O.J.Roos, Holland about L Ron Hubbard

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O.J.Roos, Holland about L Ron Hubbard

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A Few Notes about LRH ( Amended as per I 1.11.90 request Antony Phillips on 16.1 1.90. [Editors Note: The first article I received from Otto, I felt could just has well appeared in Source, with full church censorship in force. As I felt that our readers were entitled to ‘all the facts’ (see data sedes) and not to have possible outpoints suppressed, I wrote to Otto aslang for a more free article and this is the result. It later turned out that there was a misunderstanding, and Otto thought that I had said that our readers could not confront anything negative on Ron.]) By O.J.Roos, Holland ( Otto J. Roos came into Scientology in the late 1950’s and became fully trained as an auditor. He later went to Saint Hill (England) where he became a Class VII Power auditor and worked under LRH C/S as Case Officer SH. In 1967 he went to the “Sea Project”, as the Sea Org was called in its early beginnings, tiained under LRH on the Flag VM course, and became Flag VIII C/S. He was among the first Class IX to XII auditors under LRH C/S. He then became the Flag XD C/S. After also having completed the FEBC (Flag Executive Briefing Course), LRH appointed him as Class XII Tech Flub Catch and Control Officer W/W (world wide) to supervise the application of the tech. He also worked as Research Auditor on the OT levels and the Advanced X to XII data. After personal disagreements with LRH he was “thrown out” of the Sea Org. He arrived back in Europe with $100, and a huge “free loader debt” to the organization, which he paid while building up a world wide network of businesses. Apart from his own ability, he ascribes his results to his understanding and use of the ethics, tech, policy and admin data, and upon what he learned from the personal contact he had, working directly under and with Ron for many years. Ed.) Over the years I have had much contact with LRH, mainly on Auditing Technical matters, es¬pecially in the Saint Hill UK and in the Sea Org days.
Early 1966 I had originated and set up one of the first ‘OT Projects’, the LRH Finance Committee, to establish the exact amount owed to LRH by Scientology. The final amount, he said, he ‘for¬gave’ the church.
The true amount owed was not all that much but he added several millions on the price, being ‘the cost and goodwill of Saint Hill’. The ‘forgiving’ was a grand PR gesture. He personally never paid a cent towards SHUK.
LRH as Teacher
He had a near total memory for details of places, names, events, etc. His tremendous ability to re¬call details was phenomenal.
His knowledge of and his willingness to explain data, in this case the points of energy flow, later seen in financial policy, was inexhaustible.
He explained the movement of people and the flow of moneys through businesses in a combina-
tion which outlined the ideal flow lines in any organised endeavour. This scheme, originally laid out on cardboard in his own handwriting, later became known as the Organisation Board. He ex¬plained its background, where it came from, its flow lines, etc., in order to clarify the cohesion of auditing technology and organisational policy.
To go into this in detail would be too lengthy. Organisationally, when correctly applied, it built me very successful businesses. He was always a Researcher and Teacher, a Relay Point of Infor¬mation!
He, like I, often worked at night and used to wan¬der around Saint Hill and later on the Flagship at late hours and would discuss matters of Tech and Policy. He was most anxious in his wishes to truly be duplicated and went to any lengths to have this happen.
In recent years I have heard him being accused of “authorilarianism”, and though this was the case, in my experience he always, in his own way, had great care in his efforts to get the Tech correctly applied. In his Solo Research of the Upper Levels and with his Research Auditors he was very exact and sirict indeed in his Training and C/Sing, but he would spend any amount of effort to bring genuine understanding. Even when I was running the practical training of the Flag top auditors, he would come and supervise and personally train myself in the art of training!
LRH was an entirely different person when deal¬ing with, talking about, and explaining points of technology or policy, especially when he was speaking on a one to one basis.
He was then different in that he was relaxed, and keyed out. He even went to the point of calling me to his bedroom to have a person he himself trained to talk to, to enable him to sort things out for himself.
Especially on technical matters he wanted to be sure to be duplicated.
As mentioned in my letter to Antony, he was completely different when keyed out. We all are, but not many have as much to be keyed out of.
LRH as auditor
Also when being audited by him, he created a space which was safe beyond belief. Especially in the days of work on “OT Abilities”, like levitation, exteriorisation from the physical universe (in the early days of the then OT8 and upward on Flag in early 1968) he was a completely different man.
This was no “hidden data”, but such personal lectures gave quite another insight in the materials covered, es-pecially as he gave many examples out of his personal (very long) experience to clarily- the points made. The worth of these talks was inexpressible in terms of ma¬terial value.
LRH as research C/S
When he suddenly wanted further Testing/Research Auditing done into specific phenomena, the basic causes of them as well as the correct ways to handle them, were looked for and established. When LRH was on the trail of something in his research he never left off until he discovered, isolated, analysed and found ways to handle what he was after. Although this put quite a lot of strain on him and his body as well as on the few auditors who participated in this work, I have never known him to stop until the point had been fully
handled! This has been the way in which he worked for as long as I have known him. For example, years before the Sea Org a terminal cancer case on the Clearing Course had to be gotten through as major re¬search project. She was on this Solo Course way ahead of myself (the auditor), which did not exactly make for easy auditing. His C/Sing got her through! John McMaster (the world’s First clear) had the plea¬sure of verifying her Clear State, after which she im-mediately left the body. (In the old days Clears did not just attest, but we were subjected to a series of tests. We had to be able to produce certain E-meter phe¬nomena at will, we had to be able to demonstrate cer¬tain theta abilities.)
The auditing of this pc was done under LRH daily supervision/briefing, showing not only the exactness he was capable of but even more his care.
She was a very old friend of his from the 1950 days and he successfully did everything he could do lo get her before her death to the state of Clear. I had to ac¬tually audit her through the Clearing Course.
Very early OT Practical Research started in the mid sixties with the OT 2 Project Whole Track Recall, with myself as In Charge. We were briefed by LRH. This was a Mission to Ireland which had to do with special sections of OT 2. The briefing he gave was painstak-ingly accurate. The activity was top secret, we had to depart and return without mentioning our destination or purpose to anyone.
The Mission was auditing technically a success, show¬ing, as it did, the validity of Whole Track Recall. He was searching for (and found!) practical uses of this data in daily life. A few years later some of the audit¬ing data was used for his “Mission into Time” in the Mediterranean.
In those years his Solo Research, and his supervision of the research work done by his auditors, was done on the same lines of the unbelievable precision he later worked at instilling into Class X to XII trainees in the days when he still personally supervised their training on Flag.
LRH as supervisor
The original Class VID course was the true beginning of this precision. It was enforced by throwing students who had goofed (and that was each and every one of us somewhere along the line!) overboard. This was, especially for non swimmers, at times a horrifying ex¬perience. At later stage, when C/Sing some of the pc folders of students who had had this happen to them, it proved to have been absolutely terrifying. The ship was very high to be thrown off of! When I became Flag C/S I stopped this practice, because I couldn’t see the use of doing it, even though I had continued the practice when Flag C/S until I discovered what it had done to some auditors. However, LRH had said that “we can make top auditors in 3 weeks” and “therefore we could”. Completely absurd, but that was the law!
It made auditing totally unsafe, broke many well will¬ing auditors, and ruined a lot of well intentioned stu¬dents.
He then, in September 1968 in the First Class VIH course continued the “quickies” which had been first introduced together with the F/N in SHUK in 1966, which led to high incomes, low results.
His insistence on precision in auditing technology (he called it the Standard) was something which really characterised LRH, yet at the same time there always was the need to make money, money, money, and. I’m afraid to say, technical integrity was sacrificed on the altar of money!
The sacrifice of technical integrity and the skill of trai¬nee auditors on the altar of the quick buck was one of the major causes of the later often alleged “short com¬ings” of the Tech. This became very real to me after, as Flag C/S, having C/Sed many folder from the orgs under LRH supervision on Flag. The money attitude just mentioned spread into organisations all having to have “upstatistics”, mainly consisting of money. In view of the above it is also very clear WHY a lot of work turned out the way it did. When money (income from students and pc’s) is the great statistic, unin-tended overt production runs rife. This was very often well justified and lied about, I may add. LRH wrote that none of the pc’s ever left Flag without being exte¬rior with full perception. This was patently untrue! In pure auditing technology he was just LRH! In this area he had a quality of just knowing, a certainty he al¬ways sought to pass on to those who worked with him directly on these lines and this is something hard to relay in words. If one could describe experiencing coexisting knowingness, that would be it with this man.
This, however, only happened with the few who were around him for long enough to master the data under his supervision. The many overboards I could take in my stride as I was fortunate enough to be a good swim¬mer.
From my own personal experience I can say that mis-takes made in upper level research really hurt in mind and body. LRH must have been hit severely with his already much older body, and with every process ever developed (usually wrongly) run on him, especially in the old days, prior to the modem data governing the techniques of overrun, rehabilitation and listing & null-ing. The “creaks” (a horrible sensation of one’s back and spinal cord being twisted out of place) turned on misaligning, wrongly running GPM’s, once put me into doctor’s hands in Las Palmas, when working on OT II/III research. It nearly killed him with his much older body and I ended up with severe eye injuries. John MeMaster, another research auditor broke his foot in experiments of levitation, and I suffered horrendous chest and head somatics when running control proce¬dures over long distances. There have been many of such instances and incidents.
He was not the Source of the data, it has always been there, he was not even the Source of the way out and through, but he was the relay point who found and communicated this route for others to duplicate. Espe¬cially research auditing was not an “easy way” for him, his body, or his research auditors, but he, and thereby we, got through! The even later work on more ad¬vanced OT levels became progressively tougher.
(1 Running GPM’s is a procedure which was extensively used in the 60’s. II handled Goals and contained lots of listing procedures. As the modem rules of listing were not known back then, many auditing mistakes of severe nature occurred. [authors footnote])


L. Ron Hubbard Man or More than Man?
byBobRoss,USA (I B. Robert Ross (B. for Bernard) H.S.S. Cl VI (1964), Founding Saentologist, 1950 born 4/30/21 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, 1944, Licensed Professional Engineer, N.Y. State, U.S.A. 1947, Servo systems Engineer, E-Meters designer. Old timer — May 1950, brought Dn to Israel 1951, Led Dn group 1951-3, HCA/HPA D.C. 1957, 18th ACC, 2 Isl ACC, Briefing course D.C. under Dick and Jan Halpern 1961, SHSBC (18 months) 1963-4, Full Cl VI auditor trained to run R6 on PCs. (Knowledgeable on running GPM’s by R3M2), Staff member NY Org 65-7, D ofT, Discern Sec, Distrib Sec, E/O, Review Auditor, Cram Off, Qual Sec., Staff D.C. Oi-g 1976. Author, lecturer, auditor, engineer.)
I read the article in Astounding Stories in May 1950. This was a very exciting article but I was not sure it was not a hoax, so I looked in the phone book and found that the Hermitage House Publishing company actually existed. I called them and they said the book was being published. I immediately got on a subway train and went to their offices where I found other people also tlying to get the book. But, it wasn’t yet off the presses. I left money, to gel my copy and got mine on May 9, 1950.
A few months later I saw a demonstration by an Elizabeth student, of putting a young woman through a dental extraction under gas, this made many things in the book more real to me. I also audited and was audited. In December of 1950 I went to Israel with 50 copies of DMSMH. That got me in touch with many people and Dianetics got going in Israel.
I decided after two years and 4,000 hours of aud¬iting that Dianetics worked but that my expertise and knowledge left much to be desired. I had achieved one medical “miracle” by getting a woman (Emmy) walking who had been bedrid¬den for five years, and who had been given up by three medical specialists, an internist, a surgeon, and a psychiatrist. It took 2,000 hours over a period of 2 years (I could do it a lot faster today). She did not dance, but she walked for five years after that.
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