to do?
122. Is there somebody whom you took for granted?
123. Have you ever failed to keep your exchange in with others?
124. Have you ever stolen anything?
125. Have you ever borrowed another’s possessions and not returned them?
126. Have you ever failed to repay a loan?
127. Have you ever taken advantage of somebody?
128. Is there somebody whom you exploited?
129. Is there somebody whom you tried to make less of?
130. Have you ever disappointed somebody?
131. Have you ever tried to get even?
132. Is there some overt you haven’t committed but should have?
133. Have you ever treated somebody badly?
134. Have you ever hurt somebody’s feelings?
135. Is there anyone that you tricked?
136. Is there somebody whom you feel guilty around?
137. How do you think you have erred?
138. Do you think that you are evil in any way?
139. Is there anything that you have done that we haven’t covered?
140. Tell me your opinion of yourself now.


01. Are others mean to others?
02. Have you observed anyone being cruel to someone?
03. Is suffering necessary?
04. Do you know anyone who harmed others?
05. What do you think others do that is wrong?
06. Has someone taken unfair advantage of another?
07. Do you know somebody who makes others feel hopeless?
08. Has somebody betrayed another’s trust in them?
09. Has somebody ridiculed others?
10. Do you know somebody who nagged others?
11. Is there somebody who made another’s life hell?
12. Do you know somebody who upset others?
13. Have you felt you should intervene when somebody was doing something to somebody else?
14. Did somebody deserve what others did to them?
15. Do you know somebody who should be restrained from committing averts on others?
16. Do you know somebody who was sadistic?
17. Do you know somebody who made others feel guilty?
18. Do you know somebody who worried others?
19. Is there somebody who specialized in upsetting others?
20. Do you know somebody who was always talking about their upsets with others?
21. Do you know somebody who committed a lot of averts?
22. Do you know somebody who wanted to do others in?
23. Do you know anybody who wanted to make others suffer?
24. Is there somebody who hates others intensely?
25. Do you know anyone who wanted vengeance?
26. Do you know somebody that others tried to get revenge on?
27. Have you ever witnessed another torturing another?
28. Have others ever hunted anybody?
29. Have you ever seen a friend or loved one made to suffer?
30. Have you seen somebody butchering others?
31. Have you ever witnessed a murder?
32. Is there anybody who made somebody else really miserable?
33. Do you know of anybody who punished others?
34. Have you ever seen somebody scream and yell at others?
35. Have you heard of something that somebody did to others that you thought was really bad?
36. Have you seen somebody being beaten?
37. Have you ever seen a whipping?
38. Have you witnessed an execution?
39. Have you witnessed a lynching?
40. How have others tried to control others?
41. Have you seen somebody who was under somebody else’s control?
42. Have you seen someone who was under somebody else’s influence?
43. Have others tried to control others’ minds? How?
44. Have you ever seen someone enslaving others?
45. Do you know anybody who tried to stop things?
46. Is there any overt that others have done to others that you feel very strongly about?
47. Do you think that someone was too lenient with others?
48. Is there somebody who was always enforcing their opinions on others?
49. Do you know anyone who could convince others that they were wrong?
50. Is there someone who convinced others that they were no good?
51. Do you know anyone who was really mean to others?
52. Have you known someone you would describe as really cruel?
53. Do you know someone who was hard on others for their own good?
54. Do you know someone who enjoyed making others suffer?
55. Do you know somebody whom others considered very dominating?
56. Have you seen someone restraining themselves from doing bad?
57. Do you know somebody who made others do bad things?
58. Do you know somebody who forced others to commit overts?
59. Is there somebody who cut others’ communication lines?
60. Have you seen somebody lying to another?
61. Do you know of any injustices others have inflicted on others?
62. Is there somebody who attacked others?
63. Do you know of anybody that you consider was too weak in their handling of others?
64. Do you know of anybody that others falsely accused?
65. Do you know of an innocent person being found guilty?
66. Is there somebody who criticized others?
67. When have you read or heard of others being criticized?
68. Do you know of anybody who gossiped about others behind their backs?
69. Do you know of anyone who invalidated others?
70. Do you know of an instance of others destroying another or others?
71. Do you know of an example of others teaching someone a lesson?
72. Is there somebody who made others suffer?
73. Do you know of an example of others ostracizing somebody?
74. Do you know of anybody who was made an outcast?
75. Is there somebody that others considered fault finding?
76. Do you know of anybody that was beaten up?
77. Is there somebody you think might have murdered somebody?
78. Is there anybody who shattered others’ hopes and aspirations?
79. Is there any overt that others have never forgiven others for?
80. Do you know of anybody who was too mean to others?
81. Have you ever heard of someone hurting somebody they loved?
82. Do you know of anyone who rejected others’ help?
83. Is there somebody who could never accept help from anyone?
84. Do you know of anyone who never appreciated or thanked others?
85. Do you know of an instance when somebody made another give up or quit?
86. Do you know of somebody destroying another’s hopes?
87. Do you know of someone or something making somebody go unconscious?
88. Have you ever seen somebody being drugged?
89. Have you seen somebody hypnotizing another?
90. Do you know of anybody trying to implant another?
91. Have you ever observed others implanting others?
92. Do you know of anybody who led someone astray?
93. Is there anyone who made another do wrong or evil?
94. Do you know of an instance of somebody making another unconscious and then telling them to do bad things?
95. Have you ever observed another trying to destroy somebody’s will?
96. Have you ever observed another trying to destroy another s mind?
97. Do you know of any instance of anyone driving another mad?
98. Have you seen somebody trying to wipe out another?
99. Do you know of anyone who was negligent of someone they should have been taking care of?
100. Have you witnessed another being wounded?
101. Have you seen somebody being mistreated?
102. Have you seen somebody destroying another’s possessions?
103. Do you know of an instance of others trying to wipe out another’s memory?
104. Have you seen somebody punished for telling the truth?
105. Do you know of an instance of others making somebody keep something secret?
106. Do you know of anybody who broke another’s confidence?
107. Have you seen or heard of somebody who forced others to forced others to keep their mouths shut?
108. Is there anybody who forced others to do bad or evil things?
109. Do you know of an instance of somebody putting somebody to sleep and then telling them to do bad things?
110. Do you know somebody who was jailed?
111. Have you seen another being trapped?
112. Do you know of anybody who was scarred?
113. Have you ever seen somebody being dismembered?
114. Do you know of somebody who was disfigured?
115. Do you know of anybody who tried to possess another person?
116. Have you ever witnessed somebody being undermined?
117. Do you know of anybody who was seduced by another?
118. Do you know anybody who seduced others?
119. Have you ever seen somebody running a can’t have on others?
120. Do you know of anybody who forced others into contracts or agreements?
121. Do you know somebody who really hated others?
122. Do you know anybody who was rude or discourteous to others?
123. Do you know anyone who dominated others?
124. Is there somebody whom others thought that would be better off dead?
125. Is there any time when others tried to get rid of somebody?
126. Is there anyone that others thought had gotten too powerful?
127. Is there anyone you knew of who invalidated others’ opinions?
128. Have you ever observed somebody being forced to do something?
129. Have you ever observed somebody being tricked into something?
130. When have others ridiculed others?
131. Have you seen somebody being scorned?
132. Do you know somebody whom another made feel unwanted?
133. Do you know anybody who couldn’t resist temptation?
134. Do you know somebody who is too good?
135. Do you know somebody who is too meek and mild?
136. Do you know of somebody who excluded others?
137. Do you know of anybody who thought that people deserved to be harmed?
138. Do you know anyone who was a criminal?
139. Have you observed somebody stealing from others?
140. Do you know of anybody who committed crimes?
141. Do you know of anybody who took advantage of others?
142. Do you know of anybody who exploited others?
143. Is there somebody who made less of others?
144. Is there anybody who disappointed others?
145. Do you know anybody who was trying to get even?
146. Do you know anyone who had a chip on their shoulder?
147. Is there somebody who was really bitter about life?
148. Is there somebody who didn’t commit an overt but should have?
149. Do you know anyone who you think treated others badly?
150. How do you think people get into committing averts?
151. Is there somebody who thinks that others are evil?
152. Is there somebody whom others considered to be really evil?
153. Is there anything that others have done to others that we haven’t covered?
154. Have any of these questions reminded you of any withhold of yours?
155. Have any of these questions reminded you of anything you have done?


Intentions question, where appropriate, ask: “Did you intend_____?”

1. Have you been too hard on yourself?
2. Have you been mean to yourself?
3. Have you made yourself suffer?
4. Do you think it Is better to suffer?
5. Have you harmed yourself?
6. Have you made yourself feel hopeless?
7. Have you ever let yourself down?
8. Have you exposed yourself to ridicule?
9. Have you made your life hell?
10. Have you felt that you should stay upset about something?
11. Do you feel that you are undeserving?
12. Have you restrained yourself?
13. Have you mode yourself feel guilty?
14. Have you worries yourself?
15. Have you made yourself worry about things?
16. Have you not permitted yourself to enjoy something?
17. Have you tried not to want something too much?
18. Have you tried not to let yourself have things you wanted?
19. Have you tried not to want things?
20. Have you limited your goals?
21. Is there anything that you have not allowed yourself to have?
22. Have you held yourself back from doing something you wanted to do?
23. Is there anything that you have prevented yourself from being?
24. Do you feel that you are stopping yourself in any way? (If so, How? Why?)
25. Have you cautioned yourself?
26. Have you put yourself last?
27. Have you made anyone else wrong for taking care of themselves?
28. Have you made anyone else wrong for having things?
29. Have you inhibited yourself?
30. Have you invalidated yourself?
31. Do you ever make less of yourself to others?
32. Do you ever make less of yourself to yourself?
33. Do you feel that you are unimportant?
34. Have you put others or the group before your own interests?
35. Have you agreed with someone who was critical of you?
36. Have you felt that you were nothing?
37. Have you mode yourself overly important?
38. Have you been arrogant?
39. Have you been selfish?
40. Have you been lazy?
41. Have you neglected others’ best interests?
42. Have you ever hated yourself?
43. Have you ever despised yourself?
44. Have you ever been greedy?
45. Have you ever tried to grab everything for yourself?
46. Have you exaggerated your own importance?
47. Have you felt that you had too many possessions?
48. Have you felt that you had too much money?
49. Have you felt that you took too much of something for yourself?
50. Have you been told or taught that you shouldn’t watch out for your own interests?
51. Have you been told or taught that you shouldn’t watch out for other’s interests?
52. Do you feel that you are holding yourself back?
53. Have you ever really wanted to be like somebody else?
54. Have you idolized anyone?
55. Have you tried to model your life after someone else?
56. Have you felt that someone else was far more important than you?
57. Have you felt that you stressed your own importance too much?
58. Have you punished yourself for doing wrong?
59. Have you tried to be humble?
60. Have you neglected your health?
61. Have you neglected your own happiness?
62. Have you tried to abstain from pleasure?
63. Have you tried not to enjoy yourself too much?
64. Have you tried to dampen your own enthusiasm about something?
65. Have you damaged your body?
66. Have you inflicted pain on yourself?
67. Have you tried to hypnotize yourself?
68. Have you implanted yourself?
69. Have you tried to destroy your mind?
70. Have you tried to destroy your memory?
71. Have you tried to wipe out your personality?
72. Have you tried force a different beingness on yourself?
73. Have you tried to change your ways?
74. Have you tried to change your personality?
75. Are there things that you don’t like about yourself?
76. Is there some way in which you have mode yourself miserable?
77. Do you have any doubts about yourself?
78. Do you lock confidence in yourself?
79. Have you tried to extinguish yourself?
80. Have you felt that the world or others would be better off without you?
81. Have you decided to leave so that you wouldn’t cause any more harm?
82. Have you become addicted to drugs or alcohol?
83. Have you made nothing out of yourself?
84. Have you blamed yourself for another’s faults?
85. Have you tried to take responsibility for things you didn’t cause?
86. Have you taken the credit for others actions?
87. Have you failed to stand up for your own rights?
88. Have you worked yourself too hard?
89. Have you let yourself be lazy?
90. Have you let others get away with taking advantage over you?
91. Have you agreed to things you didn’t want to?
92. Have you agreed to something that was to your own detriment?
93. Have you agreed that you were no good?
94. Have you agreed that you were harmful or evil?
95. Have you invalidated your own opinions?
96. Have you invalidated your own knowingness?
97. Have you invalidated your own beingness?
98. Have you invalidated the success of your actions?
99. Have you invalidated your ability to be able to do things?
100. Have you permitted someone else to dominate you?
101. Have you forced yourself to do something against your will?
102. Have you forced yourself to do something against your own better judgment?
103. Have you ever made yourself feel better?
104. Have you ever made yourself regret something you did?
105. Have you made yourself confess to things that you didn’t do?
106. Have you felt that you must be really evil?
107. Have you postulated something bad would happen to you?
108. Have you ever mocked up a bed future for yourself?
109. Have you allowed somebody else to adversely effect your opinions of yourself?
110. Have you agreed to try to change your ways?
111. Have you agreed to something harmful?
112. Have you agreed that you should limit yourself?
113. Have you agreed that you should have a bank?
114. Have you agreed that you shouldn’t be mobile?
115. Have you agreed that you shouldn’t know too much?
116. Have you agreed that you shouldn’t remember?
117. Have you agreed that you shouldn’t form habits?
118. Have you agreed that you should have a stimulus-response mind?
119. Have you agreed that you should learn by experience?
120. Have you agreed that you should be punished for your misdeeds?
121. Have you agreed that you shouldn’t create something?
122. Have you agreed that you should create something?
123. Have you agreed that you shouldn’t change your mind?
124. Have you agreed that you shouldn’t change your agreements?
125. How do you feel about yourself?
126. How would you like to be?
127. Tell me some things you would like to do?
128. Tell me some things you would like to have?
129. Is there something you would like to postulate for your future?
130. Is there any reason why you shouldn’t be free?
131. How do your ideas about yourself compare to what they were before?


L&N Flow 1: “What evil purpose has another had toward you?”

L & N Flow 2: “What evil purpose have you had towards others?”

L & N Flow 3: “What evil purpose have others had towards others?”

L & N Flow 0: “What evil purpose have you had towards yourself?”


Here is an example for first L&N question:

“W/W would enforce communication on another?”

1. What does a_________do?
2. What does a__________withhold?

This unburdens the item so that now the intention can be listed.

What would be the basic intention of a________?

For Pcs:

Run the intention R3RA Quad per the XDN instructions for running intentions.

For PreOTs:

Check for ownership: Yours, a BTs, A Clusters, anothers?

Yours: Quad Recalls or D/L

If the intention turns out to be also a righteous computation (ser fac
item), one could first run:

1. What does_______get a person into?
2. What does_______get a person out of?
3. How does_______help a person to win?
4. How does_______make others lose?
5. How does_______help a person to be powerful?
6. How does_______make others weak?
7. What is right about_______?
8. How could you use_________to make others wrong?

BT: Run the BTs intention chain to EP to a blow. If no blow, then Inc
II/Inc I or NOTs handling to a blow if needed.

Cluster: Assess the Type of Incident assessment to get the incident that
formed the intention, date it, locate and run it if necessary earlier
similar to a blow. If no blow, then standard OT III or NOTs cluster
handling to a blow.

If another’s: Locate who it is and handle as a BT above.


1. The list of words below is called Method 6 to the pc or preOT; on each the pc gives back an automatic response or comment.

2. Get considerations about each reading item that reads either instantly when you say the word or when the pc responds or comments. Look for service facs computations and evil purposes, ways he is resisting the item. If the pc or preOT gives an evil purpose or service fac computation, handle it per the instructions given in step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


If, for example, the auditor says CAREER and the pc responses with: “That is for sure something I’ll never have,” one could put together an L&N question incorporating the assessment word and the response.

“Who or What would never have a career?”

“A sad broken down loser”

The terminal is then handled per L-type handling as in Step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


thetan individuality identity mental machinery
a mind a skill tool clothing
career identification human body parts brain
body cells car house
food meals vehicle decorations
certificates diplomas body organs viewpoints
a habit appetite ego urge to survive as individual
learning hobby medicine self improvement
study book ornament grooming
personal hygiene self expression health product
GE job paycheck


After each valid answer, ask: “Who would make you guilty about that?”

1. Have you ever been unfaithful to somebody?
2. Have you ever broken somebody’s heart?
3. Have you ever raped somebody?
4. Have you ever used somebody sexually?
5. Have you ever led somebody on sexually?
6. Have you ever used sex with somebody to obtain favors?
7. Have you ever seduced somebody?
8. Have you ever withheld sex from somebody?
9. Have you ever invalidated somebody sexually?
10. Has sex with you been boring to somebody?
11. Has somebody ever bragged about sexual experiences with you?
12. Have you ever lied to somebody about your sexual past?
13. Have you ever made somebody feel degraded about a sexual experience?
14. Have you ever persuaded somebody to engage in a sexual activity when they didn’t want to?
15. Have you ever degraded somebody sexually?
16. Have you ever drugged somebody for sexual purposes?
17. Have you ever flirted with somebody when they didn’t want you to?
18. Have you ever embarrassed somebody sexually?
19. Have you ever made somebody day dream about you sexually?
20. Have you ever told somebody that sex was bad?
21. Have you ever pretended to enjoy sex with somebody?
22. Were you mean to somebody as a child?
23. Did you perform a sexual action with somebody as a child?
24. Were you mean to a child?
25. Did anyone have sexual withholds from you?
26. Were you mean to your brothers or sisters?
27. Have you ever rejected somebody sexually?
28. Have you ever bothered or disturbed somebody when you were a child?
29. Have you ever been involved in pornography?
30. Have you ever engaged in sexually perverted conduct?
31. Have you ever used hypnotism to obtain sex?
32. Have you ever beer involved in an orgy?
33. Have you ever a experimented sexually?
34. Do you have any withholds from your sexual partner?
35. Have you ever paid for sex?
36. Have you ever been paid for sex?
37. Have you ever made anyone ashamed about their sexual feelings?
38. Have you ever had sex with a member of your family?
39. Have you ever toyed with someone’s affections?
40. Have you ever forced someone to have sex with you?
41. Have you ever wished that sex was different or better than it was?
42. Have you ever performed an abortion?
43. Have you ever used a minor for sexual purposes?
44. Have you ever been guilty of child abuse?
45. Have you ever been disrespectful to your parents?
46. Have you ever been cruel to your spouse?
47. Have you ever been cruel to a child?
48. Have you ever favored one child over another?
49. Have you ever spoiled a child?
50. Have you ever mishandled a child?
51. Have you ever neglected a child?
52. Do you have end other overts on children?
53. How do you feel about children?
54. Do you have any overts on children that we haven’t covered here?
55. Is there anything about the subject of sex that you feel guilty about?
56. Do you have any sexual overts that you haven’t gotten off?


1. Has somebody embarrassed you sexually?
2. Has sex with someone been boring to you?
3. Has somebody persuaded you to engage in a sexual activity when you didn’t want to?
4. Have you ever felt degraded about a sexual experience?
5. Has somebody seduced you?
6. Has somebody used sex with you to obtain favors?
7. Has somebody led you on sexually?
8. Has somebody withheld sex from you?
9. Has somebody invalidated you sexually?
10. Have you ever been heartbroken?
11. Have you ever bragged about your sexual experiences?
12. Has somebody lied to you about their sexual past?
13. Has somebody used you sexually?
14. Have you ever been raped?
15. Has somebody degraded you sexually?
16. Has somebody drugged you for sexual purposes?
17. Has somebody flirted with you when you didn’t want them to?
18. Has somebody been unfaithful to you?
19. Have you ever day dreamed about someone sexually?
20. Has somebody told you that sex was bad?
21. Has somebody pretended to enjoy sex with you?
22. Was somebody mean to you as a child?
23. Did anyone perform a sexual action with you as a child?
24. Were your parents mean to you?
25. Did you have any sexual withholds from your parents?
26. Were your brothers or sisters mean to you?
27. Has somebody rejected you sexually?
28. Have children ever bothered or disturbed you?
29. Did someone try to abort you?
30. Did someone want an abortion when you didn’t?
31. Were you ever neglected as a child?
32. Were you ever abused as a child?
33. Did you ever hate your parents?
34. Has a sexual partner been cruel to you?
35. Was anyone cruel to you as a child?
36. Was another child favored over you?
37. Were you spoiled as a child?
38. Did you feel that a brother or sister was spoiled?
39. Were you mishandled as a child?
40. As a child did you ever destroy your toys to get even?
41. As a child did you ever destroy another’s possessions out of revenge?
42. Have you been forced sexually?
43. Have you been implanted with sexual compulsions?
44. Have you been implanted with sexual inhibitions?
45. Have you been implanted that sex was evil?
46. Have you been implanted with sexual pictures?
47. Have you been given any false data about sex?
48. Do you feel the affect of anything about sex?
49. Do you have any opinions about sex that you find horrid to express?
50. Is there anything about sex that you have a withhold about?


L&N: “Who/what would regard sex as a solution?”

List to one item and if it is a terminal, do the following procedure:

1. What does a_________do?

2. What does a_________withhold?

This unburdens the item so that now the intention can be listed.

L&N: What would be the basic intention of a________?

If intention is good:

2WC: What progress have you made on the intention_______?

If the intention is evil or destructive:

For Pcs:

Run the intention R3R Quad per the Expanded Dianetics instructions for running intentions.

For PreOTs:

Check for ownership: Yours, a BTs, A Clusters, anothers?

Yours: Quad Recalls or D/L

If the intention turns out to be also a righteous computation (ser fac item), one could first run:

1. What does_______get a person into?
2. What does_______get a person out of?
3. How does_______help a person to win?
4. How does_______make others lose?
5. How does_______help a person to be powerful?
6. How does_______make others weak?
7. What is right about_______?
8. How could you use_________to make others wrong?

BT: Run the BTs intention chain to EP to a blow. If no blow, then Inc II/Inc I or NOTs handling to a blow if needed.

Cluster: Assess the Type of Incident Assessment to get the incident that formed the intention, date it, locate and run it if necessary earlier similar to a blow. If no blow, then stardard OT III or NOTs cluster handling to a blow.

If another’s: Locate who it is and handle as a BT above.


1. The list of words below is called Method 6 to the pc or preOT; on each the pc gives back an automatic response or comment.

2. Get considerations about each reading item that reads either instantly when you say the word or when the pc responds or comments. Look for service facs computations and evil purposes, ways he is resisting the item. If the pc or preOT gives an evil purpose or service fac computation, handle it per the instructions given in step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


If, for example, the auditor says CHILD and the pc responses with: “That is for sure something I would never want to have.”, one could put together an L&N question incorporating the assessment word and the response.

“Who or What would for sure never want to have a child?”

“A poor homeless person”

The terminal is then handled per L-type handling as in Step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


food preparation duplication child sex
genital penis vagina sperm
ovum semen conception childhood
mother farther matriarch patriarch
son daughter intercourse family
home desire virility impotence
a marriage seduction urge to procreate sexual pleasure
sexual sensation courting femininity masculinity
pregnancy birth babies breasts
contraceptives homosexuality bisexuality sexual practices
rape promiscuity VD relatives
family ties incest mother’s milk abortion
prenatal influence mating nurturing
menstruation infatuation sexual love sibling


L&N Flow 1: “What is the greatest overt ever committed against you on the Whole Track?”

L&N Flow 2: “What is the greatest overt you have ever committed on the Whole Track?”

L&N Flow 3: “What is the greatest overt ever that another has committed against another or others on the Whole Track?”

L&N Flow 0: “What is the greatest overt ever that you committed against yourself on the Whole Track?”

List by laws of listing and nulling but be sure to get a BD item, which F/Ns, the question. The list may be rather long.

Now run (despite F/N) “What ARC break occurred just before that?” Use ARCU and CDEI. Desist on each flow at the first F/N, Cog, VGIs.


1. Have you ever been disloyal to your group?
2. Have you ever mistreated another group member?
3. Have you ever betrayed your group?
4. Have you ever taken unfair advantage of your position in a group?
5. Have you put your own interests above those of your group?
6. Have you ever required another group member to sacrifice himself for the group?
7. Have you ever invalidated a group?
8. Have you invalidated a group’s purposes?
9. Have you upset a group with your disagreements?
10. Have you ever walked out on a group?
11. Are you against any group?
12. Is there any group that you hate?
13. Have you thrown someone out of a group?
14. Have you expelled anyone from a group?
15. Have you third partied someone to the rest of the group?
16. Have you created dissension within a group?
17. Do you feel there is any group that you owe anything to?
18. Have you forced anyone to join a group?
19. Have you upset a group?
20. Have you left a group just to make them wrong?
21. Have you ever thrown a group off its true purposes?
22. Have you declared war on a gang?
23. Have you ever created a gang?
24. Have you committed overts as part of a gang?
25. Do you belong to a gang?
26. Have you ever let your team down?
27. Have you made your team ashamed of you?
28. Have you failed to support your team?
29. Have you been mean to a team member?
30. Have you failed to support your school?
31. Have you been against your school?
32. Have you caused trouble at a school?
33. Do you have any overts on your school?
34. Have you ever created a secret society?
35. Have you ever caused trouble as a member of a secret society?
36. Have you ever harmed a secret society
37. Have you ever pledged your allegiance to a secret society?
38. Have you ever harmed a club?
39. Have you ever failed to contribute to a club?
40. Have you ever been a bad representative of an association?
41. Have you ever tried to get more out of an association then you put in?
42. Have you been a bad member of a church?
43. Have you violated the mores of a church?
44. Did you commits secret sins?
45. Have you disturbed the other members of your church?
46. Did you do anything that would have made your church ashamed of you?
47. Have you ever lied about your connection with a church?
46. Have you ever abandoned a church that you felt you owed your allegiance to?
45. Have you ever harmed a religion?
50. Have you ever harmed your race?
51. Have you done anything that your race would be ashamed of?
52. Have you declared war an another race?
53. Have you ever been a bad example of your race?
54. Have you ever betrayed your country?
55. Have you ever failed to support your country?
56. Have you harmed your country?
57. Have you invaded another country?
58. Have you destroyed another country?
59. Have you been mean to your friends?
60. Have you troubled a friend?
61. Have you ever stated an agreement that you didn’t mean?
62. Have you ever pretended to be in agreement when you weren’t?
63. Have you ever broken an agreement just because it didn’t suit you?
64. Have you ever been disloyal?
65. Have you committed any overts because of your duty or loyalty to a group?
66. Have you ever withheld your support?
67. Have you ever supported something that was an overt?
68. Have you ever betrayed an agreement?
69. Have you ever continued an agreement after you no longer agreed?
70. Is there anything that you have done to a group that we haven’t covered here?


1. Has a group been mean to you?
2. Have you been mistreated by a group?
3. Has a group betrayed your trust?
4. Has a group taken unfair advantage over you?
5. Has a group tried to interfere with your personal life?
6. Have you been required to sacrifice yourself for a group?
7. Have you been involved with a group that considered itself the only true group?
8. Have you belonged to a group that misrepresented its goals or purposes?
9. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by disagreements from a group?
10. Is there any group that is against you?
11. Has a group rejected you?
12. Have you been thrown out of a group?
13. Is there any group that hates you?
14. Is there any group that has betrayed you?
15. Have you belonged to a group that had internal disagreements?
16. Have you been upset by a group?
17. Have you known a group that tricked its members?
18. Is there any group that you feel hung up in?
19. Have you belonged to a gang?
20. Has a gang ever damaged your property?
21. Has a gang ever robbed you?
22. Has a gang ever terrorized your loved one’s?
23. Has a rival gang ever threatened your group?
24. Have you suffered from the actions of a gang?
25. Has your team ever let you down?
26. Has your team ever disowned you?
27. Has a team that you were part of demanded too much of you?
28. Have you felt ashamed of belonging to a team?
29. Has your school been unpleasant?
30. Have you wanted to go to a different school?
31. Have you been expelled from a school?
32. Have you wanted to leave a school?
33. Have you had disagreements with a school?
34. Have you been mistreated at a school?
35. Have you belonged to a secret society?
36. Have you been in fear of a secret society?
37. Have you been harmed by a secret society?
33. Have you belonged to a club that you had disagreements with?
39. Have you belonged to a club that wanted too much?
40. Have you belonged to a club that you didn’t want to be part of?
41. Have you belonged to an association that you no longer wanted to be part of?
42. Have you belonged to an association that was bad for your reputation?
43. Have you belonged to an association that expected too much from you?
44. Have you belonged to a church that was bad or evil?
45. Have you belonged to a church that was suppressive?
46. Have you belonged to a church that restricted your freedom?
47. Have you belonged to a church that made false promises?
48. Have you been part of a church that committed overts on others?
49. Have you belonged to a church that individuated from society?
50. Have you belonged to a church that you wanted to leave?
51. Have you belonged to a church that you were ashamed of?
52. Has a church or religion harmed you?
53. Have you ever been ashamed of your race?
54. Have you been ashamed of your color?
55. Have you wanted to belong to a different race?
56. Have you felt that your race was inferior to you?
57. Have you been handicapped because of your race?
58. Have you been ashamed of your country?
59. Have you felt at a disadvantage because of your country?
60. Has another country made war on yours?
61. Has another country ruined your country?
62. Has your country been invaded?
63. Has your country made you feel separate from humanity?
64. Do you have any motivators from your country?
65. Do you have any motivators from your group?
66. Do you not like your friends?
67. Is there anything that you wish you hadn’t agreed with?
68. Has your duty or loyalty been used against you?
69. Have you felt that you had to be part of a group that you no longer agreed with?
70. Have you ever regretted your allegiance?
71. Has a group ever made you feel inferior?
72. Is there any group that you regret having been part of?
73. Does a group owe you anything?
74. Do you feel the effect of any group?
75. Is there anything that a group has done to you that we haven’t covered?


1. Do you know of a group that was disloyal to its members?
2. Is there any group that mistreated its members?
3. Is there any group that attacked other groups?
4. Is there any group that betrayed mankind?
5. Has a group tried to control its members?
6. Has a group betrayed its members?
7. Do you belong to any group that is contra-survival?
8. Do you belong to a group that hates people?
9. Is there any group that is against things generally?
10. Is there any group that seeks to hold its members through fear or force?
11. Is there any group that should be destroyed?
12. Do groups commit overts?
13. Are groups wrong?
14. Has a group ever withheld its true purposes?
15. Does any group do any good?
16. Should a group be helped?
17. Has a gang ever committed atrocities?
18. Have you ever witnessed a gang committing overts?
19. Is a team a bad thing to be part of?
20. Has a teem been harmful to its members?
21. Has a team committed overts on another team?
22. Do schools commit overts?
23. Do you have any opinions about secret societies?
24. Has a secret society been harmful?
25. Do churches commit overts?
26. Has a church ever controlled its congregation?
27. Has a church betrayed its congregation?
28. Has a church duped its membership?
29. Has a church made false promises?
30. Has a church betrayed people?
31. Has a church attacked other churches or religions?
32. Has a church done anything harmful?
33. Is there any race that shouldn’t exist?
34. Is there any race that committed overts on other races?
35. Is there anything wrong with different races?
36. How could a race be harmful?
37. How have others sought to trap others?
38. Have there been any truly evil groups?
39. Has a group sought to hold people to agreements that were no longer valid?
40. Are there any agreements that should be changed?
41. Do you have any considerations about how groups should conduct themselves?


1. Has a group been harmful to itself?
2. Has a group betrayed itself?
3. Are there any overts that you think a group committed on its members?
4. Has a group been disloyal to itself?
5. Is there any group that destroyed itself?
6. Is there any group that invalidates its own goals?
7. Is there any group that fights its members?
8. Is there any school that has harmed itself?
9. Is there any race that has harmed itself?
10. Is there any country that has been harmful to itself?
11. Is there any nation that was self-destructive?
12. Is there any church that destroyed itself?
13. Is there any religion that destroyed itself?
14. Is there any church or religion that destroyed its members?
15. Is there any church or religion that harmed its members?
16. Is there any agreement that is self-destructive?
17. Is there any way that groups harm themselves that we haven’t covered here ?


L&N Flow 1: “Who/What has regarded you as an enemy?”

L&N Flow 2: “Who/What have you regarded as an enemy?”

L&N Flow 3: “Who/What have others regarded as an enemy?”

L&N Flow 0: “Who/What would be an enemy to himself/herself?”

Do the 6 way O/W process on any item found.


1. The list of words below is called Method 6 to the pc or preOT; on each the pc gives back an automatic response or comment.

2. Get considerations about each reading item that reads either instantly when you say the word or when the pc responds or comments. Look for service facs computations and evil purposes, ways he is resisting the item. If the pc or preOT gives an evil purpose or service fac computation, handle it per the instructions given in step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


If, for example, the auditor says POLICE and the pc responses with: “I am so afraid of police.”, one could put together an L&N question incorporating the assessment word and the response.

“Who or What would be afraid of the police?”

“A desperate criminal”

The terminal is then handled per L-type handling as in Step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


club flag insignia meeting place
uniform rank the state members
membership law rules corporation
agreement team a race team mates
constitution constituency politics leaders
followers morals commandments policy
admin organization org board orders
school education exchange military
police prison criminal mores
language urge to join war government
democracy tyranny aristocracy collective


1. Have you ever treated a member of your species like an animal?
1a. Have you ever treated a member of your species like a machine?
2. Have you ever made territory uninhabitable?
3. Have you ever resigned from the human race?
4. Have you ever pretended to be a human being?
5. Have you ever done anything to keep mankind from uniting?
6. Have you ever tried to exterminate a species?
7. Have you ever pretended to be a member of a different species?
8. Have you ever denied a species a place to live?
9. Have you ever prevented a species form reproducing?
10. Have you ever perverted the purpose of a species?
11. Have you ever kept your own species ignorant?
12. Have you ever eaten a member of your own species?
13. Have you tried to start a war among your own species?
14. Is there anything you’ve done to a species that would be unsafe for you to reveal?


1. The list of words below is called Method 6 to the pc or preOT; on each the pc gives back an automatic response or comment.

2. Get considerations about each reading item that reads either instantly when you say the word or when the pc responds or comments. Look for service facs computations and evil purposes, ways he is resisting the item. If the pc or preOT gives an evil purpose or service fac computation, handle it per the instructions given in step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


If, for example, the auditor says ECOLOGY and the pc responses with: “I hate recycling cans.”, one could put together an L&N question incorporating the assessment word and the response.

“Who or What would hate recycling cans?”

“A person with no future”

The terminal is then handled per L-type handling as in Step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


commerce human species ecology development of space
space travel world travel genocide exploration
human race brotherhood united nations world organization
world trade confederations world citizenship league of nations
esperanto world health world treaties international
human rights world systems world communication urge to act in concert
free trade global contract world government human dignity
common man agreements


Run each charged item on:

“What have you done to ____?”
“What have you omitted regarding ____?”

1. Matter
2. Energy
3. Space
4. Time
5. Location
6. Form
7. Objects
8. Motion
9. Land
10. Sea
11. Rivers
12. The environment
13. This planet
14. Planets
15. The sun
16. Stars
17. The physical universe
18. Theta
19. Entheta
20. Thought
21. Ideals
22. Principles
23. Ethics
24. Aesthetics
25. Thetans
26. Life
27. God
28. Creativity
29. Creation
30. Infinity


1. Is there anyone you will have to handle when you return home?
2. Is there anyone you have to handle at work?
3. Is there anyone in your life who is a problem to you?
4. Is there anyone in your life who makes problems for you?
5. Is there anyone in your life who makes trouble for others?
6. Is there someone in your life by whom you judge your case gain?
7. Is there a situation that you have to handle in the future?
8. Is there a situation that you don’t have to handle yet?
9. Has this auditing been a solution to a problem?
10. Is there some problem that you are hoping this auditing will solve?
11. Do you know anyone that you are embarrassed about being connected with?

12. Is there anyone that you are connected to that you think could become a problem to you?
13. Is there some person that you are hoping you won’t run into?
14. Is there somebody that you would rather not have to confront again?
15. Does anything in the future concern or worry you?
16. Is there something from the past that you hope will never occur again?


L&N for each dynamic:

Who or what (W/W) represents the (Dynamic)?


W/W would represent the (Dynamic)?

For example:

W/W represents the first dynamic? LF

Item: an engineer LFBD F/N

L&N: What would be the basic intention/purpose of a (an)_______?

Handle this intention/purpose per the directions in Step 01 of The L 10 Full Program.

Repeat for all the other dynamics.


1) L&N “What was the greatest lie you told on the Whole Track?”

2) D/L to blow

3) 2 w/c the lie found quad flow to EP.


1. Have you ever denied the existence of Beings?
2. Have you ever made people believe they weren’t Beings?
3. Have you ever persuaded others some thoughts are bad?
4. Have you ever made a Being believe he was evil?
5. Have you ever made another forget?
6. Have you ever forced a beingness on another?
7. Have you ever made another believe he was somewhere else?
8. Have you ever made another believe he was in a different time?
9. Have you ever made another believe he was someone else?
10. Have you ever confused another’s memory?
11. Have you ever persuaded another there were things he must resist?
12. Have you ever prevented another from perceiving?
13. Have you ever prevented another from being something?
14. Have you ever convinced another his postulates didn’t work?
15. Have you ever made another experience something he didn’t wish to?
16. Have you ever convinced another that he was weak?
17. Have you ever convinced another that he was incompetent?
18. Have you ever convinced another that he was insane?
19. Have you ever convinced another that he was stupid?
20. Have you ever convinced another that he was dishonorable?
21. Have you ever driven another insane?
22. Have you ever enslaved another?


1. The list of words below is called Method 6 to the pc or preOT; on each the pc gives back an automatic response or comment.

2. Get considerations about each reading item that reads either instantly when you say the word or when the pc responds or comments. Look for service facs computations and evil purposes, ways he is resisting the item. If the pc or preOT gives an evil purpose or service fac computation, handle it per the instructions given in step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


If, for example, the auditor says GHOST and the pc responses with: “I’m afraid of ghosts.”, one could put together an L&N question incorporating the assessment word and the response.

“Who or What would be afraid of ghosts?”

“A frightened person”

The terminal is then handled per L-type handling as in Step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


aesthetic wave value ghost spirit
art object beauty the occult magic
voodoo mediums masters symmetry
logic creative urge sublimation ambiguity
poetry theory idea theta
OT virtue architecture literature
essay writing imagination mathematics
evil courage goodness purity
own universe astral body ectoplasm telepathy
telekinesis metaphysics ethics justice
philosophy immortality freedom free will
nobility style urge to create


1. Have you ever doubted the truth of your religion?
2. Have you ever desecrated a holy place?
2a. Have you ever desecrated a sacred object?
3. Have you ever disobeyed God’s commandments?
4. Have you ever failed to perform your religious duties?
5. Have you ever neglected an opportunity to save a sinner?
6. Have you ever been disrespectful to a holy person?
7. Have you ever compromised your religious convictions?
8. Have you ever attacked a religion?
9. Have you ever tolerated a bad religion?
10. Have you ever perverted a religion?
11. Have you thought evil thoughts?
12. Have you ever concealed (denied) your religion?
13. Have you ever changed your religion?
14. Have you ever committed a sin?
15. Have you ever convinced others that some things are unknowable?
16. Have you ever convinced another that there were effects he couldn’t create?
17. Have you ever convinced another there were places he couldn’t be?

18. Have you ever convinced another that there were Beings with whom he couldn’t communicate?
19. Have you ever convinced another that some things cannot be communicated?
20. Have you ever convinced another there were places he couldn’t leave?
21. Have you ever persuaded another that he never created anything?
22. Have you ever made another irresponsible?


1. The list of words below is called Method 6 to the pc or preOT; on each the pc gives back an automatic response or comment.

2. Get considerations about each reading item that reads either instantly when you say the word or when the pc responds or comments. Look for service facs computations and evil purposes, ways he is resisting the item. If the pc or preOT gives an evil purpose or service fac computation, handle it per the instructions given in step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


If, for example, the auditor says PRIEST and the pc responses with: “I’d never want to be one of those.”, one could put together an L&N question incorporating the assessment word and the response.

“Who or What would never want to be a priest?”

“Someone who had stolen from a church”

The terminal is then handled per L-type handling as in Step 01 of the L 10 FULL PROGRAM bulletin.


religion worship goddesses profanity
priest guru avatar sacrifice
omnipotence omnipresence gods deity
divinity sublime essence immanence radiance
grace infinite potential hymn blasphemy
demon transcendence church prayer
religious practice rites absolute co-existence of static
basic truth as-isness miracles divine healing
faith belief idols sacred texts
gospels sutras parables urge to ultimate truth
self transcendence sacred teachings heaven hell
devil angel paradise wrath of God
godlike states


This is an assessment for a case that gets into a long grind without relief toward program end. It seeks out things that might have been missed.

1. Did we slide over something you didn’t want mentioned? _____
(Pull it and go e/s if needed)

2. Would we do something bad to you if we found out? _____
(Clean it up with e/s if needed)

3. Have you given me things that were done by somebody else? _____
(Clean it up to F/N; if OT III do an LDN)

4. Are you expecting something magical to happen? _____
(Phrase it as an item, do Who/What, O/W and get the intention as in Step 01 of the L 10 Full Program)

5. Are you still wanted somewhere? _____
(Clean it up and pull the overt)

6. Are you punishing yourself? _____
(Find out How? Why? and e/s if needed)

7. Were all these things done by somebody else? _____
(LX List or OT III if pc is in that band)

8. Do you ever invalidate yourself? _____
(2 w/c e/s to the first time and get the prior confusion)

9-1. Are you trying to prevent others from committing overts on you? _____
(Find out what overts and 2 w/c e/s if needed)

9-2. Are you trying to prevent yourself from committing overts? _____
(Find out what overts and 2 w/c e/s if needed)

9-3. Are others trying to prevent others from committing overts on them? _____
(Find out what overts and 2 w/c e/s if needed)

9-0. Are you trying to prevent yourself from committing overts on yourself? _____
(Find out what overts and 2 w/c e/s if needed)

10. Do you think it would be bad to have a win? _____
(2 w/c and find out why, run the why in the service fac brackets)

11. Are you trying to protect your reputation? _____
(2 w/c to find the thing the pc has done that he won’t discuss)

12. Have you not understood what we are trying to do? _____
(2 w/c and find any ARC breaks)

13. Has nothing you have tried done any good? _____
(2 w/c e/s to other failures)

14. Have you done anything that would make you feel that you should
punish yourself? _____
(Find out what he has done and handle as a withhold)
15. Do you think you deserve a good result? _____
(Who/What would deserve a good result?, O/W and get the intention as in Step 01 of the L 10 Full Program)

16. Was all this done on someone else? _____
(LX Lists or OT III LDN if pc in that band)

17. Do you feel that change is bad? _____
(Find out why and handle the answer as a service fac)

18. Has something just gone on and on? _____
(Find out what and rehab)

19. Do you feel you have been criticized? _____
(2 w/c and clean any ARC breaks)

20. Should the group be protected from anything? _____
(Find out why and pull any overts)

21. Have you ever criticized others? _____
(2 w/c and find the overt behind the criticism)

22. Have committed overts during the rundown? _____
Have you done something bad during your auditing? _____
(Pull the overt)

23. Are you critical of yourself? _____
(2 w/c to the first time and find the prior confusion)

24. Do feel it would be better to continue to suffer? _____
(Find out why and handle as a service fac)

25. Would enemies be made right if you changed? _____
(Find who these enemies are and put in the ruds)

26. Is getting no case gain an overt? _____
(2 w/c e/s and Did you intend it?)

27. Do you think you should be punished forever? _____
(Find out why and handle as a service fac)

28. Are you afraid that you’ll just go home and it will all be the same? _____
(Find out why he feels this way and handle as a service fac)

29. Are you withholding a case gain? _____
(L&N: W/W would withhold a case gain?, O/W and get the intention
as in Step 01 of the L 10 Full Program)

30. Do you have a safe assumption about life? _____
(2 w/c to find the safe assumption and then run it in the service
fac brackets)

31. Would something bad happen if you changed? _____
(2 w/c to get the fixed ideas and run those in the service fac bracket)

32. Are proud of some attitude that you hold? _____
(Find out what it is and run in the service fac brackets)

33. Are you pinned down by some earlier life? _____
(D/L the life and get the overt committed in that life?)

34. Are trying to leave someplace? _____
(Find out where he is trying to leave and get the reasons)

35. Has someone invalidated your gains? _____
(2 w/c to find out who, indicate that it is suppressive to do this and do the PTS Rundown steps on that person)

36. Do you have a stuck picture? _____
(Do the Dianetic Stuck Picture Remedy)

37. Are you waiting for something to happen? _____
(Hidden standard, W/W & O/W and intention of terminal)

38. Has something gone on too long? _____
(Rehab and program for 37R if needed)

39. Has something gone on and on? _____
(Rehab and program for 37R if needed)

40. Is change bad? _____
(Find out why and handle as a service fac)

41. Should other people be protected from something? _____
(Find out what and handle)

42. Did we miss answers you had on an earlier assessment? _____
(Find out what and handle)

43. Are you getting even for something? _____
(Get the motivator, then overts and W/Hs on it and then the
ARC Break.)

44. Are you protecting your auditor? _____
(2 w/c to find what the withhold is.)

45. Would it make somebody right if you won? _____
(2 w/c who.)

46. Are all wins overts? _____
(2 w/c)

47. Did we pass a flat point? _____

48. Is something else wrong? _____
(2 w/c)

49. Was nothing wrong in the first place? _____


This repair assessment can be used on any part of the L 10 Rundown to correct any errors, debug any bogs or repair any of the steps or rundowns. Handling steps are not given with each line on the list since it is assumed that at this level the auditor will know the correct and standard handling of each and every line. The list can be assessed method 3 or method 5, depending on the situation. The auditor can switch to more specialized repair assessments such as the L4, etc. as needed.

1. Did you go exterior? _______

2. Is there an out int? _______

3. Interiorized into something? _______

4. Is there an out list? _______

5. Has there been an error in listing? _______

6. Have we found a wrong item? _______

6A. Was it not your item? _______

7. Has a list been overlisted? _______

8. Has there been a wrong indication? _______

9. Have we found a wrong outpoint? _______

10. Have we found a wrong area? _______

11. Have we found a wrong location? _______

12. Have we found a wrong date? _______

13. Was there a misownership of an item? _______

14. Have we overrun an item? _______

15. Have you been cleared over an ARC break? _______

16. Have you been cleared over a problem? _______

17. Have you been cleared over a withhold? _______

18. Was there a withhold that kept coming up? _______

19. Is there an undisclosed overt? _______

20. Was it not your overt? _______

21. Do you have a similar overt of your own? _______

22. Has a destructive impulse been missed? _______

23. Has something been overrun? _______

24. Have we gone past a big win? _______

25. Has something been left unflat? _______
26. Has anything been cut short? _______

27. Was there a misunderstood? _______

28. Did something distract you? _______

29. Were you distracted by the auditor? _______

30. Has something flattened out of session? _______

31. Were there awareness changes out of session? _______

32. Did you cognite out of session? _______

33. Did you have a loss of gain? _______

34. Has someone enturbulated you? _______

35. Is there an incomplete cognition? _______

36. Is there an dianetic error? (For a pc) _______

37. Is there a BT or cluster in restim? (For a preOT) _______

38. Was there a misownership of charge? _______

39. Has there been a misconception? _______

40. Was something not fully understood? _______

41. You didn’t believe it? _______

42. You weren’t sure? _______

43. Are waiting for something to happen? _______

44. Were you thinking of something else? _______

45. Has anything been missed? _______

46. Is something else wrong? _______

47. Has there been an unnecessary action? _______

48. Was the real reason missed? _______

49. Was there nothing wrong in the first place? _______

L 11


L11, The New Life Rundown or later called The New Viewpoint Rundown was developed to give a person a new life. This means it can handle that part of an individual’s case which stops him from really living. It handles the major source of aberration upon which attention is fixed, blasting apart that major personal stumbling block.

The EP of L11 is a New Life.

PREREQUISITES: L11 (formerly L9S) is not restricted to only those who have completed OT III. The only prerequisites to L11 are a complete Drug R/D and Expanded Grades. It may not be done in the Non-interference Zone between Grade VI, R6EW and OT III.

In all the “L” Rundowns (L10, L11, and L12) the PC or PreOT is fully set up first with a C/S 53 and GF40 expanded if needed.

This rundown was originally developed to resolve extreme cases of psychosis or people in psychotic breaks. The first step in such a case would be rest, food, even a mild sedative to get the person destimulated enough to audit.

The first auditing actions undertaken might be only a GF or C/S 53 to further cool it off, then the rundown goes for blood. CS Series 37R is assessed and handled per the issues. While the EP (stated) is an F/Ning flows assessment, if there were to be a big cognition on the subject of continuing or something to do with that, which showed it no longer to be problem or real particular lack of interest in going further with it, it would be considered to be complete. 37R seems to have a marked influence on TA position and has been known to help resolve chronic low TAs.

Following 37R, the person is given a copy of HCOB 21 Jan 1960, JUSTIFICATION and asked to read it and write an essay on how it has applied (or may have applied) to their life. This is a restimulative action and helps to open up the case even further.

At this point, the PC is asked for an IMPLANT TO HARM which is then Date/Located and should result in blows. Following this, General O/W is run. If the person is stuck in some psychosis, an evil purpose will probably blow into view. If a purpose doesn’t blow into view, the O/W is to be run to a general EP.

If no evil purpose comes off in O/W, you would then L&N for it. The following actions are routinely undertaken with evil purposes encountered at this level and above: It is Date/Located to blows, then a 2WC - WHAT PROGRESS HAVE YOU MADE IN ATTAINING THAT PURPOSE? (or a variant of this) is done to blow off further considerations and free the purpose up to leave. These are the routine steps of L 11, NEW VIEWPOINT.

In a later HCOB called C/SING FLAG RUNDOWNS, an expanded step was added which is: a) L 10 PROGRAM ASSESSMENT and L 10 RESULTS ASSESSMENT and then b) Date/Locate to blows of each of the 37R items. This completes L11, New Viewpoint, as a rundown.

While other organisations sell this as a minimum of two intensives to complete, it is a fairly short action which averages less than half an intensive. It is an excellent setup for L 10, CAUSE, and in the HCOB called C/SING FLAG RUNDOWNS it is given as the first of these rundowns. Arbitrarily, in that issue, the sequence given is: NEW VIEWPOINT (L11), EXTROVERSION (L12), CAUSE (L10); although each has its own results and can be done separately from the others. These rundowns are a lot of fun to do and produces great pc changes.


a. Man is basically good.

b. That when faced with doing evil, Man restrains himself and limits or lowers his power/cause level.

c. That long ago on the whole track, evil persons (originally said to be “psychs”) implanted people with evil purposes. Such an implant is referred to in this rundown as an “Implant to Harm,” as these implants embedded commands to do something harmful.

d. That when an Implant to Harm gets keyed in, the person has the choice of dramatizing it (ie. committing the harmful act), or suppressing the dramatisation (and himself). But in any event, because the person has an impulse to do something evil or harmful, he tends to consider himself harmful or evil and thus tends to restrain himself generally.

e. If the person dramatizes the Implant to Harm, he commits overts and becomes more susceptible to the implant being restimulated and dramatised again in the future.

f. Subsequently, the person will probably form an evil purpose of his own and commit overts as a result. These overts form a chain on the evil purpose. There is usually one such evil purpose and chain of overts on any case, or one major one (most dramatised).

g. Although the person formed that evil purpose himself and is committing the overts in order to try to accomplish it, he still tries to restrain himself from doing it (as he is basically good).


As the beginnings of what is handled on this rundown are early on the track and there is considerable restraint imposed on the being by himself from committing overts or from dramatizing an evil purpose/impulse, there is considerable gain to be had in a relatively short period of auditing hours.

Having a “New Life” or a “New Viewpoint” describes the result.

The usual time of this rundown is less that 12 1/2 hours.


Grade IV Expanded and not in need of a Drug Rundown. (It can be done on pcs lower than that, but it takes much longer and it is better if the pc is a Grade IV or above.)


1. Rest, Food, Sleep, etc. ______

2. C/S Series 37R. ______

3. Justifications HCOB. ______

4. Justifications essay. ______

5. Date/Locate Implant “To Harm.” ______

6. General O/W. ______

7. L&N for Evil Purpose if not off in O/W. ______

8. Date/Locate Evil Purpose and 2WC Progress. ______


9. Program Assessment and handlings. ) ______
) Do not do if already done.
10. Results Assessment and handlings. ) ______

11. Date /Locate 37R Items. (Not always needed.) ______

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

VIII Checksheet
Class IX C/S Series 37R
Dept 10s

(C/S Series 37, HCOB 19 May 71 and C/S Series 37
Addition, HCOB 21 May 71, have been cancelled
and are not for use. They are replaced by this
HCOB, C/S Series 37R.)



High and Low TAs have been a longtime puzzle and stumbling block to Auditors.

The usual definition of OVERRUN is “gone on too long” or “happened too often”. This causes high TAs to occur.

In examining a few failures on using “overrun”, I have found that underlying this there is a more basic principle.

When a thetan believes something is “overrun” or “has gone on too long” or “was done too often” he is expressing only a symptom of another mechanism.


To Audit “overruns” is auditing toward an untruth. Thus if carried on as a process it is really an out of ARC Process.

That which makes a thetan believe something can be overrun is the EFFORT TO STOP or THE EFFORT TO STOP HIM.

The effort to stop something, when generalized, becomes a “stop everything” and IS the entrance point of insanity. This has been known since 1967. But I did not earlier connect it with the OVERRUN phenomenon.

When a thetan has a long chain of efforts to stop or a chain of efforts to stop him (mixed up with protest, of course, and shame, blame and regret and other human emotion and reaction) he accumulates ridges. These make mass.

This mass makes the high TA.

In truth it is not possible to kill a thetan, so therefore any effort to stop a thetan would only have partial success. So the chain is also full of INCOMPLETES.

An incomplete cycle of action causes ARC Breaks.

Thus an OVERRUN is full of MASS and ARC Breaks!

As you possibly recall from the material of about 1955 the one process you must not run on a pc is “Look out of here and find something you can go out of ARC with.” This sends him into a dwindling spiral.

The common denominators of a bank are OUT OF ARC and STOP!

Thus if too long a list of “What has been Overrun” is required to obtain the first BD F/N item the listing action may very well restimulate much more bank than can easily be handled on some pcs.

As these are also the pcs with very high TA, if one lists for overrun and runs much too long a list to get his first BD F/N item, the pc can be heavily restimulated.

Listing errors or upsets can make this, then, too uncomfortable a proceeding for a pc and should NOT now be done. And if it doesn’t work on some pcs in the hands of some auditors, it must therefore be cancelled. Any recommendation on VIII Course to do it is cancelled.

The theory is correct as given on the VIII Course. There, a few items were intended. But now some very long lists have come up on some pcs which made the pc uncomfortable and were hard for the auditor to handle. Thus the BD F/N item overrun list must not be done.

CONTINUE is then the Reverse Action to overrun. Continue equals Survival.

The REVERSE to overrun therefore can be run as a process, to wit, “What would you be permitted to continue?” or “What could be Continued?” This however would not be very successful. Thus the listing action is recommended as the process to use.


SEVEN Lists can be done on Overrun itself by using the in-ARC Approach.

Assess A. Self to another
B. Another to self
C. Others to others
D. Others to self
E. Self to self
F. Another to others
G. Others to another

Ordinarily the biggest read or any read has located a flow that will run and will be most real to the pc. But this is not true in handling overruns. The most stopped or rising read is where he’s really hung. To get a TA down list the most stopped read or the rise of the read or the item that raised the TA when called. This is ONLY true of Overruns.

The list questions for the above are:

If A stopped: “What could you continue to do to another?”
If B stopped: “What could another continue to do to you?”
If C stopped: “What could others continue to do to others?”
If D stopped: “What could others continue to do to you?”
If E stopped: “What could you continue to do to yourself?”
If F stopped: “What could another continue to do to others?”
If G stopped: “What could others continue to do to another?”

The “Most stopped read” would be one that really froze the needle or caused it to rise or caused the TA to RISE such as 3.5 to 3.6.

The lists would be listed to a BD F/N item, Cog, VGIs. Actually the list could be listed forever. But the pc will get an item he likes and that F/Ns. He is then given his item. One does NOT null such lists unless one has really goofed.

ALL the lists A, B, C, D, E, F and G can be listed. To get a TA DOWN you list the flow that sends the TA UP. Then reassess for the next that sends the TA up, etc.


The same exact thing causes LOW TAs. The flow could be said to have overwhelmed the pc.

Exactly how you read the list for Low TA will be given in another HCOB after further tests are made. In theory it would go lower on assessment.

Please note that OUT TRs on the part of auditors is the most frequent cause of low TAs. TR 1 that drives the pc out through the back of his head can cause a low (below 2.0) TA on a lot of pcs.


The End Phenomena, the “EP” of a TA HANDLING RUNDOWN would be all lists assessed or listed to F/N and the pc’s needle doing a persistent continual F/N for days. This means an F/N, wide, that nothing can kill.


The Department of Special Cases should have auditors who can do this rundown by the book and with perfect results. It is really a Dept 10 technique.


There are about seven flow directions that can be used or listed. (1) Self to another, (2) Another to self, (3) Others to others, (4) Self to others, (5) Others to self, (6) Another to others, (7) Others to another.

“Flow” is an electronic flow in a direction. In Phoenix, Arizona, in 1952 an “Oscilloscope” (has a face like a radar, shows wave patterns and directions) was once hooked up to an E-Meter movement and showed that a mental flow will flow just so long in one direction. By reversing the repetitive commands when the left-right directional flow slowed, the flow turned around and flowed right-left then slowed, etc. So actual electrical flow occurs in response to the directional command (like “self to another”). Also it jams up when run too long on an average human because his mind has “overruns” in it already.

“Ridges” and masses come about from a conflict of flows opposing or being pulled back as in withholds.

High TAs are caused by two or more flows opposing thus making a mass or ridge.

Low TAs are caused by overwhelm by flows.

The thetan thinks of them as overruns and so quits on a subject or wishes he could.

This is why the TA behaves as it does on life and certain subjects.
There is no real reason why a flow can’t go on forever in one direction unless a thetan tries to stop it. Then it ridges and makes mass which then reads on a TA.


An Auditor must be a master at Listing and Nulling in order to touch such Actions as these lists. To foul up on listing on an already fouled-up pc is quite out-tech !

An auditor’s TRs should have been passed the Hard Way.

His metering must be excellent and flawless.

His command and use of the Auditor’s Code must be complete.

He should himself have had case gain.

He must have a full checkout on this HCO B and be able to do it in clay.

And as I say, he must know the subject of Listing and Nulling so well, he can always list smoothly to a BD F/N item with never a quiver.


This HCO B does not change the Interiorization Rundown in theory or in practice.

It does however give this procedure.

1. On a high or low TA pc check for Exteriorization in auditing.

2. If pc has gone Ext in Auditing make sure he has not had an Ext-Int RD earlier before giving him another.

3. If an earlier Int RD exists repair, complete or rehab it. Often an Int RD is itself overrun. An L3B on it will show what is wrong with the earlier one. Some poor High TA pcs have had 2 or 3 Ext-Int RDs! All run past the EP.

Some Ext-Int RDs went totally flat on the secondaries! Or on the recalls. All else was overrun.

4. If no earlier Ext-Int RD was done, then do one.

5. If the check of the Ext-Int RD situation shows it not to be the reason, or was the reason but the TA goes high or low days later, then DO THIS TA HANDLING RD.

As pc high and low TAs have been blocking auditing for a lot of auditors this discovery and its remedy is Delightful news!


Copyright © 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


C/S Series 37R


In assessing and listing the Continue process it is VITAL to continue to assess the seven flows and list until the entire list widely F/Ns.

There can be more than seven lists taken from the seven flows.

One finds a rise or blow up item, does a list on it, then reassesses ALL seven flows, finds the next most rising item, lists then and assesses ALL seven flows and finds the next most stopped or rising item and lists that. One just keeps this up.

Eventually on assessing the seven flows you can only get a stopped needle. Then a slowed or killed F/N. One uses these for lists. Sometimes toward the last they blow on indication and cog.

The end of it all is the auditor assessing the seven flows without being able to disturb a wide wide persistent F/N.

THAT is the EP of the 37R process. There is no other EP. If not done to that EP the 37R process is incomplete.


The idea of flows should be cleared with the pc before assessment is done.

One can do this by getting the pc to draw them.

Don’t confuse the pc with this clearing and make sure he is not confused before assessing the seven flows.


One can take a sheet of paper lengthwise and write the seven flows along the left edge with lines to the right. By putting in dividing vertical lines one then has 10 or 12 assessments laid out ready to do.


Unless one does a THOROUGH JOB to the 37R End Phenomena on a low TA case the TA will continue to go low in future sessions.

A low TA takes more times through the assessments and listing than a high TA.


Auditors who can’t do this well must be fully crammed on reading a needle and TA on stops, rises and blow ups.

The result, if properly done, is invariably good.

Copyright © 1971 Founder
by L. Ron Hubbard

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Issue IV
Remimeo (Corrected and Reissued)

C/S Series 37R

Addition 2R


If after an apparent EP of a wide F/N on the last assessment, the pc then has a low TA at the Examiner or subsequently has a low TA, one must NOT start a new program as the existing one (37R) is incomplete.

The correct C/S for an apparent 37R EP which then went sour would be

1. L4B Method 3 and handle.

2. Ask if there is another flow not yet touched. Note its read as it is described and list it.

3. Reassess the existing and the additional flows for any slightest slow or choke and list it.


Should there still be trouble with low or high TA subsequently, it lies in the area of overts and withholds which blow loose on the Continue process. This is true because overts and withholds add up to stopping something which is discontinuance.

The next process (when all possible thoroughness has been taken with 37R yet trouble of high or low TA persists) has not yet been released.


Copyright © 1971, 1973
by L. Ron Hubbard


Ref: 3 June 1971 High and Low TA Breakthrough (C/S Series 37R)
15 June 1971 Hi-Lo TA Assessment Rules (C/S Series 37R Addition)
16 June 1971R Low TA Assessing (C/S Series 37R Addition 2R)

In assessing the flows and listing the “continue” questions it is vital to continue to assess the eight flows and list until the entire assessment of flows widely F/Ns.

Each list can be listed more than once which means there can be more than eight lists taken from the eight flows.

One finds a rise or blow up item, does a list on it, then assesses ALL eight flows, finds the next most rising item, lists it and then re-assesses all eight flows and finds the next most stopped or rising item and lists that. One just keeps this up, assess and list, over and over.

Eventually, on assessing the eight flows you can only get a stopped needle. Then a slowed or killed F/N. One uses these for lists. Sometimes toward the last they blow on indication and cog.

The end of it all is the Auditor assessing the eight flows without being able to disturb a wide wide persistent F/N.

THAT is the EP of the 37R process. There is no other EP. If not done to that EP the 37R process is incomplete.


The idea of flows should be cleared with the Pc before assessment is done.

One can do this by getting the Pc to draw them.

Don’t confuse the Pc with this clearing and make sure he is not confused before assessing the eight flows.

The Pc may have no idea of flows. So before assessing the first time one must clear “flows.” The Pc must understand that these words like “self to another” mean a flow from himself to any other, etc.

While clearing the word “flow” and “flows” watch your meter as you may get your first blow UP of the Tone Arm.


An assessment form can be printed or one can take a sheet of paper lengthwise and write the eight flows along the left edge with lines to the right. By putting in dividing vertical lines one then has 10 or 12 assessments laid out ready to do.


Unless one does a THOROUGH JOB to the 37R End Phenomena on a low Tone Arm case, the Tone Arm will continue to go low in future sessions.

A low Tone Arm takes more times through the assessments and listing than a high Tone Arm.

If, after an apparent EP of a wide F/N on the last assessment, the Pc then has a low Tone Arm at the Examiner or subsequently has a low Tone Arm, one must NOT start a new program as the existing one (37R) is incomplete.

The correct C/S for an apparent 37R EP which went sour would be:

1. L4 Method 3 and handle.

2. Ask if there is another flow not yet touched. Note its read as it is described and list it.

3. Reassess the existing and the additional flows for any slightest slow or choke and list it.

Should there still be trouble with low or high Tone Arm subsequently, it lies in the area of overts and withholds which blow loose on the Continue lists. This is true because overts and withholds add up to stopping something which is discontinuance.



There is no difference of procedure except that a low Tone Arm can blow UP to 2.0+ and F/N.

Thus one can’t say using 37R on a low Tone Arm case, “List to a BD F/N item” as it may be a Blow UP F/N item.

The Tone Arm may be at 1.8 in listing and when the F/N item goes on the list, the Tone Arm will blow UP to 2.0 or 2.1 and F/N.

Further if the F/N promptly dies, and the Tone Arm falls, one lists further until one blows up, the F/N continues and the Pc is pleased with the item.

Assessment on low Tone Arms is done on RISE for the item listed or a Blow UP, just as in the case of high Tone Arms.

When you list a “low Tone Arm’s” falling flow (in assessing the eight flows) and use it for the Continue list the Pc can get very unhappy and will get even more overwhelmed.

Thus low Tone Arm or high Tone Arm, list the eight flows for rise or blow UP and list the one that rose most. This is true of the first and every other flows assessment.
Realize this blow UP rule only applies to 37R and the Continue list and is not used in any other listing.

37R works very well on low Tone Arms.


Auditors who can’t do this well must be fully crammed on reading a needle and Tone Arm stops, rises and blow ups.

The result, if properly done, is invariably good.


37R is a very beefy process.

37R works on anyone, regardless of Tone Arm or state of case. It should not be used only on bad off cases. It work on both the worst and the best.

In doing 37R the items are sometimes very heavy and it takes the Pc a bit to accept them. Therefore when one gets a BD F/N item, one asks “Is____________your item?” If he says yes, indicate it to him by saying “___________is your item.” The meter should give a fall and the F/N widen.

If the Pc says it is NOT his item, ask the question again and continue to list. The Pc will put the item back on the list usually for it was his item. But he has to list further to realize it.

He can also fail to put it back on the list and if so and he is getting restless in listing, give him the BD F/N item again and he’ll buy it.

A very big item that alters the Pc’s whole concept of things with big cogs and lots of itsa is a good place to stop a session. 37R doesn’t all have to be done in one session. When you begin a new list before the last item is discharged the Pc can get a bit overwhelmed. This is a “nice” point, not a vital one.

Also the big item will often cause the next assessment to be a bit hard as the Pc’s attention remains tied up in it for awhile.

If after 37R the Pc’s Tone Arm goes up or down again out of the normal 2.0 to 3.0 Tone the action is to do an L4 in general on 37R. It usually picks up the cognition and confirms rather than corrects. The L4 reads on wrong item. The Auditor says which one. Pc gives it. Quite usually it’s a right item Pc hasn’t cogged on.

After the L4, one can again run 37R. However, a better action is to:

1. Fly all ruds.

2. Continue with Preclear’s Program.


When rudiments are out during 37R a Pc can feel strange. Of course with a high or low Tone Arm you can’t get the ruds in.

So you can do a list of 37R and as this will F/N on the meter, you can get in all rudiments.


By reading a flow and waiting a moment, you give the Tone Arm time to rise.

You can assess too rapidly and find that the Tone Arm has gone up; but which of the last items did it go up on? By proceeding a little more slowly you will be sure.


1. Clear the word “flow.”

2. Clear the idea of flow (watch meter) for each flow A to H so the Pc has no misunderstoods.

3. Assess the flows sheet. Take the biggest Blow UP or speed rise (if no big Blow UP).
4. Mark it on the flow assessment sheet and worksheets.

5. Fit it into the question on a separate listing sheet.

What could_______continue to do to________?


6. Ask the question of the Pc.

7. Get the Pc to give you items.

8. Write the items down while watching the meter. Mark needle reads or BDs. Put down Tone Arm readings regularly on the list.

9. Get the first item that Blows down (or up for low Tone Arm’s) and F/Ns.

10. Ask the Pc if___________is his item.

11. If the Pc says yes, say, “_________is your item.”

Circle it on the listing sheet and mark the F/N and “Ind” for indicated to the Pc. If the Pc says no, continue to list. Pc will put item back on the list, at which time do 10 and 11 above. The Pc will accept it. If he goes on and begins to protest, give him the first BD F/N item and do 11 and 12. He will accept it.

12. Mark the item and Tone Arm and any itsa on the item or cogs on the worksheets.

Don’t do this process without:

(a) Checking out on C/S Series 37R.

(b) Doing 1 hour confront and 1 hour reach and withdraw on your meter.

(c) Dummy Clearing the 12 steps above with no Pc but all the paper and tools until it is a faultless action.

(d) Having smooth, perfect CEs.

(e) Following the Auditor’s Code.

Don’t call the Pc’s attention to the meter with comments or stares or looks of horror or edginess or fumbles.


The various flows of Auditor to Pc can be run and indeed an assessment of subjects or dynamics can be assessed by rise and then flow patterned as in “Auditor-Pc” below.

This Special 37R is mentioned here but will be laid out in full for other subjects in another issue.

Pcs who have protest on Clearing can be done in this way.

The flows are:

Auditor to Pc

Pc to Auditor
Auditors to Pc

Pc to Auditors

Pc to Self

Auditor to Self

Aside from the list change, “Auditor-Pc” is done as in general 37R.

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Fran Hldrs
HCO Secs
Assn Secs
HCO and HASI Staffs

When a person has committed an overt act and then withholds it, he or she usually employs the social mechanism of justification.

We have all heard people attempt to justify their actions and all of us have known instinctively that justification was tantamount to a confession of guilt. But not until now have we understood the exact mechanism behind justification.

Short of Scientology Auditing there was no means by which a person could relieve himself of consciousness of having done an overt act except to try to lessen the overt.

Some churches used a mechanism of confession. This was a limited effort to relieve a person of the pressure of his overt acts. Later the mechanism of confession was employed as a kind of blackmail by which increased contribution could be obtained from the person confessing. Factually this is a limited mechanism to such an extent that it can be extremely dangerous. Religious confession does not carry with it any real stress of responsibility for the individual but on the contrary seeks to lay responsibility at the door of the Divinity—a sort of blasphemy in itself. I have no axe to grind here with religion. Religion as religion is fairly natural. But psychotherapy must be in itself a completed fact or, as we all know, it can become a dangerous fact. That’s why we flatten engrams and processes. Confession to be non-dangerous and effective must be accompanied by a full acceptance of responsibility. All overt acts are the product of irresponsibility on one or more of the dynamics.

Withholds are a sort of overt act in themselves but have a different source. Oddly enough we have just proven conclusively that man is basically good—a fact which flies in the teeth of old religious beliefs that man is basically evil. Man is good to such an extent that when he realizes he is being very dangerous and in error he seeks to minimize his power and if that doesn’t work and he still finds himself committing overt acts he then seeks to dispose of himself either by leaving or by getting caught and executed. Without this computation Police would be powerless to detect crime—the criminal always assists himself to be caught. Why Police punish the caught criminal is the mystery. The caught criminal wants to be rendered less harmful to the society and wants rehabilitation. Well, if this is true then why does he not unburden himself? The fact is this: unburdening is considered by him to be an overt act. People withhold overt acts because they conceive that telling them would be another overt act. It is as though Thetans are trying to absorb and hold out of sight all the evil of the world. This is wrong-headed, by withholding overt acts these are kept afloat in the universe and are themselves as withholds entirely the cause of continued evil. Man is basically good but he could not attain expression of this until now. Nobody but the individual could die for his own sins—to arrange things otherwise was to keep man in chains.

In view of these mechanisms, when the burden became too great man was driven to another mechanism—the effort to lessen the size and pressure of the overt. He or she could only do this by attempting to reduce the size and repute of the terminal. Hence, not-isness. Hence when a man or a woman has done an overt act there usually follows an effort to reduce the goodness or importance of the target of the overt. Hence the husband who betrays his wife must then state that the wife was no good in some way. Thus the wife who betrayed her husband had to reduce the husband to reduce the overt. This works on all dynamics. In this light most criticism is justification of having done an overt.

This does not say that all things are right and that no criticism anywhere is ever merited. Man is not happy. He is faced with total destruction unless we toughen up our postulates. And the overt act mechanism is simply a sordid game condition man has slipped into without knowing where he was going. So there are rightnesses and wrongnesses in conduct and society and life at large, but random, carping 1.1 criticism when not borne out in fact is only an effort to reduce the size of the target of the overt so that one can live (he hopes) with the overt. Of course to criticise unjustly and lower repute is itself an overt act and so this mechanism is not in fact workable.

Here we have the source of the dwindling spiral. One commits overt acts unwittingly. He seeks to justify them by finding fault or displacing blame. This leads him into further overts against the same terminals which leads to a degradation of himself and sometimes those terminals.

Scientologists have been completely right in objecting to the idea of punishment. Punishment is just another worsening of the overt sequence and degrades the punisher. But people who are guilty of overts demand punishment. They use it to help restrain themselves from (they hope) further violation of the dynamics. It is the victim who demands punishment and it is a wrong-headed society that awards it. People get right down and beg to be executed. And when you don’t oblige, the woman scorned is sweet-tempered by comparison. I ought to know—I have more people try to elect me an executioner than you would care to imagine. And many a preclear who sits down in your pc chair for a session is there just to be executed and when you insist on making such a pc better, why you’ve had it, for they start on this desire for execution as a new overt chain and seek to justify it by telling people you’re a bad auditor.

When you hear scathing and brutal criticism of someone which sounds just a bit strained, know that you have your eye on overts against that criticised person and next chance you get pull the overts and remove just that much evil from the world.

And remember, by and by, that if you make your pc write these overts and withholds down and sign them and send them off to me he’ll be less reluctant to hold on to the shreds of them—it makes for a further blow of overts and less blow of pc. And always run responsibility on a pc when he unloads a lot of overts or just one.

We have our hands here on the mechanism that makes this a crazy universe so let’s go for broke on it and play it all the way out.


LRH :js.rd
Copyright © 1960
by L. Ron Hubbard


1. R-Fac: This is a standard step for all pcs on this rundown.

2. Please read HCOB 21 Jan AD10, JUSTIFICATION.

3. Clear the word “justification” - not just the limited meaning of justifying O/Ws, but the full sense of the word.

3. Then write an essay on how it applies to your life.

4. Turn the essay in.


At this point, the PC is asked for an IMPLANT TO HARM which is then Date/Located and should result in blows.

Following this, General O/W is run.

If the person is stuck in some psychosis, an evil purpose will probably blow into view. If a purpose doesn’t blow into view, the O/W is to be run to a general EP.

If no evil purpose comes off in O/W, you would then L&N for it.

The following actions are routinely undertaken with evil purposes encountered at this level and above:

a. It is Date/Located to blows.

b. 2w/c - “What progress have you made in attaining that purpose?” (or a variant of this) is done to blow off further considerations and free the purpose up to leave.

These are the routine steps of L 11, NEW VIEWPOINT.



R/F: Tell the PC they can respond to the question and will be asked if interested in L&N.

a. Ask the PC the 1st question of the Program Assessment Method 6.

b. Let the PC itsa as he/she wishes (watch out for item on F1 L&N).

c. Now ask if PC is interested in looking at this further.

d. If so: Clear Flow 1 question. If it reads on clearing, ask the question L&N.

e. If not: check question. Use Sup and Inv as needed.

f. Do above on each flow to EP. Now ask the next question and repeat the above steps.

If PC has had Results Assessment on L 10 and it needs correction, this can be done at this point.

Date/Locate 37R items. Cull folder for items that need to be Date/Located. (This is not always needed.)

Attest and Success Story.

L 12



a. Any Date/Locate not fully blown (can use the assessment steps).

b. Anything Dated but not Located (can use the assessment steps).

c. Has there been any Dateing/Locating of SOMATICS? PRESSURE AREAS? or UPSETS? not fully blown (can use the assessment steps). Redate/Relocate. (On OT III and above, Inc II’s/I’s)

d. Any cluster D/L but not fully blown.

e. Any cluster not fully handled.

f. Any cluster preOT had trouble with.

g. Any cluster only partially gone.

On these steps assess for type (Impact, Electrical, Shock, Vacuum, Fall, Injury, Lightening, Explosion, Operation, Collision, Psychiatric, Surgical, Smash, Violence, Implant, Fight, Fire, etc.) then get the scene (some content), Date/Locate it, then Inc II’s/Inc I’s.


Date/locate the following:

a. Pressures.
b. Pressure areas.
c. Too full feeling.
d. Heavy feeling.
e. Tight feeling.
f. Numb feeling.
g. Any feelings that are natural and should be there.

(On an OT III and above: Type, scene, D/L, II’s/I’s.)


a. Identities in past auditing (clear first).

b. Item O/W:

If it is a BT it will blow.

If it is a cluster (TA up on listing, agonising somatics, pressures, trouble), Type, Scene, D/L, II’s/I’s.

If it is his own this lifetime identity, D/L it.

If it is his own past life identity, L&N for basic purpose, then D/L it.


a. Assess the group on the Past Identities Assessment

b. L&N “W/W past identity was ____?”

c. Item O/W to a blow (or handling in step 2 (b) above if other than a a single BT.)


a. Verify old S&Ds (or L&N for new ones.)

b. Clear BEAM and the related actions.

c. “Was there a member of your family that you instinctively disliked?”

d. “Were you ever married to somebody ____?”

e. Whatever else you can find. eg: Friends, Other Family, Co-workers, etc.

f. 1. Look around the body - find the beam (where it hits the Pre-OT from the terminal found.)

2. Describe it.

3. Smooth it out (the edges).

4. Nullify it (trace it back to the end until it vanishes).

Do these steps on each beam you find.

g. Two Way Comm (by flows) of beaming others; others beaming others; self beaming self.)



1. Wrong Date? ______

2. Incompletely Dated? ______

3. Implant Date? ______

4. Some part of the date was incorrect? ______

5. Already Blown? ______

6. What was correct for one was incorrect for the rest? ______


1. Is some part of the location wrong? ______

2. Wrong Direction? ______

3. Wrond Distance? ______

4. Incompletely Located? ______

5. Already Blown? ______

6. What was correct for one was incorrect for the rest? ______


01. GOOD

Good ______ Right ______
Virtuous ______ Moral ______
Nice ______ Kind ______
Ethical ______ Polite ______

02. BAD

Bad ______ Wicked ______
Naughty ______ Sinful ______
Unethical ______ Immoral ______
Unkind ______ Impolite ______

03. SANE

Sane ______ Rational ______
Sensible ______ Logical ______
Analytical ______ Reasonable ______
Lucid ______ Clear minded ______


Insane ______ Irrational ______
Not sensible ______ Illogical ______
Reactive ______ Unreasonable ______
Crazy ______ Foolish ______


Stable ______ Reliable ______
Sturdy ______ Dependable ______
Uninfluenced ______ Unmovable ______
Sure ______ Certain ______


Unstable ______ Unreliable ______
Weak ______ Undependable ______
Easily influenced ______ Swayable ______
Unsure ______ Uncertain ______

07. CALM

Calm ______ Cool ______
Collected ______ Not dispersed ______
Fast thinking ______ Clear thinking ______
Aware ______ Concentrating ______


Dispersed ______ Rattled ______
Confused ______ Ruffled ______
Slow thinking ______ Unaware ______
Scattered ______ Unsettled ______


Happy ______ Cheerful ______
Glad ______ Contented ______
Cheery ______ Euphoric ______
Merry ______ Light hearted ______


Depressed ______ Unhappy ______
Cheerless ______ Discontented ______
Sad ______ Disappointed ______
Heavy hearted ______ Upset ______


Composed ______ Together ______
Calm ______ Peaceful ______
Contented ______ Unastonished ______
Satisfied ______ Comfortable ______


Nervous ______ Distracted ______
Unsettled ______ Peaceless ______
Not contented ______ Astonished ______
Surprised ______ Dissatisfied ______
Uncomfortable ______ Turbulent ______


Certain ______ Guaranteed ______
Sure ______ Assured ______
Positive ______ Definite ______
Firm ______ Decisive ______


Uncertain ______ Questioning ______
Unsure ______ Doubting ______
Impositive ______ Indefinite ______
Wavering ______ Indecisive ______


Active ______ On the go ______
In motion ______ In action ______
Lively ______ Energetic ______
Vigorous ______ Mobile ______


Inactive ______ Stopped ______
Slow ______ Lazy ______
Sluggish ______ Lethargic ______
Lacking energy ______ Immobile ______


Aggressive ______ Attacking ______
Warlike ______ Antagonistic ______
Outgoing ______ Overt ______
Enterprising ______ Causative ______


Inhibited ______ Defending ______
Retreating ______ Defeated ______
Withdrawing ______ Covert ______
Restrained ______ Holding back ______


Responsible ______ Causing ______
Causative ______ Caring ______
Open ______ Willing ______
Trustworthy ______ Reliable ______


Irresponsible ______ Uncausing ______
At effect ______ Uncaring ______
Unwilling ______ Negligent ______
Untrustworthy ______ Unreliable ______


Causative ______ Doing ______
Influential ______ Powerful ______
Making things happen ______ Dynamic ______
Effective ______ Strong ______


Uncausing ______ Doing nothing ______
Uninfluential ______ Weak ______
Feeble ______ Powerless ______
Ineffective ______ Useless ______


Praising ______ Validating ______
Respectful ______ Granting beingness ______
Worshipping ______ Observant ______
Factual ______ Acknowledging ______


Critical ______ Nagging ______
Condemning ______ Disrespectful ______
Fault finding ______ Unobservant ______
Disparaging ______ Berating ______


Appreciative ______ Warm ______
Friendly ______ Sympathetic ______
Loving ______ Grateful ______
Kind ______ Tolerant ______


Unappreciative ______ Cold ______
Unfriendly ______ Cruel ______
Unloving ______ Ungrateful ______
Unkind ______ Intolerant ______

Communicative ______ Outgoing ______
Friendly ______ Sociable ______
Talkative ______ Outspoken ______
Forward ______ Unreserved ______


Withdrawn ______ Introverted ______
Unfriendly ______ Unsociable ______
Shy ______ Retiring ______
Reserved ______ Embarrassed ______


Immortal ______ Surviving ______
Enduring ______ Lasting ______
Undying ______ Ageless ______
Timeless ______ Living forever ______


Mortal ______ Dead ______
Dying ______ Growing old ______
Aging ______ Tiring ______
Wearing out ______ Expiring ______


Right ______ Correct ______
Accurate ______ Infallible ______
Faultless ______ Perfect ______
Precise ______ Exact ______


Wrong ______ Mistaken ______
Inaccurate ______ Making mistakes ______
Faulty ______ Imperfect ______
Erroneous ______ Blundering ______


Owning everything ______ Possessing ______
Rich ______ Having ______
Taking ______ Greedy ______
Seizing ______ Grasping ______


Owning nothing ______ Deprived ______
Poor ______ Couldn’t have ______
Giving ______ Losing ______
Wanting ______ Bereft ______


Everyone ______ All encompassing ______
Embracive ______ Permeating ______
Reaching out ______ Everywhere ______
Always ______ Infinite ______

Nobody ______ Nothing ______
Very little ______ Retreated ______
Shrunk ______ Nowhere ______
Never ______ Tiny ______


Truthful ______ Faithful ______
Trustworthy ______ Honest ______
Honorable ______ Decent ______
Loyal ______ Steadfast ______


Lying ______ Faithless ______
Dishonest ______ Treacherous ______
Untrustworthy ______ Deceitful ______
Disloyal ______ Unscrupulous ______

39. REAL

Real ______ Actual ______
Factual ______ Authentic ______
Down to Earth ______ Realistic ______
Genuine ______ Sincere ______


Hallucinating ______ Unreal ______
Dreaming ______ Imagining ______
False ______ Illusory ______
Psychotic ______ Disassociated ______


Believing ______ Trusting ______
Accepting ______ Dependent ______
Convinced ______ Swayed ______
Unquestioning ______ Gullible ______


Skeptical ______ Distrustful ______
Suspicious ______ Questioning ______
Doubting ______ Dubious ______
Discrediting ______ Challenging ______


Existing ______ Substantial ______
Solid ______ Unshakable ______
Definite ______ Firm ______
Self confident ______ Sturdy ______


Non existent ______ Insubstantial ______
Tenuous ______ Flimsy ______
A non-entity ______ Shaken ______
Annihilated ______ Wiped out ______

Righteous ______ Pious ______
Good ______ Virtuous ______
Saintlike ______ Decent ______
Moral ______ Godlike ______


Sinful ______ Wicked ______
A devil ______ Evil ______
Wrongdoing ______ Corrupt ______
Criminal ______ Immoral ______


Hopeful ______ Expectant ______
Confident ______ Assured ______
Optimistic ______ Cheerful ______
Looking forward ______ Positive ______


Despondent ______ Hopeless ______
Pessimistic ______ Despairing ______
Forlorn ______ Negative ______
Cynical ______ Desperate ______


Knowing ______ Omniscient ______
Understanding ______ Enlightened ______
Learned ______ Educated ______
Profound ______ Wise ______


Unknowing ______ Ignorant ______
Unacquainted ______ Green ______
Simple minded ______ Empty headed ______
Dumb ______ Uninformed ______


Intelligent ______ Smart ______
Bright ______ A genius ______
Brilliant ______ Quick witted ______
Fast thinking ______ Adept ______


Stupid ______ Unintelligent ______
Dull ______ Moronic ______
Retarded ______ Slow thinking ______
Brainless ______ Robotic ______

Exhilarated ______ Lively ______
Animated ______ Invigorated ______
Stimulated ______ Inspired ______
In action ______ Excited ______


Bored ______ Sluggish ______
In limbo ______ Enervated ______
Dulled ______ Dreary ______
Numbed ______ Slow ______


Enthusiastic ______ Eager ______
Earnest ______ Intense ______
Zestful ______ Ardent ______
Ecstatic ______ Vivacious ______


Apathetic ______ Weary ______
Lethargic ______ Uncaring ______
Unmoved ______ Untouched ______
Unaffected ______ Unconscious ______


Interested ______ Curious ______
Intrigued ______ Fascinated ______
Attentive ______ Enticed ______
Lured ______ Awakened ______


Not interested ______ Disinterested ______
Bored ______ Repulsed ______
Fatigued ______ Tired ______
Wandering ______ Aimless ______


Cheerful ______ Cheerless ______
Joyful ______ Delighted ______
Bright ______ Sunny ______
Jovial ______ Mirthful ______


Cheerless ______ Dismal ______
Sad ______ Gloomy ______
Wan ______ Weary ______
Sorrowful ______ Woeful ______


Antagonistic ______ Hostile ______
Opposing ______ Aggressive ______
Attacking ______ Spiteful ______
Hating ______ Snarling ______

Friendly ______ Kindly ______
Welcoming ______ Helpful ______
Amicable ______ Amiable ______
Neighborly ______ Peaceful ______


Angry ______ Annoyed ______
Furious ______ Displeased ______
Ill tempered ______ Vexed ______
Violent ______ Peeved ______


Contented ______ Calm ______
Pleasant ______ Pleased ______
Gracious ______ Forgiving ______
Tolerant ______ Mild ______


Afraid ______ Fearful ______
Cowardly ______ Terrified ______
Petrified ______ Apprehensive ______
Anxious ______ Intimidated ______


Courageous ______ Brave ______
Fearless ______ Confident ______
Self assured ______ Bold ______
Dauntless ______ Death defying ______


Embarrassed ______ Ashamed ______
Chagrined ______ Meek ______
Contrite ______ Repentant ______
Debased ______ Mortified ______


Proud ______ Arrogant ______
Brazen ______ Rude ______
Self respecting ______ Ambitious ______
Dignified ______ Stately ______

69. SAD

Sad ______ Griefy ______
Tearful ______ Regretful ______
Grief stricken ______ Sorry ______
Pentant ______ Making amends ______


Happy ______ Carefree ______
Careless ______ Uncaring ______
Unrepentant ______ Incorrigible ______
Unrecalcitrant ______ Unbending ______


Ref: Tape. 7 June 1971 - BRIEFING TO CLASS 10’S AND C/S’s.

A new phenomenon - “Thetans go around zapping thetans as they have done for a very long time. But because thetans can’t see thetans very well, particularly thetans who don’t have banks, pretty invisible, they take it out on bodies; and you’ll find this familiar. It is much more prevalent amongst families, although you do get it elsewhere.”

“What they do is zap somebody, and they put out a beam which either has been put out and put out and put out, in the case of a family until now. It is this beam to end all beams, or it is just a momentary beam - THUD, BAP!”

“The wavelength of energy is somewhere in the vicinity of 1 x 10-13,000 centimeters.” (Frequency high above ultra-violet and very short wave length).

“The rest of the charge will be found there in a killing intention, or an intention to harm in some fashion or other, expressed as a standing wave of electricity against the other persons body.”

“This is a ‘LOOK’ process.” (Not trying to ‘run’ it).

It is a shame that this tape isn’t available, but this is the essence of the beam theory and step. It may seem SciFi, but it is quite workable and the pc will have immediate gain and benefit from it.


2 JULY 1988

BEAM (noun) 1. a slender shaft of light or other radiation; also used figuratively, as: a beam of hope, beams of majesty.

The idea that we maintain some attachment to the people we have known in the past goes back to the ancient Hawaiian religio-science of Huna. It was believed that a sticky substance called acka is formed in human relationships. When people then separate the acka substance is pulled apart into what is called an acka cord. These are nonmaterial filaments or threads that form a psychic connection between people long after they have disconnected or separated from each other. Acka might also be thought of as a bond of low toned (sympathy, anger, revenge, etc) mental energy that keeps us tied to past relationships. This could be a source of the Type 2 PTS condition.

In the technology of auditing we call these connections beams. If you were in a very emotional relationship with another, e.g., a 2nd Dynamic relationship, and you decided to break it off, the other person might have caused a beam to flow to you out of anger or revenge. Or worse yet, he or she might have broken up with you and out of sympathy, he or she might have beamed you. Someone, such as a parent or secret admirer, might have beamed you out of extreme adoration or infatuation. This type of connection allows us to continue to feel the pain and suffering of someone who is, perhaps, very low toned. These beams will still be attached as a control mechanism even if the enemy, family member or 2D is physically gone. Sometimes the person is long deceased and, yet, remains attached to us with a beam.

These beams of nonmaterial energy connect us to people in present time who we had an unfortunate or unhappy interaction with in the past. The beam was formed in the past and remains in place, today, in present time. Probably a lot of mental garbage flows over these connections and it would be wonderful if we could be free of this type of connection to our past. That is the purpose of the Beam Rundown.


1. Have the Preclear read the above theory on BEAMS.

2. Make a list of terminals. There is no set question, but you could ask “Who have you known in the past who might have beamed you?” It must include all 2D terminals, friends, enemies, with special emphasis on earlier allies.

3. In order of size of read, ask:

“Did___________beam your body?”

If yes:

a. “Spot the beam”

b. D/L the incident when it was put there

If this doesn’t blow it, do one or all of the following until the charge is blown on this terminal.

a. L1C

b. PTS R/D

c. Suppressed Person Rundown
Then repeat the D/L of the incident when the beam was put there.

4. Complete the terminal list repeating steps 1 to 3 and then see if the Preclear wants to add any more terminals.

5. Ask Pc, “Do you have any beams stuck to yourself or your body?”

6. If yes, have him “spot” a reading beam stuck to himself or his body.

8. Find out who put it there.

9. D/L the incident when it was put there.

10. Repeat until “no more beams.”


Assess the list Method Three or Method Five and correct what you find. DO NOT OVER CORRECT.

B. WRONG ITEM ______
E. ARC BREAK ______
F. OVERTS ______
G. WITHHOLD ______
H. PROBLEM ______
O. WRONG DATE ______
V.. DIDN’T ALL BLOW ______
Y. DIDN’T GET IT ______
MM. LIES ______
RR. ON DRUGS ______

These questions are pretty much explanatory in themselves. What you want to accomplish is a corrected and smoothly running pc; no more. Your own adjudication as to whether run and handle Incidents Two and One or NOTs style are dependant upon the pc in front of you.



The NVRD was designed originally to handle long-term out-of-valence or suppressed preclears.

It is essentially based on the observation that PTSness is a problem, and that PTSness comes about through an exchange of valence.

An individual goes PTS to someone who is a problem to hlm, to the point that the valence of that individual seems to overwhelm the person’s own beingness.

There is an effect created here known as the “dumbbell phenomenon”. A dumbbell is an exercise device with two large weighted ends on a handle. One could perceive the valence of the PTS (his own valence) and that of his suppressor (the valence he tends to go into) as opposite ends of a dumbbell. One can perceive a pc flick into his own valence when the antagonistic valence is blown. This could be described as the dumbbell suddenly reversing.

It must be remembered that lt is not the actual valence of the that the person goes into, but the valence the PTS perceives. Whether this is what the suppressor is normally like, or is like now, the fact remains that the PTS was overwhelmed by a flow from that person at some point.

Oddly enough, the PTS who is out-of-valence will perceive his own personality traits as being those of the one with whom he has swapped valences -- the other end of the dumbbell.

A young girl who is essentially being cooperative and accommodating is overwhelmed by her nasty, irascible, argumentative stepmother. She assumes the characteristics which seemed to win over her and becomes fractious, irascible, and argumentative.

If you were to ask her who was the most accommodating, cooperative person she ever knew she might easily answer, “My stepmother”. After a moment’s reflection she might then realize, “Wait! My stepmother wasn’t accommodating at all! She was the most irascible person I ever met!” This would be an example of the dumbbell of own-valence versus perceived-valence now swinging around to a correct perception from the pc’s own valence .

The access to this central point on the case is through using a gradient of 2 Way Communications, Rudiments, and R3RA.


The opening 2WC technique used was simply to thoroughly clear the definition of problem -- including beingness-counter beingness -- as described in the tech dictionary. With this whole concept clearly understood, a 2WC Quad on Problems was used to locate hot terminals.

“Tell me about people who have caused you problems in life”

“Tell me about people whom you have caused problems in life”

“Tell me about people who have caused others problems in life”

“Tell me about times you caused yourself problems in life”

Each would be TWC’d to cog FN VGIs, and careful note would be made of terminals who read, and with what read.

These terminals would be culled between sessions and put on a hot terminals list in the front cover of the folder.

Quad Ruds would be run on hot terminals found and these ruds would uncover hot incidents. These would be noted with their reads on a separate sheet as hot incidents. These engrams or secondary engrams would then be run R3RA as narratives.


A second type of TWC was done in pairs, and was based on characteristics or personality traits dramatized by the individual.

These were done as dichotomies, with the negative side of the dichotomy being 2WCd first. For example one has a PC who is constantly showing characteristics of being hopeless, apathetic, or lethargic. A typical pair of 2WCs might go:

“Tell me about people you’ve known who were lethargic”

“Tell me about people you’ve known who were very active”

followed by this pair:

“Tell me about people you’ve known who were hopeless and apathetic”

“Tell me about people who were optimistic and confident”

The point is that the two-way comms pick up the personality trait the pc is dramatizing, and two way comms for people who have had that trait. It can be any characteristic. General doingnesses could also be included as these are traits of a valence in some degree -- e.g., “helped others” vs. “did others in” or “had a high sense of ethics” versus “had a negative ethics level”.

The idea here is to use aspects of beingness as a lead to hot terminals.

Cull the hot terminals and do ruds on them and the pc will drop into hot incidents.

These are then run and the result of doing this with intelligence and accuracy is a swing back into own valence.


Since you are dealing with the perceived valence of the person versus the perceived valence of his/her suppressor you can also do TWCs of this sort in order to find material that leads you into the hot incidents:

“Tell me some things about yourself you don’t like”

“Tell me some things about yourself you like best”

(Note: these are two separate TWCs, not alternate commands.)

Similar TWCs can be designed which follow the basic principle of taking personality traits and using them to lead you to hot terminals who might be the basic valence mass at the other end of the “dumbbell”.


The rundown has two major types of cognitions, and both of them should occur before the rundown is declared complete.
The first is a realization that the person is himself. Some statement that adds up to “I’m me!” will occur if the rundown is done correctly.

The second will be an awareness that the person is here, aware of the present environment, or “I’m here!”. These two cognitions are natural results of undoing the dumbbell phenomena.


As this is a major action you should have the person’s ruds in and he should not be in the middle of other major actions.

Note, too, that in order to apply these principles intelligently you have to understand the anatomy of valence-counter valence or the problem aspect to suppression.

A long series of problems with mother may be enough to restimulate a valence shift even though mother did not beat the pc or knock him/her unconscious. But the constant locks can restimulate earlier engramic masses which will contain overwhelm.

These get picked up and run on the earlier similar chains that come up in the actions described.

When the hot incidents which keep the pc pinned into the dumbbell are lifted and erased, the dumbbell will snap around and the pc will be looking at the world through his/her own viewpoint again for a change. This brings about the “I’m here” “I’m me” cognitions which signal the end phenomena of the rundown having occurred.

There has been no pilot for administering this rundown on Clears or above as far as I know. The rundown was researched by LRH in 1975, prior to “Dianetics Forbidden on Clears and OTs”. It is paralleled in some respects by Step 15 of the NED for OTs RD.

It has had spectacular results on many cases. There have been some cases it did not have spectacular results on, for various reasons. Usually these were cases being audited after Clear in error, or cases with other by-passed charge not repaired such as list errors or PT overts or other our ruds, or were XDN type cases and were not effect as much as they were contra-survival cause. The NVRD might not resolve this aspect of case (CS Series 22 cases).


Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Class IV Grad


Revivification is the bringing back to life of an engram in which a preclear is stuck. The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclear. It is called a revivification because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than present time has ever been. He relives that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it.

This is not the same thing as the “returning” to an incident or engram that is employed in Dianetic auditing. Return is the method of retaining the body and the awareness of the subject in present time while he is told to go back to a certain incident. Revivification is the reliving of an incident or a portion of it as if it werehappening now.

This phenomenon can occur in a pc during the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. (Ref: HCOB 24 Sep 78R, Iss 1. Int RD Series 4R. THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN.)

The pc, being run on Recalls on Int, will often begin by recalling locks but these can trigger into full play an engram in which he may be stuck and the pc may go into a revivification of it. He will actually be answering and acting from the point or points, down the track where he has been stuck.

Should this happen the auditor simply continues to run the process and get the pc through it. As the pc revivifies he blows through these stuck points on his track and comes out of them, newly, and is now truly in present time.

As revivification is apt to occur on the End of Endless Int Repair, auditors must understand and be able to recognize the phenomena and handle it routinely with excellent TRs when it does.


Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

NED for OTs Series 21



During NED for OTs research I discovered that beings do not just reviv in time. They also reviv in location. You can have a guy totally reviv’d in time, he’s stuck down the track in an incident which is PT for him. Anything which he views, is viewed from this point in time. It is when he is.

A being can also be in a reviv in place or location. That is where he is. Everything he views is viewed from that location, that viewpoint in space. They’re “buttered all over the universe”. A BT can think of himself as up there, looking down at himself. A totally wrong viewpoint. He’s in a reviv and everything he does is from a stuck viewpoint, so he’s operating with a stuck spacial point of view. Say the guy is reviv’d in Flanders, everything he does is from the viewpoint in Flanders - even tries to look at himself (now) from Flanders. He’s operating in PT from some place down the track.


Thought disassociation follows a point of view pattern. to you from an altered point of view, so you get disassociated thought. Say he’s in a reviv of location, in a radar station in space. You ask him “Where are the books?” - he looks at a radar screen and says “They’re going away”.

I know a case who had an accident. She thought she left the body and went to a between lives implant and returned to the body. But there has been no between lives implant in that place for eons! What happened is, she was reviv’d in a between lives implant. She had the accident and went exterior, she thought she went to this between lives implant because that’s the location she was reviv’d in.

This is a matter of old fixed viewpoints in spacial locations. You can often cure a case with the process “Where would you be safe?” He might go through a heavy reviv on the process and he might “do a bunk” - going back to his last point of view, locationThat’s why D/L works. You blow that point on Locate step. It’s when and where they are, as they’re not in PT.

That is where he is “safe”, that’s Thought Disassociation, and that’s small pictures - because he’s in the picture, looking at the picture.
These are the mechanics of the Bright Think Rundown (Disassociation process)which can be run on anybody. Running it is not part of NED for OTs as it is a separate RD.


This is a different phenomenonfrom Thought Disassociation and spacial reviv.

He looks at that wall, and because it’s not safe to look at the wall, he makes a picture of the wall and brings the picture back to him and looks at the picture of the wall. He’s so far south he can’t confront anything that’s in front of him. You tell him to look at the window, he sort of reaches out to the window with a beam or something, makes a picture of it, and pulls the picture back up to him, looks at it and tells you the window has bars on it. This case requires objectives until it’s safe to look at something and perceive it.


Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Class IV Grad


A Process to Handle Disassociation

Apparently, during the last decade, a new factor has entered into the culture that was previously only rare, possibly due to lowered educational standards or the declining nature of the culture itself, but most probably due to one of the common drugs or medicines or even food deficiencies. A percentage which was only one or two has jumped up to eighty or ninety.

This factor is visible in a decline in the ability to tell differences, similarities and identities.

In trying to train a person or get him to live a more survival type life, the establishment officer is encountering this factor.

There is a similar instance of this when drugs first moved into the scene. Before the mid-60’s drugs were never much of a factor in processing and such cases were considered rare and then only as a result of medical treatments.

Suddenly I has on my hands a case that did not behave like a case. The TA went out the roof unexpectedly, with no apparent cause and the case wouldn’t EP. I went into a sort out on what was different on this case from other cases. It was marijuana. Once we had run out the marijuana the case behaved like a normal case. I was suddenly looking at a rising percentage of such cases, which to date, through the kindness of psychology and psychiatry, had risen to a majority of cases in society.

So here we go again. Some new factor apparently has entered into the society and has risen in a percent which is so high that it will get in the road of anyone trying to get the show on the road.

The factor can be called “Disassociation”.

We have here a marvellous new process -- The Bright Think Rundown. Powerfully simple, it requires and auditor who is well-steeled against the temptation to Q and A and who is able to run a process through whatever it turns on.

It was originally designed as a remedy for Theetie Weetie cases, but has proven enormously successful as well with cases who disassociate.

This is the person who associates not A and B, but A and O. Not apples and bananas but apples and typewriters. You make a statement and he bends it over to something that has nothing to do with the price of fish.

He is very hard to direct because alter-is enters into it. In fact, an alter-is could be a manifestation of being disassociated.

Things which are different, he conceives to be identical. Things which are similar he conceives to be widely different. Things which are identical he conceives to be only similar.
This case will mess up or complicate just about any order or communication by bringing in carloads of data which have absolutley nothing to do with it. This is because he mis-identifies and cannot evaluate differences in time, location, form, composition, or importance. He is lost in his own figure-figure and facsimilies, sometimes universes away.

The new discovery is that he is back on the time track in locations very remote from where he is. It is not that he is stuck on the track where he is, but is stuck on the track elsewhere, often eons ago.

This is the reason Date/Locate works. It has to be in that order. You have to date it and then locate it because the location is never in now.

The auditor who runs it and the C/S who C/S’s it have to have a full command of the subject of “revivication”.

Revivication is the bringing back to life of a engram in which a preclear is stuck. The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclear. It is called revivication because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than present time has ever been. He re-live that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it.

This means that the person moves into a back point of time totally. He gives certain manifestations when he does this, these can be various. They always are visible to the auditor. The trick in processing is to keep running the process until the pc comes out of it just as though nothing had happened.

As the process is run expect the pc to answer from points down the track where he has been stuck. These arethe points he operates from while apparently in PT. Expect engrams to appear, with revivication occuring as they are contacted and blown. As the pc re-lives these incidents, he will come out of them, newly, and this time truly in present time. And with a new viewpoint.

Anaten, somatics, abrupt shifts of tone level, heat, agitated physical motion are all quite likely to occur as these points are run off, as the pc is actually revivifying at each heavy point. You just keep running the process with good TRs and metering.

The auditor must ensure the pc is fully sessionable before starting the Rundown, and once started, must get the pc through the phenomena which occur as the pc revivifies and blows through the stuck points on his track. The pc’s answers will signify to the auditor precisely what is occurring.

It is vital not to Q and A with these “symptoms” as they come up.


Here is your C/S for the Bright Think Rundown.


“Where would you be safe?”

Repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs (and pc in PT of course).
The end phenomena of the process is a realisation by the pc that he’s really in present time. This EP is normally expressed with some variation of the statement “I’m Here!” This EP must not be caoxed by the auditor asking “Are you here yet?” and the pc must not be fed the cognition.

As the process is run the pc will spot places that are nearby and then places that are far away. The spots he’d spot are near, then far, then near, then far, sometimes a few near and then a few far and then a few near. If the pc does not do this then you know he is not doing the process.

You will find up to 20% of your pc’s give simply glib answers and experience no change. This pc is answering the question in some particular and outrageous way. If you give him a D of P Interview on exacly how he was answering the question, you will find he was using some oddball system disassociated from the process. (The fourth American ACC tapes discuss this.) The way to handle this pc is objectives as he is too far out of it to handle a concept and is basically operating off a system. Before you can spot places in the universe you have to have a universe, right?

The main errors an auditor can make are a failure to carry on the process when something peculiar happens and failure to notice a true EP has been reached.

On the failed case (the 20% noted above), when objectives have honestly been completed, you can then run the process with great benefits, but be sure the pc is up to answering the question.

You will get some remarkable changes. Some major wins.


Copyright © 1978
By L. Ron Hubbard


Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Flag Only
(Revised from BTB 4 Dec 1971
Issue II, replacing HCOB 4 Dec
1971 Issue II, R-1C Assessment
by Dynamics.)



Reference: LRH ED 257 INT

The list is assessed Method Five and handled as indicated. It must be done by an Auditor who can make a prepared list read on a meter.

NAME:_____________________________ DATE:___________________



(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

3. BEEN INVALIDATED. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

4. SELF-INVAL. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

5. NOT BEING YOURSELF. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

6. BEING AT EFFECT. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

12. SELF-DENIAL. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to FIN Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

17. FAMILY DISPUTES. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

20. MARITAL CONFLICTS. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

22. CAN’T HAVE CHILDREN. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

25. PROMISCUITY. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

26. IGNORANT ABOUT SEX. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

28. FORCED TO HAVE SEX. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

30. ABSENCE OF SEX. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

33. FORCED TO JOIN A GROUP. _________
(2wc E/S te F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

34. BETRAYED A GROUP. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

35. BETRAYED BY A GROUP. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

36. DISTRUST IN OTHERS. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

37. OTHER’S DISTRUST IN YOU. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

38. DISLIKE OF A RACE. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

40. OPPOSED TO A COUNTRY. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


(2we E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

44. FAILED TO HELP PEOPLE. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

45. DEGRADED PEOPLE. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

46. NEGLECTED PEOPLE. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

47. NO HOPE FOR MANKIND. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

50. DISLIKE OF AN ANIMAL. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

51. REPELLED BY AN ANIMAL. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

52. FEAR OF SOME ANIMAL. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

56. NEGLECT OF PLANT LIFE. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

61. LIVING IN DISORDER. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

65. VIOLENT WITH MEST. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

69. AFRAID OF SPIRITS. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

72. FELT BETRAYED BY GOD. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

73. LOST GOD. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

75. FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)

76. FEAR OF INFINITY _________
(2wc E/S to F/N Triple/Quad, R3R Triple/Quad)


The pc is C/Sed for 2wc Triple or Quad and R3R Triple or Quad on each item depending on whether the pc is running Triple or Quad.

This assessment can be done by Level 0 Auditors untrained in Dn as part of Grade 0, 2wcs only. It is best done both 2wc’s and R3R and in any case the R3R must be programmed and done at a later date.

To run this assessment an Auditor must first starrate and drill it until it’s smooth.


Copyright © 1974
by L. Ron Hubbard



Super Power Rundown Series 0

The following is a list of materials which should make up a checksheet for students learning to apply the Super Power Rundown materials. This background material means it is vital to understand the full theory of the basics of restoring infinite powers to a being.



Super Power Rundown Series 1

The first action of beingness is to assume a viewpoint. Before one can know he is below confusion, he usually has to realize that he is in a condition of no-condition.

Power is the ability to hold a position in space. The first action of creating space is to assume a point from which to view that space. When a viewpoint has been knocked around down through the time track by forces he believes have affected him, he tends to lose his ability to maintain a position in space.

A being can assume the viewpoint of the first dynamic and attempt to take on all the other dynamics, which eventually overwhelms him. To get a being rehabilitated into the position of being able to operate at cause on all the dynamics, it is first necessary to get him into a condition of being.

Therefore, the first action one takes in running the Super Power processes is to have the person find a viewpoint.

The first command is:

“Find a viewpoint.”

This is run to F/N Cog VGIs.

Then one runs the other flows:

“Find another’s viewpoint,”

“Find a viewpoint that others are creating for others.”

“Find a viewpoint that you have created for yourself.”

A being can be so socked into the MEST universe that viewpoints have become solid objects. Viewpoints are points from which one views universes. Solid objects are made up of matter, energy, space and time. Space is created by a viewpoint; a viewpoint can think the opposite.

Many times you will find a person who is inverted on the dynamics to such an extent that he feel that MEST has created him rather than the other way around.

This process will get the being into a position of being able to handle the condition below confusion and set him up for the next steps of the Super Power Rundown.


Super Power Rundown Series 2

This is an unlimited process. Usually you will find the person to be inverted on the dynamics. God is not an object. When one labels god with an identity one immediately degrades the 8th dynamic into MEST terms. The 8th dynamic cannot be defined in terms of MEST. It can only be defined in terms of infinity which the number 8 symbolizes.

When running this process start with the 8th dynamic. Then run through the first up through the seventh and then stop. The purpose is to get the person to assume various viewpoints on all the dynamics at one level and then bring the person back to the 8th dynamic viewpoint.

This process puts responsibility back into the person and sets him up for repair of all earlier actions which brought about a dwindling spiral away from the 8th dynamic viewpoint.

This process is run even if the person goes exterior or has a big win. The only time you would end off the process is on a floating tone arm because obviously you cannot get any more reads on the meter.

While running this process if any upsets, overts, missed withholds occur one simply cleans them up. On running OTs one deals with any body thetans, clusters, entities and so forth as they show up. Remember to audit the person in front of you which means if someone else shows up you must audit them out, set them free before you can set the person in front of you, in the body, free.

Here are the commands in order:

1. Assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

2. Get the idea of another assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

3. Get the idea of others assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

4. Get the idea of you causing yourself to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

5. Get the idea of your second dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

6. Get the idea of another second dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

7. Get the idea of other second dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

8. Get the idea of you causing all second dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

9. Get the idea of your third dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

10. Get the idea of another third dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

11. Get the idea of other third dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

12. Get the idea of you causing all third dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

13. Get the idea of your fourth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

14. Get the idea of another fourth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

15. Get the idea of other fourth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

16. Get the idea of you causing all fourth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

17. Get the idea of your fifth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

18. Get the idea of another fifth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

19. Get the idea of other fifth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

20. Get the idea of you causing all fifth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

21. Get the idea of your sixth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

22. Get the idea of another sixth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

23. Get the idea of other sixth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

24. Get the idea of you causing all sixth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

25. Get the idea of your seventh dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

26. Get the idea of another seventh dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

27. Get the idea of other seventh dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

28. Get the idea of you causing all seventh dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

29. Get the idea of your eighth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

30. Get the idea of another eighth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

31. Get the idea of other eighth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

32. Get the idea of you causing all eighth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
At this point the person should be in very good shape, enough so that his earlier injustices on the track can be easily accessible from the various viewpoints of the dynamics.

The next step is to do the Ethics Repair List as per Super Power Rundown Series 3.


Super Power Rundown Series 3

The purpose of the Ethics Repair List is to return full power to a being by proofing him up against injustices, counter postulates, failed purposes, counter purposes and evil intentions across the dynamics.

These questions are asked in an unlimited way. In other words it applies to the whole track and whatever the person comes up with you simply two way comm it earlier similar to EP. This repair list is actually designed to set the person up to be able to do the actual super power process. It cleans up the whole track on the subjects of ethics and justice.

Do not take up unreading questions. This list of questions is assessed like a regular repair list except then when you get a read you stop and handle the question and its charge, then repeat the same question to ensure no further reads or charge and then carry on with assessing the list. The list does not have to be F/Ning through the whole list. Handle protest or false reads accordingly.

1. Have you had a wrong intention?
2. Has another had a wrong intention?
3. Have others had wrong intentions?
4. Have you caused yourself to have wrong intentions?

5. Have you been given a wrong intention?
6. Have you given another a wrong intention?
7. Have others given others a wrong intention?
8. Have you caused yourself to be given a wrong intention?

9. Have you been given a wrong indication?
10. Have you given another a wrong indication?
11. Have others given others a wrong indication?
12. Have you caused yourself to be given a wrong indication?

13. Have you had a wrong postulate?
14. Has another had a wrong postulate?
15. Have others had wrong postulates?
16. Have you caused yourself to have wrong postulates?

17. Have you been given a wrong postulate?
18. Have you given another a wrong postulate?
19. Have others given others a wrong postulate?
20. Have you caused yourself to be given a wrong postulate?

21. Have you ever been in a wrong condition?
22. Has another ever been in a wrong condition?
23. Have others ever been in a wrong condition?
24. Have you ever caused yourself to be in a wrong condition?

25. Have you ever been assigned a wrong condition?
26. Has assigned another a wrong condition?
27. Have another ever assigned another or others a wrong condition?
28. Have you ever assigned yourself a wrong condition?

29. Have you ever applied a wrong formula for a condition?
30. Have you caused another to apply a wrong condition formula?
31. Have others caused others to apply a wrong condition formula?
32. Have you ever caused yourself to apply a wrong condition formula?

33. Has anyone ever disagreed with you?
34. Have you ever disagreed with someone?
35. Have others disagreed with others?
36. Have you caused yourself to be disagreeable?

37. Has someone ever caused you to disagree with another?
38. Have you ever caused anyone to disagree with someone else?
39. Have others caused others to disagree with others?
40. Have you caused yourself to disagree with yourself?

41. Have you ever been punished for disagreeing with someone?
42. Have you ever caused another to be punished for disagreeing with you?
43. Have others caused others to be punished for disagreeing?
44. Have you caused yourself to be punished for disagreeing?

45. Have you ever been lied about?
46. Have you ever lied about someone else?
47. Have others lied about others?
48. Have you lied to yourself about yourself?

49. Has anyone ever said that you were bad?
50. Have you ever said that anyone else was bad?
51. Have others said bad things about others?
52. Have you ever said bad things about yourself?

53. Have you ever disagreed with society?
54. Has society ever disagreed with you?
55. Have others disagreed with society?
56. Have you disagreed with yourself because of society?

57. Have you ever counter postulated the intentions of a society?
58. Has society ever counter postulated your intentions?
59. Have others ever counter postulated the intentions of a society?
60. Have you counter postulated your intentions because of society?

61. Have you ever disagreed with a spouse
62. Have you ever caused another to disagree with a spouse?
63. Have others caused others spouses to disagree with others?
64. Have you caused yourself to disagree with a spouse?

65. Has anyone ever caused you an injustice?
66. Have you ever caused another an injustice?
67. Have others ever caused others an injustice?
68. Have you ever caused yourself an injustice?

69. Have you ever been lied to?
70. Have you ever lied to another?
71. Have others lied to others?
72. Have you lied to yourself about another?

73. Have you lied to yourself about others?
74. Have you lied to yourself about family?
75. Have you lied to yourself about groups?
76. Have you lied to yourself about mankind?
77. Have you lied to yourself about the animal kingdom?
78. Have you lied to yourself about the physical universe?
79. Have you lied to yourself about spiritual beings?
80. Have you lied to yourself about the supreme being?

81. Have you ever agreed with someone verbally but disagreed mentally?
82. Have you caused another to agree with someone verbally but disagree mentally?
83. Have others caused others to agree with others verbally but disagree mentally?
84. Have you caused yourself to agree with others verbally but disagree mentally?

85. Have you ever been falsely accused?
86. Have you ever falsely accused another?
87. Have others falsely accused others?
88. Have you ever caused yourself to be falsely accused?

89. Have you ever been falsely imprisoned by another?
90. Have you ever falsely imprisoned another?
91. Have others ever caused others to be falsely imprisoned?
92. Have you caused yourself to be imprisoned because of others?

93. Have you ever been falsely imprisoned?
94. Has another been falsely imprisoned?
95. Have others been falsely imprisoned?
96. Have you caused yourself to be falsely imprisoned?

97. Have you ever been wrong?
98. Has another ever been wrong?
99. Have others ever been wrong?
100. Have you caused yourself to be wrong?

101. Have you ever been forced into something?
102. Have you ever forced another into something?
103. Have others forced others into something?
104. Have you forced yourself into something?

105. Have you ever been forced into a situation?
106. Have you ever forced another into a situation?
107. Have others forced others into a situation?
108. Have you caused yourself to be forced into a situation?

109. Have you ever been deceived?
110. Have you ever deceived another?
111. Have others ever deceived others?
112. Have you caused yourself to be deceived?

113. Have you ever been manipulated?
114. Have you ever manipulated another?
115. Have others ever manipulated others?
116. Have you caused yourself to be manipulated ?

117. Have you ever been made to stay in a location you didn’t want to be in?
118. Have you ever caused another to stay in a location they didn’t want to be in?
119. Have others ever caused others to stay in a location they didn’t want to be in?
120. Have you ever caused yourself to stay in a location you didn’t want to be in?

121. Have you ever been made to move away from a location you wanted to stay in?
122. Have you ever caused another to move away from a location they wanted to stay in?
123. Have others ever caused others to move away from a location they wanted to stay in?
124. Have you ever caused yourself to move away from a location you wanted to stay in?

125. Have you ever been given a wrong purpose?
126. Have you ever given another a wrong purpose?
127. Have others ever given others a wrong purpose?
128. Have you ever given yourself a wrong purpose?

129. Have you ever had a false purpose
130. Have you ever caused another to have a false purpose?
131. Have others caused others to have a false purpose?
132. Have you ever caused yourself to have a false purpose?

133. Do you have a wrong purpose?
134. Does another have a wrong purpose?
135. Do others have a wrong purposes?
136. Are you causing yourself to have a wrong purpose?

137. Do you have any counter purposes?
138. Does another have any counter purposes?
139. Do others have any counter purposes?
140. Are you causing yourself any counter purposes?

141. Have you ever been told you had a false purpose?
142. Have you ever told another they had a false purpose?
143. Have others told others they have had false purposes?
144. Have you ever told yourself that you had a false purpose?

145. Do you have a failed purpose?
146. Does another have a failed purpose?
147. Do others have a failed purpose?
148. Have you caused yourself to have a failed purpose?

149. Have you ever been told you had a failed purpose?
150. Have you ever told another they had a failed purpose?
151. Have others told others they have had failed purposes?
152. Have you ever told yourself that you had a failed purpose?

153. Are you evil?
154. Is another evil?
155. Are others evil?
156. Are you causing yourself to be evil?

157. Have you ever been told you are evil?
158. Have you ever told another they were evil?
159. Have others told others they are evil?
160. Have you ever told yourself that you are evil?

161. Has anyone ever made you do anything evil?
162. Have you ever made anyone else do anything evil?
163. Have others ever made others do anything evil?
164. Have you ever made yourself do anything evil?

165. Has anyone ever said that you did anything evil?
166. Have you ever said anyone else did anything evil?
167. Have others ever said others did anything evil?
168. Have you ever made yourself say anything evil?

169. Have you been wronged?
170. Have you wronged another?
171. Have others wronged others?
172. Have you caused yourself to wronged?

173. Have you been given an evil purpose?
174. Have you given another an evil purpose?
175. Have others given others evil purposes?
176. Have you caused yourself to have an evil purpose?

177. Have you ever been told you had an evil purpose?
178. Have you ever told another they had an evil purpose?
179. Have others told others they have had an evil purposes?
180. Have you ever told yourself that you had an evil purpose?

181. Have you ever done anything wrong?
182. Has another ever done anything wrong?
183. Have others ever done anything wrong?
184. Have you ever caused yourself anything wrong?

185. Is it wrong to be wrong?
186. Is it wrong for another to be wrong?
187. Is it wrong for others to be wrong?
188. Is it wrong for you to cause yourself to be wrong?

189. Is it wrong to be right?
190. Is it wrong for another to be right?
191. Is it wrong for others to be right?
192. Is it wrong to cause yourself to be right?

193. Have you ever been expelled from a group?
194. Have you ever expelled another from a group?
195. Have others ever expelled others from a group?
196. Have you ever caused yourself to be expelled from a group?

197. Have you ever been forced to leave a group?
198. Have you ever forced another to leave a group?
199. Have others ever forced others to leave a group?
200. Have you ever forced yourself to leave a group?

201. Has anything ever happened too fast for you?
202. Have you ever caused anything to happen too fast?
203. Have others caused anything to happen too fast?
204. Have you caused yourself to have something happen too fast?

205. Has anything ever happened too slow for you?
206. Have you ever caused anything to happen too slow?
207. Have others caused anything to happen too slow?
208. Have you caused yourself to have something happen too slow?

209. Have you ever been given an arbitrary?
210. Have you ever given another an arbitrary?
211. Have others ever given others an arbitrary?
212. Have you caused yourself any arbitraries?

213. Have you been given an absolute?
214. Have you ever given another an absolute?
215. Have others ever given others an absolute?
216. Have you caused yourself any absolutes?

217. Have you ever been given a false law?
218. Have you ever given another a false law?
219. Have others ever given others any false laws?
220. Have you caused yourself any false laws?

221. Have you forgotten anything?
222. Have caused another to forget anything?
223. Have others caused others to forget anything?
224. Have caused yourself to forget anything?


Super Power Rundown Series 4

After the person has completed the condition below confusion by finding viewpoints, the eighth dynamic processes and the Ethics Repair List, one then has the person go back to the 8th dynamic process with the following commands:

1. Get the idea of your 8th dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

2. Get the idea of another 8th dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

3. Get the idea of other 8th dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

4. Get the idea of you causing all 8th dynamics to assume the viewpoint of all 8th dynamics.

This now expands the persons viewpoint immensely and sets the person up for the final processes on the Super Power Rundown.

Remember to run each flow to F/N, Cog, VGIs. Only end the session in the event of a floating TA and for no other reason.


Super Power Rundown Series 5

The final step of the Super Power Rundown is to give back to the person his full potential power as a being. All prior steps on the Super Power Rundown have been designed to get a person into a state wherein he is set up to regain his ability to handle infinite power. These processes are run just like any other process with full F/N, Cog VGIs as the EP. If the person goes exterior continue to run the processes. If there is a dial wide F/N continue to run the process. The only time you would end off the process or the session is if the person has a persistent floating TA.

At some point during the running of this series of processes the person will reach a state wherein they are speechless. They will laugh with wild abandon. Their TA will be floating! They will probably also be exterior and will be unable to communicate in words what they are experiencing. This is the end result of the Super Power Rundown. It is rare for this to occur prior to the running of the last flow of this series of processes, but if it occurs then acknowledge the win.

One thing the auditor must not do is interrupt the person while in the middle of this major win or during the laughter. Otherwise it will invalidate the win. The auditor simply maintains his TRs and lets the person have his win. Do not end the session until the laughter stops as this will also tend to invalidate the person and his win.

The laughter can go on for some time. Perhaps up to an hour. Be sure and just be there with the person during this win and not end the session until the laughter has subsided.

The following is the last series of processes one runs on the Super Power Rundown:

1. Get the idea that you have infinite power.
2. Get the idea that another has infinite power.
3. Get the idea that others have infinite power.
4. Get the idea that you can cause yourself to have infinite power.

5. Get the idea that you have been given infinite power.
6. Get the idea that another has been given infinite power.
7. Get the idea that others have been given infinite power.
8. Get the idea that you have caused yourself to be given infinite power.

9. Get the idea that you can give another infinite power.
10. Get the idea that another can give you infinite power.
11. Get the idea that others can give others infinite power.
12. Get the idea that you can cause yourself infinite power.

13. Get the idea that you are infinite.
14. Get the idea that another is infinite.
15. Get the idea that others are infinite.
16. Get the idea that you can cause yourself to be infinity.

Make sure to run only the reading process and check for interest. Do not run any process on the person in which he is not interested. The end phenomenon for the Super Power Rundown is a being who has regained the super powers of infinity.


This is rumored to be an objectives rundown which was being piloted in 1982 prior to David Mayo being removed from post.


“Look around here and find something you wouldn’t mind forgetting.”

Ref: Tape 5611C07 15 ACC 18 “Creation: Cycle of a Thetan”
Tape 5611C06 Time Track


Predicting the future is becoming an effect in present time. One is never otherwise than cause really. He can get into a prediction of the future which means “I am here in present time and the future is going to have an effect upon me.” Therefore his present time is an effect.

He does this not-knowing a future which he has mocked up. He has to have mocked it up and not-know it in order to have a future. The common denominator on it is not-know. So you have to not-know for the future and not-know for the past. And these not-knows encroach on present time until it gets as thin as a slice of boloney that you buy in a new York Delicatessen.

To a preclear who has no perception at all, present time has been totally extinct. The automatic machinery of the future and the past have not-know so automatically and so thoroughly that they have wiped out present time too. The goal is to broaden present time.

How broad present time can become I don’t know. I think very possibly it could be broadened up to two or three years at a crack. And there is no total impossibility on broadening it up to a million years into the future and a million years into the past and it would all be present time.

Present time would be two million years wide; the person just wouldn’t be not-knowing it. That would be an awful lot of mass.

You could just run not-knowingness processes and exercise and take over the automaticity of not-knowingness. You would broaden present time.

The processes you run on not-know are very simple. “Look around and tell me something you wouldn’t mind forgetting” is a wording that communicates to most preclears.


Ref: Tape 5312C03 “Time as a Barrier”


Cause is your own decision, command or postulate of action. As long as this precedes action, a person is self-determined. As soon as one’s postulate begins to succeed action, he is other-determined, because his postulate is being caused by other determinism than his own. He reaches out here and shifts the ashtray and then he looks at it and wonders why he shifted the ashtray and he says “It’s a good thing I moved the ashtray.” That’s automaticity. Automaticity is only strange and peculiar because it interferes with the barrier of time.
With ease you can pass through any other kind of barrier. By pulling on yourself the trick that we will all agree on the appearance and disappearance of space. Then we will depend upon some symbol which we put up which is spelled T-I-M-E to symbolize this appearance and disappearance of new particle positions. Then we will agree that these particles do not move except in this pattern of our agreement, according to certain laws and when we all hook into the same regulator on the same subject and then depend utterly upon time we can’t have the past again. Nor can we have the future again. It becomes a horrible, hectic contest on the part of the individual where is pantingly is keeping himself somewhere in the vicinity of these particles in present time. He is trying to coordinate with their motion consistently and continually and that is the strain which he’s undergoing.

He is in advance of all his automaticity when he’s in what we will call causative instant. Causative instant is being just a split second ahead of the actual change of the particle, because you’re actually assisting their change. Effect instant is being always, with postulates, a split second after the shift. The simultaneous-response bank is a fraction of an instant back of a shift of these particles called MEST. The observational, analytical mind is in the causative instant just a fraction of a second before the change.

I found this process rather uniformly effective if carried out long enough on the preclear that he finds himself fighting time so much and so impatiently that he’ll drop back into stimulus-response several times.


Simply seat your preclear in the midst of a bunch of MEST objects (dolls, toy cats, etc.) You give him the steer the first time or two and then deliver it into his own hands what he’s doing.

You say: “Now you decide to move that (object) to a new position.” And he does so, and you say “Now do it.”

His automaticity is being junior to your automaticity throughout, so you’ve got to get this up to a point where he is doing the whole thing and you just leave him there doing it.

NEXT STEP, we say, “Get the idea that you’re going to move that (object) to a new position.” He gets the idea. And you say “Do something else.” His wheels will kind of go screech, skid, and he will do something else. But he will get wise to this after a while: He’ll realize that he did something else on a stimulus-response.

NEXT STEP, you say “Now you yourself decide to move this (object) to a new position. You decide it and decide when to do it.” And then he’ll sit there and do it.

About that time, he may start to protest. He’s liable to have all kinds and varieties of protest. Why? Because you are making him actually push up that fraction of a second and he feels like he’s being speeded up beyond the point he can tolerate it. That intolerance of pace will not take place. It’s not upsetting. There’s nothing to that. You just get him to push on through it.

NEXT STEP, “Decide to move that (object). Now move it to the new position.” “Now pick out the new position it’s going to move into.” He does so, and you say “Now decide to move the (object) again to a new position.” And he will and you say, “Now having decided, get the idea that you suddenly have to move the ashtray over on your right.” He will.

What you’re working with there is interference and interruption of action and what you’re working with is basically automaticity and the interference with the cycle of action. So that we can’t finish cycles of action. What we’re working with is trying to return into his mind the idea that he makes up his mind to do something and then does it. That will key out all his machinery.

NEXT STEP, “Now make up your mind you’re going to move the (object) to a new position” He selects the new position, and you say “Now don’t do it.”
You’re only trying to move him ahead maybe a billionth of a second. He’ll get the idea that he should think of all these things and do them instantaneously. This is upsetting to him that he doesn’t do all these things instantaneously. He’s just trying to make a postulate work. This is his own laziness showing up with him. Now instead of that we force him to take it carefully, maddeningly and make up his mind to do something and put it to a new position and then not do it. Make up his mind to do something and change it to a new position and then have the idea that he’s got to change it and move something else instead, without moving the object, and merely make up his mind to change it to a new position and do it.


Ref: Tape 5511HF09 HPC-1 “Six Levels of Modern Auditing, SLP Issue 5 -Level 3”


Axiom 51 tells that postulates and communication as-is or change MEST, but MEST does not change MEST. That in essence is what the axiom says. Postulates and communication can change MEST, they can as-is it, they can make it disappear. Just the fact of thinking something can make MEST disappear.

Now if we were to create a vacuum in the middle of this room, we would find the air of the room would rush into the vacuum. Absence of pressure in the vacuum would bring about a filling of the vacuum. Absence of pressure in the vacuum would bring about a filling of the vacuum by presence of pressure outside the vacuum, and we would get the vacuum filling up. Similarly, we can create an electronic vacuum by thinking a thought in the middle of a block of energy, and the block of energy will then move in upon it. We make a postulate or we communicate from the middle of a block of energy and we create a vacuum and the energy can move in upon it.

Above everything is consideration. All things are basically postulates and considerations. Even time itself is a process of knowingness and not-knowingness. One makes a consideration and so it is. He unmakes a consideration and so it is.

But every time he thinks a thought he punches holes in MEST. All things are basically a consideration. Energy itself stems from a consideration. And simply contacting thought is sufficient to make energy disappear. Now we think, and are accustomed to thinking that if some fellow is thinking “dog” we would have to get the thought “thinking dog” to make the energy mass connected with it disappear. Not true.

It is the thought, the thinkingness, which makes it disappear, not the exact thought. If an individual cannot think a thought, he cannot of course make a decision. If you were to ask an individual simply “make a decision” and he was sitting there in his head or in the middle of a thetan bank with machinery all around, you would bring about the situation of restimulation.

The reason he can’t make a decision is that he really doesn’t, on his own, dare think a thought all by himself. The best way in the world to get packed in tight in the middle of a bank is to go out and sit on a mountain top for fourteen days. I’m sure you would have to exteriorize out of self defense. You think enough thought to cave in enough energy to bring about a collapse of the bank, and I am sure that you would see many phenomena. I’m sure you would see angels, demons, and everything. It would be quite an experience but it wouldn’t be very therapeutic.

For the first time, we know why an individual had better not self audit. If he doesn’t have somebody to talk to, if he can’t keep communication going, he cannot as-is the material that’s flying in on him as fast as he is throwing it into restimulation by thinking in the middle of it, he’s going to throw more into restimulation than he is going to get rid of.

We have in Level Three, a process which you think is a subjective process. But really it is not, it is an objective process. A process which is run in a quiet place or auditing room with an auditor. “Think a placed thought.” He should be able to think elsewhere than where he is. Why anybody would think where he is, I don’t know.

When he thinks where he is, he attracts energy to him. And he’ll always be inside the energy which hits him. From the standpoint of not getting trapped, that’s not the place to be. If you wish to maintain your mobility, you will have to learn to think a thought outside where you are. And so we have this process, and this process is totally and completed dedicated only to one thing. Practice in thinking a thought elsewhere until it’s our thought and we can think it ably and we can do well by it.

But as we run the process, we get an additional phenomena, which is quite interesting. For the first time, the individual is not getting pictures presented to him. The pictures are presenting themselves to the thought! In view of the fact that he is not looking from the center of the thought, he’s merely thinking the thought over there, he doesn’t usually notice that the pictures are presenting themselves over there for a change. And energy masses around his head and body have a tendency to fly away from where he is, or where his body is, and fly onto the place where he just thought the thought. So the drill is a very easy one. The object is to train the preclear to think thoughts exterior to his head and thetan bank.


“Think a thought in (or on) that (object)”

The auditor indicating the object or position. The auditor would indicate every time where the individual is to place the thought.

There is an alternative command which can be used:

“Do you see that object? Think a thought in (or on) it. Did the thought appear where it is?”


Ref: Tape 5511HF09 HPC-1 “Six Levels of Modern Auditing”, SLP Issue 5 - Level 3


Part A was “Think a Placed Thought” and Part B is “Choice Rehabilitation”

Choice obviously indicates that there are other objects in the world which have an influence upon you. We say “I choose”, therefore there must be a couple of things which have an influence upon you. If we said “make a decision,” well that sort of thing infers that we have a little more control over it, but we are still being monitored to some slight degree by other objects. We have to decide something. But we are deciding from a cause basis more or less on action to be taken or for something to happen. Now above that level, we simply make a postulate. We say “I think that will happen.” And above that level, we don’t have to do a think about it at all; we just know.

Choice is pretty much of an effect sort of thing. An individual has his choice, he can go to school or go to jail. The choice rather indicates the prior existence of influence factor.

We’ve got him where he can think a placed thought, now we have him make choices.

So we have a rather complicated process, and it runs like this:

“From _____ (and the auditor indicates a point), make a choice between (and he indicates positions or objects).”
You have already trained this chap to think an exterior thought and now you say “Do you see those two windows” and the fellow says “yes”. And you say “From this chair here, choose between them.”

Now he doesn’t go to the chair, he merely puts a thought on the chair which chooses between those two windows. We are teaching him to think, not just think a thought, but to think or make postulates exterior to himself.

Actually there are four choices: There is Window A, or Windows B, or neither Window A or B, or both. That is the possible number of choices that you will find the pc going into.

We are doing this so an individual can think or reason or postulate exterior to his own whereabouts. You understand that an individual making a decision where he is, is going to pull energy in on himself and that is going to alter his decision. So to make a clear decision, or to make a clear choice, he actually would have to be in a place of non-penalization. He would have to think the thought exterior to himself, make the choice or the decision exterior to himself in order not to be totally influenced by it.


Ref: Tape 5511HF09 Six Levels of Modern Auditing, SLP Issue 5 -Level 3


We get up to the next level, which is much easier and that is Directed Decisional Rehabilitation. Using the ability acquired in A and B, exercise the pc on decision.

You say, “Putting the decision on or in that chair, make a decision about it.” The actual thinkingness, the aliveness therefore, occurs in the chair. Energy masses actually cave in on it. The pc will feel energy masses departing from his own bank or body and leaving. He will get phenomena, but he won’t get strange visio. Usually his visio field will clear up, pressure will sometimes ago off of the eyes, or off of certain non-communication spots in the body. All kinds of remarkable things occur which he will tell you about and you will listen courteously.

He’s always been thinking in his head or right where he was, and therefore he attracted in upon him all the products of his machinery.

Now making a decision is rather permissive. The only thing that is directed about it is where he is going to make the decision, and about what he is going to make the decision. But what decision he makes is non-directed.


“Putting the decision on or in that ______ (indicated object), make a decision about it.”


Ref: Tape 5511HF09 Six Levels of Modern Auditing, SLP Issue 5 -Level 3


Using the abilities acquired in A, B, and C, turn the pc loose on decisions. Decisions must be outside of his head, or outside of the bank.

You have got to free up his decision entirely and that is done in Level Three and you make the simplest commands you can make here. That command is just “Decide something.”
Now we don’t suppose he is going to relapse back to thinking in his head, but we are going to ask him every once in awhile “where he decided it.” Tht would be part of the command, which is not written in the original issue. We have given him all of these drills, he now knows hwere to think.

It is flat when the individual can absolutely and with great certainty, decide something exterior to his head or bank.
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